

The pirate ship gradually went straight to an island.

Alcatraz Island!

This island....

If you look down from above, you'll see that the whole island looks like a giant skull.

Because of this.

The island is known as Alcatraz Island.

Of course!

Originally this island was called Skull Island, just! This is the name it used to be! Today, the island is known as Skull Island.


It's actually very simple!

The Evil Ghost Pirate Group, one of the world's top five pirate groups, is stationed here, so this island is called Devil Island!

As for the former name, it really doesn't matter.


A wisp of green smoke spat out, and Eren sat cross-kneeled on the bow of the boat, thinking slightly: "This island is quite interesting!" "


Newgate stood beside him and said, "Big brother! Devil Island is the gathering place of the Evil Ghost Pirates, and there is a high mountain in the middle of Devil Island, which is called Dajiangshan! "

"Big rivers and mountains?!"


Eren blinked, but he didn't expect that it was such a statement.

Big rivers and mountains!

For this name, Eren is very clear, isn't that the place where the ghost monsters in the myth who lived a good day gathered?


Eren rubbed his chin and said interestingly: "The legend gathers the great rivers and mountains of the ghost clan!" But! Other words..."

Alan thought it was interesting!

After all!

The owners of the mountains are the legendary Ibaraki Boy and the Wine Swallowing Boy.


The two captains of the Evil Ghost Pirate Group are also the two ghost kings.

Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Ibaraki Boy Type Ability, Ibaraki.

Everyone's fruit, phantom beast species, wine swallowing boy type ability, wine swallowing.

These two people!

It is the two famous ghost kings on this sea, and they are also the captains and deputy captains of the evil ghost pirate group.

As for the rest?

In Allen's opinion, it was a meaningless thing, purely like some garbage, and did not need to be too much garbage in his eyes.

Don't take the rest of these guys too seriously! It's just a bunch of garbage!


Eren is now thinking at the same time, and the entire Alcatraz Island is also opening a banquet.


"Hahaha ~~~"



"It's enjoyable!"


Under the Great River, Alcatraz Island is the location of the skull's jaw, which is the only landing port for the entire Alcatraz Island.

Generally speaking!

As long as you hold here, no matter how terrifying your strength is, you want to land? That's not an easy thing, easy to defend and hard to attack! This sentence is definitely not a joke.

But ah!

That was normal, but the current situation?


It's more or less an abnormal situation.

The pirates guarding the harbor by the Evil Pirates Group were already drunk and confused, and they were almost passing out.

"Have you heard?"

"This time, the eldest brother and the second brother got a very top-notch devil fruit!"

"Hahaha ~~~"

All of them were drinking excitedly.


That's right!

The entire group of evil ghost pirates was immersed in joy at this moment.

As a matter of fact!

This is true for most pirate groups, they don't care so much, many times, they are holding banquets.

It's like a red-haired pirate group.

If it wasn't for a little brain or a few people left to watch over, then something really went wrong.


These few people who were watching over the port obviously did not notice that a pirate ship had gradually approached!

And they are still immersed in joy.

"Then again!"

"What kind of devil fruit is that devil fruit that the eldest brother and second brother obtained?"

"I don't know!"


"I heard that it is a top-level animal line devil fruit."


"What does this have to do with us? Honestly drinking is the end of the road! "


One by one, the pirates can also see it, as far as their status is concerned, no matter how high-level the devil fruit is, it has nothing to do with them.

If that's the case.

Then it is better to take this opportunity to drink and eat meat!

And be able to have a little more time!

PS: New book uploaded! Five more everyday! Fifth more! Ask brothers for a wave of collecting!!

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