Jiang Baichuan was in a daze for a while, and the bloody tiger had already run a long way away. He couldn't let it run away. Half a step to the level of the Venerable was worth 10,000 points.

The bloody tiger couldn't run away even if it wanted to, and even if it couldn't catch up for a while, Jiang Baichuan wasn't too anxious, feeling a bit like a cat catching a mouse.

Just when Jiang Baichuan was about to catch up, he felt someone with venerable level strength rushing towards him, and he was instantly confused.

Why the hell are you going to bring in reinforcements? It shouldn’t be!

Jiang Baichuan took action directly, and the thunder in his palm moved quickly. He was about to kill the bloody tiger and ran away. He did not have the courage to face two Venerables alone.

The thunder and lightning suddenly sounded like wind and thunder, and the entire area was covered by the thunder. Even the roar of the bloody tiger was drowned.

After picking up the spar on the ground, Jiang Baichuan planned to return. Just as he was about to leave, he seemed to hear Matthew's voice.

Jiang Baichuan was not very sure, and began to let go of his spiritual consciousness to check. If it was really Matthew Taibao who was being hunted down by the Venerable, he would definitely need help.

At this time, Matthew was about to cry, and he was already in a very depressed mood. Several of his colleagues had advanced to the level of venerables, but he was still a half-step venerable.

In a moment of anger, he attacked some strange beasts. Unexpectedly, he stung a hornet's nest. There were actually two Venerable-level beasts inside. If only one of them had the confidence to escape, he would still have the confidence to escape.

At this moment, his breath was a little unstable, and he tried his best to only injure one of them, which made the two venerable-level beasts chase after him.

Why! Time is also fate!

Matthew was a little reluctant, but he couldn't bring the alien beasts closer to the base, otherwise many people would be affected, so he could only look for opportunities in the surrounding areas.

After flying for who knows how long, he found that there was an attack wave in front of him, so Matthew had no choice but to try. His spiritual power had been consumed too much, and he wouldn't be able to hold on for long even if he ran again.

When Matthew flew over here, he happened to see Jiang Baichuan standing in the air. The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"Run quickly! Two venerable-level blood evil monkeys are chasing us."

Jiang Baichuan was also a little confused. Can this bloody monkey reach the level of a venerable? Before long, a deafening stampede came from the front, and two blood-evil monkeys nearly ten meters high appeared in front.

"Teacher, step back."

I'm going to start showing off! He didn't say this, but why didn't Matthew see it? He was so young and energetic! I just became a grandmaster and became so arrogant.

Jiang Baichuan raised his hand directly. Just when he was about to activate the five thunders, he found that he was about to use his hand seal. This was so embarrassing.

Matthew looked like he was playing monkey, and he suspected that this student was mentally retarded after breaking through the master.

Jiang Baichuan realized it and immediately began to use his hand seals. In an instant, the entire area was covered by dark clouds, and the depressing atmosphere made Matthew unbelievable.

Why the hell does this have the pressure of heaven and earth?

The two Blood Demon Monkeys also sensed danger and wanted to escape instantly, but the aura from the sky had locked onto them. In less than two seconds, several purple thunderbolts descended from the sky and struck down on the Blood Demon Monkey's head.

The Blood Demon Monkey would not sit still and wait for death, and began to condense the Gang Qi armor all over his body, preparing to resist these thunderbolts.

Then a scene that shocked Matthew appeared. The Blood Demon Monkey's Gang Qi Armor was shattered to pieces with one blow, immediately fell apart with the second blow, and his aura was unstable after the third blow.

There was a sudden thunder in the sky, and before the fifth strike, the two blood evil monkeys were immediately annihilated. Matthew swallowed, this was too outrageous, he couldn't accept it.

Jiang Baichuan was not feeling well at this time. This five-thunder blast directly consumed half of his spiritual power. This magical power could only be used as a special move now, and there was no spiritual power left to fire twice.

Seeing Matthew's confused expression, Jiang Baichuan was quite satisfied. It was so satisfying to show off in front of the teacher.

The two Blood Demon Monkeys contributed 100,000 points, which was not bad. Together with the Blood Demon Tiger in front, they got another 200,000 points, one step closer to one million.

Jiang Baichuan picked up the crystals on the ground. This was another great harvest. There were still many sixth-order crystals in front of him that he had not picked up. He directly said hello to Matthew and flew back.

Matthew could only keep up. His eyes were full of doubts now. This boy's combat power was beyond his expectation. The Grandmaster level actually surpassed the Venerable level in seconds. Why can't I do it?

Then when he saw the bloody tigers all over the ground, Ma Taibao was completely numb. It was like killing a chicken in the same realm. How the hell was he, a person of the same thunder element, supposed to deal with himself?

Jiang Baichuan was very happy. There were so many sixth-order crystal stones that it was impossible to use them all. It was more than enough for Luo Qianjun, let alone Luo Yiyi.

"Classmate Jiang, did you have any adventures after you broke through to master level?"

Ma Taibao wouldn't believe it even if he beat him to death. They were both lightning-type superpowers, so it was possible to have one against a few, but facing more than twenty of them at the same time, they were still half-step to the level of a venerable. How could this be possible?

Jiang Baichuan was very proud when he saw Matthew saying this. When he was assigned a mentor, Matthew pretended to be inscrutable.

"No! I just feel like I have some breakthrough in my understanding of supernatural powers."

The more Jiang Baichuan downplayed it, the more Matthew felt sad. This was so Versailles!

When Jiang Baichuan saw Matthew's expression, he couldn't tease him anymore. Thunder and lightning began to condense in his hands. The moment the lavender thunder and lightning appeared, Matthew's eyes almost fell out.

Matthew Taibao is not a novice in spiritual practice, so he naturally knows what the purple thunder means. Only when the venerable mind reaches a certain level and is integrated into the superpower can such a situation occur.

This student has just advanced to become a master, but he has already reached a phenomenon that only occurs at the venerable level. What kind of monster is this!

Seeing Matthew's expression, Jiang Baichuan was also a little confused. Is he so surprised?

"Teacher, has my power mutated?"

Matthew shook his head and nodded again, leaving Jiang Baichuan speechless. What on earth are you talking about?

"The purple color of your supernatural lightning indicates that you have reached a very high level of understanding of supernatural powers. This phenomenon generally only occurs at the venerable level."

Matthew Taibao didn't mince words and told him about his situation. Then he immediately became happy when he thought that Jiang Baichuan was his student.

If a student like this can rebel against the Venerable, he will also be able to be tough in front of those Venerable-level instructors in the future.

Jiang Baichuan thought thoughtfully. No wonder he suddenly had an inexplicable understanding of supernatural powers when he advanced. From this point of view, compared with the Venerable level, the difference between him and the Venerable level is only the spiritual power value.

And the reason why there is such a change is most likely caused by the evolution of the thunderous thunder into the five thunders.

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