I haven't been to school for several days. Except for Li Hao, who is more concerned about it, most people don't seem to care about him.

Huh! Why is this Luo Yiyi always peeking at me?

The two looked at each other, and Luo Yiyi blushed instantly, leaving Jiang Baichuan dumbfounded. Doesn't this girl like me?

"Jiang Baichuan, thank you for protecting my sister."

Luo Yiyi knew little about this matter. She only knew that Jiang Baichuan hid her sister in the bathroom, and that he had taken leave for the past two days, probably because he was injured.

"It's okay, it's all a trivial matter."

Jiang Baichuan felt a little embarrassed when faced with the compliments from the people in front of him, but he felt really comfortable in his heart! Praise me again.

"Why did you buy so many clothes for her? My family is afraid that this girl will fall in love prematurely. You don't have any thoughts about her, do you?"

These words left Jiang Baichuan completely speechless.

"Why did I fall in love with that little girl? If she wasn't your sister, do I need to be so concerned about her?"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Yiyi blushed so much that she turned her back to him. This makes sense, Jiang Baichuan obviously has an agenda for him.

"Students, please be quiet. We are preparing to leave for another dimension in 7 days. The school has decided to give you 6 days off to improve your strength."

Have a holiday? I just came to class and I’m on vacation?

The classmates in the classroom started making noises again. In 7 days, I will go to another dimension. Buy some weapons to kill strange beasts, buy some strange fruits or elixirs to reach the next level.

"Alright, let's go home after class. I heard that a few students in big cities have become martial arts masters. I don't expect you to be very high, but you must at least be warriors."

As soon as these words came out, many students were upset. Why are the students this year taking exams so fast? They are so much faster than before. The current samurai really have no advantage.

After the teacher left, many students were wailing. They still cannot touch the threshold of the samurai.

"Mouse, are you a warrior now?"

"Not even close."

Li Hao was not too disappointed. He was confident that he would be able to break through in the next few days.

"Okay, if you don't have a breakthrough after 3 days, you can come to my house and I'm sure I can make you break through."

Several classmates around were stunned. Did your family know that you are so awesome? Just because you can break through the samurai doesn't mean you can help others break through the samurai.

"Okay, if I can't do it in three days, I will come to your house."

Li Hao trusted Jiang Baichuan very much. Although he couldn't understand him now, there was no need for Jiang Baichuan to lie to him.

"You are so powerful that you can actually help him break through the realm?"

Luo Yiyi couldn't understand Jiang Baichuan. Many classmates thought that his family didn't seem to be rich, so how could he be able to help others break through the realm.

"That's right, don't be obsessed with me, he's just a legend."

Seeing Luo Yiyi like this, Jiang Baichuan was very proud. Even if you think about it, you wouldn't know that Labor and Management are a fool.

"If you can help Li Hao's spiritual power reach 150, I will be your girlfriend."

The people around started to boo, how much spiritual power does Li Hao have! It would be amazing if Jiang Baichuan could increase Li Hao's spiritual power to 100. It was obviously impossible.

"System, can warriors use Guyuan Dan?"

"Host, Guyuan Dan is a medicine used to open pulses. It can be used by warriors to generals."

After hearing what the system said, Jiang Baichuan instantly became confident. It would be easy to give Li Haoyun Spirit Pill to break through the warrior, and then use Guyuan Pill to reach 150 spiritual power!

"Okay! If I can't do it, I'll give you one million Daxia coins."

"Okay, this is what you said."

Luo Yiyi was completely ruined. If you can do it, it would be good to have such a boyfriend. In this era, only strength can survive better. Who knows what day the otherworldly space will explode.

Everyone started to boo, but they all thought Jiang Baichuan was bragging, and only people from big cities with better resources could do it.

In the eyes of his classmates, given Jiang Baichuan's family conditions, it is impossible for Li Hao to succeed. Just wait for Jiang Baichuan to send money to Luo Yiyi!

"Jiang Baichuan, if you help me break through the samurai, can I be your girlfriend?"

"not good!"

Please, look what you look like!

The female classmate immediately ran away in anger, not forgetting to blame him for his lack of vision.

At this moment, all the students in the classroom went home one after another.

"Add a chat friend and I'll call you when the time comes."

Jiang Baichuan ran to Luo Yiyi and asked for his contact information. The classmates who had not left the classroom were all envious. Jiang Baichuan was the first male student to add his contact information.

In the corner, Zhang Tian, ​​who had not yet left, was sore and his eyes were a bit resentful. Now Jiang Baichuan beat him up and made him lose face.

The accident during the last on-site teaching also made him a joke among his classmates.

Now he was actually having sex with the goddess in his mind, which disgusted him to the point of twisting his mind.

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