

The ship slowly docked!

"Neil! This is it? "

"Big brother!"

"Don't worry!"

Looking at Allen who jumped down.

Neil is confident; "This is my chosen island, and! All around has been blocked, absolutely no one will find here, the people inside can't get out, all the treasures are placed here, absolutely safe! "

With a confident thumbs up, Neil said he had absolutely no problem doing things.


Eren nodded to this as well.

Although said.

Neil's strength is nothing, but there is a specialization in the art industry, and Neil is very good at this, even exceptionally good, and he handles everything tightly and methodically.

It's an individual ability.

You let the brothers Allen and Newgate handle this?


It's like a joke!

The brothers can just roll their eyes to you!

"Goo la la la ~~~"

Newgate laughed; "Neil, how much gold and silver treasure have we reached now?"

Neil also rubbed his chin and said: "Two big brothers, the total amount of gold and silver treasures in our hands now is almost 6 billion Bailey, in addition..."


Allen waved his hand and said, "Neil, you can deal with these things, Lao Tzu is really not interested in this at all." "

"No problem!"

Neil is also smiling, he has absolute confidence, there will be absolutely no problems.

The two eldest brothers trust themselves, then they will not do that kind of thing.


Neil is definitely the unquestionable thing.

"Stinky boy, next, it's time for us to start moving, right?"


Listening to the words of the eldest brother, Newgate also said: "Big brother! After coming out for so long, it is time for Captain Rocks' task to begin, otherwise, it will be quite troublesome when everyone else has completed the task. "


Eren nodded to this as well.


When the two were ready, they left again.



As the waves churned, the brothers piloted a ship that was not too big, and had gone straight into the distance.


It is the most important purpose of this trip to sea, to dispose of the task of Captain Rocks.


"Let me see..."

Eren took out the information and was just about to take a look.



Suddenly, shells fell.


The two Allen and Newgate brothers narrowed their eyes slightly at the same time and turned their heads to look at the situation in the distance.


Eren was stunned, and then said interestingly: "I didn't expect it!" Those guys from the Navy actually chased after them! "

"Goo la la la ~~~"

"Big brother!"

"Although our bounty order has not continued to improve, but! If nothing else, it will continue to rise. "

Eren said casually: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, if it doesn't rise or not, Lao Tzu doesn't care, but!" I didn't expect that the Navy would find our position so quickly. "

Is it betrayed?

Allen is very calm!

This is pure nonsense, go to sea their own brothers?

That's simply impossible!


Above the sea, it is really not difficult for the Navy to find a person.

It's like Karp chasing Roger every day.

As long as the Navy wants to find it, it can definitely be found, this is the capabilities of the Navy, absolutely undoubtedly a thing.


"Who the hell is the navy?"

Allen was more interested in this.

Who are the people of the Navy!

"These two people are..."

Eren squinted slightly, already seeing who the person who came was.

After all!

According to his own knowledge and domineering, it is too easy to discover this.




Allen squinted, although he said young, he was definitely one of the pillars of the future Navy, a future marshal, a future hero of the Navy.

It can be said to put it bluntly.

Allen and Newgate, Balorick and others are monsters of the new generation of pirates.


Sengoku and Karp, Zefa and others are monsters of the new generation of navies.

PS: New book uploaded! Five more everyday! First more! Ask brothers for a wave of collecting!!

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