"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Don't use it, I'm leaving!"

"Toot ......"

This Nizi's temper is getting more and more explosive!

Originally, I was going to rush it, but now it seems that time does not allow it.

Naturally, a woman's words cannot be taken seriously.

Of course, you can't just ignore it.

Su Ye went out nervously.

Leaving a dazed Reba.


Su Ye was not idle.

The outside world has not been quiet either.

For the next few days, all netizens were stupid.

originally thought that the next-day box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" was just the first day of depression, which led to an outbreak.

That's how almost everyone thinks.

But the box office data in the next few days slapped everyone in the face.

For seven consecutive days, it did not fall but rose.

More than a million ...... on the first day

350 million the next day!

Three hundred and eighty million on the third day!

420 million on the fourth day!


Five and three hundred million on the seventh day!

It's numb.

Completely numb.

Everyone was numb.

Looking at the box office data of "Wolf Warrior 2", everyone has an unrealistic feeling.

For seven consecutive days, the box office has risen instead of falling!

There is no sign of a pullback!

Film critics who have come to their senses have predicted the final box office.

[Steady and good for a week!"Wolf Warrior 2" is expected to exceed 4 billion at the final box office!]

[Miracle! Su Ye's miracle! The miracle of "Wolf Warrior 2"! It is a miracle of Chinese film history!]

[The box office results in the past seven days have broken the history of Chinese films, and the final box office is expected to exceed the 5 billion mark!]

[Can Su Ye create another miracle!? "Wolf Warrior 2" may become a milestone in Chinese film history!]


Netizens looked at the hot searches and hot topics, and they were all stupid.

Four billion?


What a joke!

The highest box office performance in the history of Chinese film is only in the early twenties!

And that's the result set by "Avatar" 510!

It's not the Huaxia people's own movie!

At this moment, while everyone was shocked, a sense of honor came to their hearts.

"Su Ye is awesome!"

"The leader of Chinese films!"

"Su Ye YYDS!"

"It's really awesome to open the door, awesome to get home!"


"I watched the movie from the beginning, and it deserves this box office!"

"Love, love!"



Many big Vs who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement compared the box office of "Lao Paoer" in the past seven days with "Wolf Warrior 2".

[The beginning and end of Su Ye and Feng Xiaogang's grievances and the comparison of the box office of the two films!/Picture/Picture/Picture]

With the forwarded comments of netizens who watched the excitement of eating melons, it instantly appeared on the hot search.

"Hehe, are Feng pants still crazy?"

"I'm numb, Feng Pants is also the creator of domestic Chinese New Year films, and he is also the most box office appeal in China, I didn't expect the gap with Su Ye to be so big?"

"Ho ho ho! Move my family's ancestral little bench!"

"Eat melon, eat melon!"

"The front row supports Su Ye!

"Haha, I just like to see that you guys haven't seen the world, who is Su Ye? That's a professional slap in the face!"

"Poof! The conversation upstairs made me laugh, when did Su Ye have more of this title?"

"It's been spread a long time ago, Su Ye will have an accident wherever he goes, not to mention his natural black physique, the key is that this talent and strength are really awesome!"

"All kinds of desperate turnarounds, all kinds of slaps in the face!"

"Where's Feng pants? Didn't director Feng Xiaogang jump a while ago? Why didn't he come out to speak?"

"Still secretly making a stumbling block?

"How can you do that?"


On the Internet, one followed suit.

Even netizens who are not very familiar with Su Ye and Feng Xiaogang saw this situation and went up to join in the fun.

Suddenly, on the entire Internet, everyone shouted and beat Feng Xiaogang.


The crew of "Lao Paoer".

Xu Riqing: "It's all messed up on the Internet, and our box office results are not bad, why did we become the enemy of the whole people?"

Zhang Hanhe: "Whew! Let's just say that Director Feng did too much a while ago!"

Li Yifeng: "It's not Director Feng's reason, who would have thought that this Su Ye is so perverted, the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" is a gunpowder!

Guan Hu: "Alas! There is no way, we can only blame us for running into hard stubble! This Su Ye really can't be handled with common sense!"

"This box office ...... I'm numb anyway!"

"A while ago, I was a newcomer who didn't have any fame in the film industry, but with the movie "Wolf Warrior 2", I'm afraid ...... No one in the film industry can compare to him again!"

"Not only is there no one to compare, according to this box office result, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the leader of the young generation of film industry......"


Feng Xiaogang was at home, looking at the chat in the group, the whole person was already stupid.

Looking at the computer again, the box office comparison of the two movies over the course of a week.

In addition to the box office on the first day, "Wolf Warrior 2" crushed "Lao Paoer" in all aspects.

Think back to what I once said on the Internet.

At this moment, it was like a big slap in the face.

Bang Bang Bang!

Even in the room, you can hear the echo.

After this incident.

In the future, wherever Su Ye appeared, Feng Pants would have to walk around with his head down.

Even because of the problem of film scheduling rate, many offline theaters have a bad relationship with him.

The celebrity artists who originally supported him in the circle, although they didn't say it in their hearts at the moment, they must be angry with Feng Xiaogang.

Because of Feng Xiaogang, they offended a rising star in Chinese film history!


Not a nova.

It's a special superstar!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Although these celebrities didn't say it, they must have an opinion about him in their hearts.

"Don't be afraid, after so many years, what haven't we experienced?"

"Take your time, there's definitely a chance to turn over. "

"Besides, the box office of "Lao Paoer" itself is not bad, and there is definitely no problem with the final box office of eight or nine billion......"

Xu Fan couldn't help but comfort Feng when he saw Feng's pants looking discouraged. []

Feng Pants looked at Xu Fan, and couldn't help but feel a trace of guilt in his heart.

The release period of "Wolf Warrior 2" is one month. (daae)

For a whole month, the entire network and film industry, everyone experienced a carnival.

With the end of the release period, "Wolf Warrior 2" went offline.

The final box office statistics are also out.

The total box office during the release of "Wolf Warrior 2": 5.63 billion.

The total box office during the release of "Lao Paoer": 902 million.


Looking at the statistical data report issued by the Huaxia Film Center, everyone was stunned.

Whether you like Su Ye or hate Su Ye.

Seeing the total box office result of 5.6 billion, everyone was shocked and speechless.

Subsequently, related topics were even more searched.

["Wolf Warrior 2" reached the top! Refresh the history of Chinese box office films!]

[Su Ye!The myth continues!An unborn genius!]

[From traffic star to powerful superstar - Su Ye!]

[Half a year!Three TV series!A movie that refreshes the history of the Chinese box office!]


"This ...... What the hell!"


"Awesome my brother! This box office! I'm numb!"

"Su Ye is simply a god in the film and television industry!"


"But the old man has no culture, and he goes to the world in a!"


At the same time, many netizens began to turn over old accounts.

"Where's the Feng pants man?"

"Aren't you going to boycott Su Ye on behalf of the film industry?

"It turns out that the so-called sophistication of human feelings is vulnerable in the face of real talent!"

"It's hard not to support!"

"What about director Feng Xiaogangren?

"It's okay to take two steps?"


"Do you want to be so funny?"


Suddenly, netizens who were still at the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" instantly shifted the direction of the wind.

Under Feng Xiaogang's Weibo, the comments and messages are like crazy.

"Come out!"


"Say something!"

"Feng pants!"


Feng Xiaogang looked at Weibo, and the whole person collapsed instantly.

In the next second, I turned off the comment directly.

Suddenly, netizens had no place to spill their anger.

turned his head and aimed directly at the crew members of "Lao Paoer".

"Hey, hey, what about the box office beating "Wolf Warrior 2"?"

"I don't think you can do it either?"

"Is there anyone in charge who comes out and says something?"


Guan Hu, Xu Riqing, Zhang Hanhe, Li Yifeng...... Waiting for the main creator and starring Weibo below, it exploded instantly.

Several people wanted to cry without tears.

These are all cannons put by Feng's pants, are you looking for the wrong person?

This Feng pants are really not a thing, when the matter comes to an end, he actually became a turtle with a shrunken head?

Throw down this pair of messes, how can they top it?


That's when it happened.

A small video that is obviously secretly taken, and the popularity is rising.

I don't know if it's because of big data, many netizens have swiped this Weibo.

Click on.

The camera shakes.

The lights are dim.

The picture is blurry.

But the faces and body shapes in the lens are very clear.

"This ...... This is Feng pants?"

"Good fellow!


"Hehe, are you embarrassed to say that you are both virtuous and artistic?"

"Tut-tut, Feng pants, who has always been in front of people with a loving husband and wife and a harmonious family, is such a person in private?"


"This is scum!"

"Who is the woman? she looks beautiful, but her face is raw!"

"The woman is obviously an outsider. "


With the forwarding and liking comments of netizens, the popularity has risen sharply.

The Weibo titled "Shocking Melon! Suspected Famous Director Feng Xiaogang Having an Affair!", in less than half an hour, directly appeared on the hot search.

Feng pants' character in front of the public has always been a harmonious family, and he is very affectionate with his wife.

This is also one of the reasons why although he magnifies his cannons in the media and speaks freely, he still has many die-hard fans.

At this moment, the video of the cheating affair has been exposed, and suddenly, these die-hard fans are stupid.

Feng pants national support group.

"This ...... Is this video real?"

"I'm stupid!

"Is Xu Fan not good to him? for him to quit the entertainment industry, face his husband and teach children at home, and even because he already has a daughter, Xu Fan and he have not continued to have children!"

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