

Lox directly crushed Newgate's beak knife and Balorick's bat umbrella, and the two fell to the ground scarred, and only Allen was still able to stand.

With the dragon's physique, Eren persevered and was able to continue standing here.


Rocks laughed excitedly and said viciously; "Three little ghosts, it's really good strength!"



All three were gasping for air, although Rocks seemed to be admiring the three men.


The battle just now was not a level battle at all, to be precise, it was just a one-sided hanging, and there was no comparison at all.


Eren let out a long breath, stood up straight, and asked interestingly, "Rox, what do you want to do?" "


According to the strength of Lokes, if you want to kill yourself and others, you will die long ago, and it is not a level at all.

Since there is no one for the three of them.

Then the meaning is still very obvious.


The corners of Lokes's mouth opened and said interestingly: "The smart man Laozi also likes it very much, just say it!" Allen, Newgate, Balorick, the three of you come and become Lao Tzu's crew! "

"I refuse."

"Not interested!"


After everyone refused, Lokes instead said viciously: "Do you want to die?" "


The three people just remained silent and looked at Lox calmly.

Lokes said indifferently: "High-level three-color domineering is not simply achieved through cultivation, if there is no corresponding cultivation method, you will be like this even if you cultivate for a lifetime, and you will be weak all your life." "


Hearing this, the three people were silent, as if they didn't know what to say.

And Lokes continued: "Internal destruction of armed color domineering, seeing the future of seeing and hearing color domineering, overlord color domineering overlord color entanglement, and!" The power that Lao Tzu has just shown, these are high-level three-color domineering. "



Eren agreed without hesitation, though! The corners of his mouth opened with a grin: "Captain Lokes!" Be prepared and don't give me a chance, or I won't mind killing you." "



"If you can do it, you can try it!"

Lox is full of proud smiles, that domineering posture, full of absolute confidence, as the world's most powerful man, but also the world's most terrifying monster, such a monster if it is fearful, then it is the strangest thing.

The corners of Alan's mouth hooked, and a hideous smile appeared.

I've always felt strange.

Tricolor domineering cultivation!

I know what the effect is, but I can't go further, why is that?

Right now!

I understand that feelings, if there is no corresponding cultivation method, you will not be able to go further even if you are gifted.

No wonder!

Eren secretly understood that according to the character of the pirate, it was impossible to teach others casually.

And the world government can rule the world like this, and almost captive pirates, because pirates will not become real top powerhouses.

Only in the era of the future Four Emperors, the pirates have truly reached their peak, and those people have almost all come out of the Rocks Pirate Group and know the top-level tricolor domineering cultivation method, what does this mean? It already goes without saying!

"Edward Newgate?"

Lockes set his sights on Newgate.

Newgate sat cross-kneeled directly on the ground and said casually: "Since the eldest brother has agreed, then I have no opinion." "

According to the personality of his eldest brother, he has already agreed, then! There must be no problem, there is no doubt about it.

"Balorick Ledfield?!"

Rocks interestingly placed it on Balorick.


Baloric is a pure windfall, and Rocks is looking for someone with excellent qualifications throughout the new world, inviting them to join the Rocks Pirates.

As for the way to invite?


I'll beat you and then give you a red date is definitely the most suitable.

Not to mention.

Captain Lokes gave too much!

Not to mention how many gold and silver treasures can be obtained by joining the pirate group built by this man, it is just a top-level three-color domineering cultivation method that does not need to be said.

Again, there are too many ghosts.


Baloric shook his head without hesitation: "I'm not interested, what you gave, our family has inherited." "


Eren was stunned, looked at Balorick and thought about it, and found that it was really the same, Balorick looked at it as a rule, if such a high-level three-color domineering cultivation method was inherited, it seemed to be as it should be.


Rocks laughed proudly, "Balorick, Lao Tzu knows about the problems of your Ledfield family, too!" The devil fruit that can heal your Ledfield family is in Lao Tzu's hands. "


Baloric, who had always maintained aristocratic elegance, suddenly widened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

How can it be?!

Did Baloric really never dream that the Devil Fruit would be in Lox's hands?

To know!

The Ledfield family has some problems, and the origin of these problems is naturally impossible to say, but! This problem is also the reason why the entire Ledfield family has rarely appeared on the sea.

After all!

They have a problem with their bodies, and this problem can only be cured by a devil fruit, and Balorick has always been looking for it, but it is in the hands of Lox?

PS: New book uploaded! Five more everyday! Third more! Ask brothers for a wave of collecting!!

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