
Miko had already returned with the purchased intelligence, put the heavy information on the table, and said, "Big brother, second brother, Kaido, this time there are all countries involved in it!" Power! Organization! There are 40 in total, and the strength of joining hands is also very amazing, which is beyond doubt! "


Hearing this, Allen was interested and said interestingly: "The alliance of 40 organizations?" Kind of interesting! It just so happens that Lao Tzu wants to see, above this sea, what is the strength of these guys? "


A cruel smile emerged, and Alan's killing intent was too terrifying, but as long as he was not an idiot, he could see how ruthless this man would be! This man, however, never had any subordinates.

"Search ~~~"

Licking the corners of his mouth slightly, Allen flipped through everything in his hand, the smile at the corners of his mouth was extremely rich, but he wanted to see what everything next was.

You can say it bluntly!

The next thing is the most interesting thing, isn't it?


That's the fun! It's the most interesting thing, after all! Above this sea, the country! Organization! Power! In all respects, these are too many, and the amount of these gathered together is too large.


Dark Emperor!

These are the most powerful forces, but what else? In fact! There are still many other strengths, whether it is a member country! Or have not joined the country, or other underground organizations, including the underground emperor, in fact! These are all parts of this world, they are all part of this world, and it cannot be said that they are weak, but! There is absolutely no need to doubt that they are absolutely terrifying enough in every way.

After all!

This world is huge enough, these are all in front of you, this is an undoubted thing! It can be said that all this is the most important thing, even said! Everything needs to be well considered, this! You absolutely have to be very clear about it, that! Definitely a matter of no doubt.

And other than that?


But as long as they are not idiots, they are very clear, although they say that their strength alone may not be considered strong! After all, it's just a small force! However, when they join hands, their strength is very terrifying, this is absolutely undoubted, in terms of overall strength, they are absolutely undoubted! This is the real strength, definitely not a joke! It's real strength!


Faintly exhaled a puff of smoke, and Allen's expression was filled with endless calm, very interesting: "Okay!" It's fun! Next, let's wait and see, Lao Tzu wants to see, when will the joint efforts of these guys make a move! Don't be too late, otherwise, Lao Tzu will feel too bored! "

A cruel smile emerged, Alan's killing intent was absolutely terrifying, without any jokes! Just kidding, since you dare to find trouble with Lao Tzu? So! You'll have to pay for it! No matter who it is! Are you going to pay for it?

You don't think the next thing will be very simple, do you? Contrary! All this next thing is the most terrifying thing! If, if you think it's really a very simple thing! That's the strangest thing!

"Search ~~~"

Licking the corners of his mouth slightly, Eren felt very interesting! What will be the next result? That's the most fun thing!

"Goo la la la ~~~"


The three brothers are all smiling, and everyone is very rich, obviously! For the three brothers, they are very much looking forward to what will happen next! After all, no one knows, what will happen next, and what is the strength of the opponent? That's the most interesting thing, isn't it?

Because of this!

This is the most interesting thing, and it is the most exciting thing! Don't disappoint! Now that you've joined forces, if it's disappointing! That's too boring, what will be the next result? That's the most fun thing, isn't it?!

It can be said!

Eren has done all this, and it is full of endless indifference! For all this, everything has long been prepared, next! Let Lao Tzu take a look at what the next result is!

"Search ~~~~"

Licking the corners of his mouth slightly, Allen said interestingly: "To put it bluntly!" The rest of the things don't need to be too careless, and it's not a big deal anyway! These things can be disposed of casually! It's not a big deal anyway. "

Alan thought it didn't matter, anyway! In daily life, the Whitebeard Pirates also have nothing to do! So! Just think of it as watching the excitement, and then let's see what the result is, and what kind of means they can make.

Isn't that fun?!

Because of this!

Everyone thinks it's very interesting, and the next thing is the most interesting thing!

Alan's smile is very strong, but I want to see, next! What kind of things these people can do, this is no joke! It's a real fact, and Alan really wants to see it.

After all!

For myself, after ten years, for my current self, continue to go to sea! Then of course not to say that it is the same as watching the excitement, although say! It's not a good thing that someone is looking for trouble! But ah! That's a fun thing, isn't it?

Although you said that you are looking for trouble! But ah! Lao Tzu didn't care about this in the slightest! Exactly, let Lao Tzu see what the next result is, then it's good! Lao Tzu also wanted to see what the result was!

All this next! That's the most interesting thing.


A funny smile emerged, and Alan's killing intent could be said to be filled with endless horror! It is even more full of terrifying killing intent! This is definitely no joke! But! The same thing is that Lun smile is full of funny excitement!

What's next?

That's the most fun thing!

"Search ~~~"

Licking the corners of his mouth slightly, Allen's smile can be said to be very rich, and he is very excited! The next result is the most interesting thing, and this is also the most exciting thing!


Whitebeard Pirates!

Calm days!

How should it be or how, after all! Although it is said that after the war of Adam's kingdom, this seems to be a matter of no concern to the Whitebeard Pirates! In any case, the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates is really placed here, and this is an undoubted thing.

If that's the case, then there won't be much going on usually, actually! This is true for most pirates, daily life is very calm, not to say! To really leave the sea is to be magnificent every day, which is pure nonsense! Or rather, it's like a joke.

If everything really is that simple, isn't it like a joke?

That's pure! If everything is really so easy to truth, then everything is the strangest thing! Even the weirdest things that make people feel, these things! It's not at all, it's so easy there!

This is the voyage of normal sea pirates, and if it is those weak pirates? Then there is still something to consider! Every day can be a problem, that's it! Definitely a matter of no doubt.

After all!

For pirates, there are still a lot of troubles, and whether you can handle all this well is also a very important thing, the strength of pirates! Definitely a matter of no doubt!

"Whew~~~" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Exhaling a turbid breath slightly, Abel had just finished his daily training and wiped the sweat from his forehead! Seriously, Abel is a really handsome guy! It's really not a joke in terms of looks.

"Brother Abel, someone is looking for trouble!"

"What to do with it?"

"Looking for trouble?!"

Just rested, Abel just heard such a sound, and instantly flew high and disappeared in place, for Abel! These are all things that don't matter, Abel wants to see who the person is coming!


Directly disappeared without a trace, Abel's speed was extremely fast, like an afterimage instantly disappeared in place, the speed was too fast, it was so fast that people could not detect it at all.

And this is the strength of Abel.


Not far away, a pirate ship came straight for the Moby Dick.


The pirate captain led by him let out a deafening roar, and the whole person seemed to be laughing excitedly; "Little ones! But it's so exciting! Exactly, let Lao Tzu take a look at what the next situation is! This is the Moby Dick! Whitebeard Pirates! Defeat this pirate group, we will be the number one in the world! "

"Oh roar!"

Responding to the captain was a frantic roar.

For these pirates, this is what they are most looking forward to! The most important thing for pirates to go to sea is their reputation, if they don't even have a reputation! Then this pirate is not a qualified pirate, for any pirate.

They are all filled with endless madness, but also filled with endless horror! That's what these pirates love to do! And for these pirates, everything that follows is a very interesting thing! What will happen next?


That's a lot of fun! They don't care at all if they are opponents or not, for pirates! All you have to do is launch an attack, attack! Offensive! Definitely don't have any hesitation, this is the character of pirates!


In the eyes of many people, isn't this like death for pirates? Truly! For most people, pirates are dying, which is obviously idiotic behavior, but as long as they have brains, it is impossible to do such a thing!


Such a thing is done, and! Most pirates will never hesitate! This is also the fundamental reason why pirates are basically called crazy! In fact, everything is so simple, no matter what the reason! This is the pirate!

And these guys are a group of real horror maniacs, and what will such a madman do next?

In fact!

But as long as they are not idiots, they are very clear, for these madmen, they will not care about everything, they just know that the opportunity is in front of their eyes, if they can't seize such an opportunity, then they will not forgive themselves for the rest of their lives!

That's right, this is what these pirates think, for all pirates, this is their madness from the soul, from the heart, this is the madness of pirates! It is also the most incomprehensible madness for everyone, why? Why do pirates want to be so crazy?

This is the thing that makes the most difference to everyone! But whether you feel the gap or not, this! It's all in front of you, because pirates and these guys have always been like this.




With the captain's command waving the captain's knife, and all the pirates let out a deafening roar, frantically fired, frantically attacked, for them, they were like a flat boat in front of the Moby Dick, but! They just don't care!




Stop it! This is already simply impossible! Remember, for these madmen of pirates, they don't have such thoughts at all, all they want to do is completely kill each other, as for everything else?

I'm sorry!

They're just not interested in anything! Maybe he will die himself, but! You remember, since you chose to go to sea, it may be different in the future era, but in this era! Pirates are the face of a bunch of crazy people!

After all!

When the pirates already need to cut the land for king! Maybe their strength is more (okay Zhao) stronger, maybe their sharpness is even more amazing, but! You must admit that this also represents their weakness! This is absolutely unquestionable!

It can be said that...

This is the fundamental core of the pirates! Don't forget, you're a pirate! And as a pirate, you actually chose to cut the land as king? So are you still a pirate? You can't even go to sea as a pirate!

This is something that makes no sense at all, and this is why Whitebeard is called the strongest pirate group! The reason is very simple, the Whitebeard Pirates have no base, although many islands are their territory, but there is indeed no base.

And as time passed, the Whitebeard Pirates remained navigators above the sea, and they still sailed as pirates.

As for saying!

Why can the Whitebeard Pirates in the original attack the Navy headquarters for Ace! But after learning the news of Mitsuki Ota's death, he did not attack Wano Kuni?

In fact!

The reason for this is very simple, and Whitebeard gives the saying that this is to avoid greater damage! Or rather, there may be problems with starting a war, but do you think this phrase is scientific? Or even say! The Whitebeard Pirates all dare to directly attack the naval headquarters!

The root cause of this is actually very simple! That is, the Whitebeard Pirates do not recognize Mitsuki Ota! Although it is said that Marko and Izang have chosen to help in the future, but! That's for special reasons.


Don't forget that in the eyes of the Whitebeard Pirates, Mitsuki Ota is a betrayer! Isn't it the biggest problem that he betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates and joined the hostile Roger Pirates? Apparently said! This question is very clear to anyone who is not an idiot! Because of this! Whitebeard is the one who gave up saving the country of Wano!

PS: 5000 words big chapter! Six more everyday! Fourth more! Subscribe please! Customize yourself! Collect it! Ask for flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for tips! Ask for evaluation!!。

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