Unable to let these thugs continue, Jiang Baichuan casually took a piece of clothing and tied it to his face, then rushed over.

Suddenly, there was a sudden sound of thunder and lightning, attracting the attention of many people in black.

"Kill the people with thunder powers first, and leave those pigs alone."

In the eyes of these men in black, pedestrians in the mall are just pigs. Without combat abilities, he is basically a lamb to be slaughtered.

Seeing Jiang Baichuan being exposed to thunder and lightning, the man in black abandoned the passers-by and turned around to kill Jiang Baichuan. The leader of the man had a layer of spiritual armor exposed on his body. This was a military commander level!

"Thunder Flash!"

"Thunder in the Palm!"

Thunder and lightning swept across, and several martial artist-level men in black died suddenly.

The military commander, the man in black, rushed over and blasted Jiang Baichuan. The strong men at the level of generals were different. Jiang Baichuan felt the blood rolling in his body, a nauseating feeling of vomiting blood, and some strain on his limbs.

The man in black didn't feel well either, even though he was protected by spiritual armor. However, his hair evaporated directly, and the spiritual armor on his body became much darker, obviously unable to withstand the huge impact.

"Kill those with thunder powers, I will be glorious, and my God will return your souls to the divine realm."

At this moment, the man in black asked his subordinates to go forward first. He took out a pill from his clothes, gritted his teeth and put it into his mouth.

The group of black-clothed minions seemed to have taken a stimulant and rushed forward desperately.

There was no time to think, and Jiang Baichuan didn't dare to be careless about a lot of minions. At this moment, he was a little internally injured. The Lightning Thunder Fist operates directly, and I want to solve it quickly.

Lightning flashed in the mall, crackling sounds resounded in the silent mall, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt meat.

Those little minions were injured when struck by lightning, but they were not afraid of death. Even if some of their companions were turned into cokes by lightning, they rushed towards Jiang Baichuan desperately.

After the minions died suddenly, the general's aura of the man in black began to surge, and he became energetic and seemed to be twice as powerful as before.

"Fuck, this guy is on drugs!"

"I didn't expect that during this mission, I would encounter a person with thunder powers. It's really my god's blessing! I'll kill you, and after my death, my god will return my soul to the divine realm."

At this moment, the man in black's expression became fanatical, and his eyes looking at Jiang Baichuan became extremely hot.

Jiang Baichuan suddenly felt bad. If he didn't work hard, the game would be over.

"Blood Burning Technique!"

Jiang Baichuan's aura immediately surged, and the man in black actually laughed after seeing that he actually had a way to improve his strength.

"You squeeze your potential. Even if I can't kill you, you are still useless!"

The man in black thought that Jiang Baichuan, like him, had used some means to undermine his own foundation, and said that even if he died, it would not be a loss.

"Even if I die, I will be buried with you."

The man in black's eyes were bloodshot, and black stripes began to appear on his face.

As the man in black roared in pain, his head turned directly into a skull shape, without much flesh and blood.

The body directly expanded to 3 meters, and the legs turned into three bone-like crab legs. The arms turned into two sharp bone knives.

Fuck! What kind of monster is this?

"The power of my god cannot be experienced by ants like you. Quack!"

In an instant, the three bone-like legs were running very fast, and the bone knife slashed at Jiang Baichuan. Jiang Baichuan was tired of dealing with it, and Ben Lei Shan kept using a heavy load. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long if my spiritual power is consumed.

"Quack! Feel the fragility of your tiny life. I can feel the fear in your heart."

The man in black at this moment, no! It should be said that the monster was completely crazy and mocked Jiang Baichuan.

Yes! I was ridiculed by this ugly thing! Labor and management will fight with you!

The Burning Blood Art was running quickly, and Jiang Baichuan's aura directly reached the level of a general.

"Gaga! Keep squeezing your potential! The stronger you are, the more excited I am."

"Thunder Armor!"

At this moment, Jiang Baichuan's whole body was covered with lightning, and even his eyes were flashing with arcs of electricity.

"Hang! Zizizi!"

The bone knife struck the armored Jiang Baichuan's arm. First there was the sound of a hard object colliding, and then there was the sound of burning after the electric shock on the monster's body.

"My god will return my soul to the divine realm, and you will surely bear the judgment of my religion. As a thunder power user, you will die in fear. Quack!"


"Lightning Thunder Fist!"

The lightning in his hand condensed into a thunder ball with a diameter of half a meter, which was a dunk at the monster in front of him.


The mall was instantly filled with some bone stumps, and the flesh and blood were directly turned to ashes during the collision.

It's all finally over!

At this moment, Zhao Xuening arrived just in time. When he saw the bone stumps on the ground, his face turned dark instantly.

"Commander Zhao, you are too late. I almost died."

After saying this, Jiang Baichuan sat directly on the ground, and the tearing feeling from his body made it difficult for him to stand.

"Everyone, cordon off the scene. Clean up the ground. Bring all living people in the mall to the bureau, and send the injured to the hospital."

The affairs of the cult should not be seen by ordinary people, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"Jiang Baichuan, what is that covering your face?"

Zhao Xuening pulled it off and found that it was a girl's bra.

"Holy crap! What did I get?"

Jiang Baichuan's face turned red, feeling that his reputation had been ruined.

This excitement made my whole body hurt, but now I fainted directly.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Zhao Xuening was in a daze. Marquis Wu was the only one who could not break the bone transformation into an evil disciple. How on earth did Jiang Baichuan do this?

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