The next day, Jiang Baichuan got up early in the morning and ate breakfast made by his mother, which made Jiang Baichuan feel more comfortable.

According to past memories, I came to Yuying Middle School.

Different from the past, the school gate at this moment is full of wild beauty. Nowadays, the people of Daxia are practicing hard as long as they have awakened their combat powers.

"Achuan, wait for me!"

Jiang Baichuan turned around and found Li Haozheng running over.

"Are you here so early today? In the past, you were always on the spot."

In the past, Jiang Baichuan didn't study very well. Every time he went to school, he would check the spots and would not enter the classroom until the time was up.

"Today is a day of awakening, so of course you have to come early."

"Hey! Even if you awaken, do you have the resources to practice?"

At this time, a strange and sinister voice came. Jiang Baichuan turned around and saw a yellow-haired man with several losers around him.

Huang Mao's name is Yang Wei, and his family is rich. Yesterday, he was showing off in the group that his family bought him a strange fruit. With the strange fruit, his superpowers may be strengthened or mutated. Most people can't afford it.

"Maybe some people eat the strange fruit and awaken an auxiliary power. That would be funny."

Jiang Baichuan didn't care if your family had money or not, and I wouldn't eat a grain of rice from your family, so he just retorted back angrily. Li Hao next to him also pulled his arm to signal him not to fight with the other party.

"I want to see what kind of powers you two have awakened. Don't wake up your combat powers by then and have to go hunting in alien space by yourself."

Yang Wei showed disdain on his face, so what if you awaken your combat powers, you will eventually lose everyone if you don’t have the resources.

Yang Weiwei walked past Jiang Baichuan in a swaggering manner, and the bastard next to him glared at them fiercely.

"Achuan, there's no need to get to know them. We won't necessarily have any interactions with them after the college entrance examination."

In fact, Li Hao was afraid that the two of them would have a fight. Yang Wei's family was rich and powerful in P City.

"Come on, let's go in too."

If it weren't for Li Hao leading the way, Jiang Baichuan might not have been able to find the classroom. Today's classroom is very different from the past. There is actually a competition field in the classroom, which is equivalent to an arena.

Jiang Baichuan found a place to sit down according to the memory of his previous life, but unexpectedly he got into trouble.

"Jiang Baichuan, you must have eaten too much today! You dare to sit in Li Yuanyuan's seat."

Yang Wei doesn't care about so much, he still remembers what happened at the school gate just now! Everyone knows that they are chasing Li Yuanyuan, but they still linger here and don't leave, which is obviously against him.

At this time, Li Hao pointed to his original seat and wanted him to get up.

It happened that Li Yuanyuan also entered the classroom, but she had no reaction to Jiang Baichuan's behavior, and she even didn't call Yang Wei.

"It doesn't matter, there are no classes today, I'm going to wake up soon, just take a seat."

Li Yuanyuan didn't say anything. Yang Wei's face turned green at the moment. Why didn't he look at me? Didn't I stand up for you?

"Jiang Baichuan, don't run away after school!"

Originally, Yang Wei didn't take it seriously when he retaliated against him at the school gate, but now his goddess doesn't want to see him, which makes him feel even worse than falling out of love.

Jiang Baichuan was a little speechless, this guy was a little too lenient.

After a while, the teacher entered the classroom. After giving some common sense and suggestions about awakening, I asked them to queue up and wait.

When Jiang Baichuan arrived at the awakening location, he saw a circular machine with a huge crystal stone stored behind it.

Is that a spiritual stone?

For cultivation, there are alien beast crystals and spiritual stones in alien spaces. Various attributes of the spiritual stones can be cultivated.

The awakening began, and the first person to come up was a thin girl. Jiang Baichuan looked a little familiar, but he couldn't remember her name.

The girl's palm was pressed against the machine, and a tiny pinhole appeared on the contact surface, which pierced directly into her finger.

The machinery began to glow, and a display began to appear on the large screen next to it.

"Superpower: fire, quality: advanced."

At this moment, people on the field began to stir up excitement, and the teacher was also very excited.

"It's actually an elemental superpower with high-level purity. I'm envious!"

"Haha, our class got off to a good start! The first one is elemental powers!"

The teacher in charge of the awakening was also very happy, and he asked the students to quiet down with a smile, indicating that the next one was coming.

It was a boy's turn next.

"Superpower: cooking skills, quality: elementary."

As soon as this result came out, the boy burst into tears. The classmates in the audience looked at him with contempt. This is the reality.

The teacher hurriedly comforted her, and it was the next person's turn.

At this time Yang Wei came on the stage, and he was high-spirited. Yesterday I took the exotic fruit and showed great confidence.

"Superpower: Armor, Quality: Intermediate."

Yang Wei was very satisfied with this result. This power was a relatively practical combat power.

Yang Wei walked off the stage arrogantly, not forgetting to give Li Yuanyuan what he thought was a loving look, but Li Yuanyuan ignored it, and he glared at Jiang Baichuan angrily.

Jiang Baichuan was a little confused. There was something wrong with this kid's head.

"Next, Jiang Baichuan."

It's finally my turn, I hope to have better abilities.

As the needle at the front of the machine pierced his finger, Jiang Baichuan felt something swimming in his body.

"Power: thunder, quality: elementary."

"Wow, it's a lightning power! It's a pity that the purity is not high. It takes a lot of resources to cultivate."

As soon as the results came out, the students in the audience talked a lot, and the teacher was happy and a little sighing.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for awakening his superpower and successfully binding the Tongtian system."

"Newbie gift packs have been distributed."

What the hell? system? Isn't this something that was only seen in novels in the past? It was bound directly.

"Jiang Baichuan, go down first! It's the next student's turn."

The teacher thought that Jiang Baichuan was dissatisfied with the awakened superpower and wanted to comfort him a few words. Unexpectedly, Jiang Baichuan was cheerful at this time.

"System, what functions do you have?"

"This system publishes tasks, and the host can get rewards by helping others."

helping others?

"The full name of the system is Universe Tongtiandai, which is like power leveling in the game."

It turned out to be such a Tongtian system, and I thought it was directly giving him Tongtian strength.

By the way, the novice gift pack.

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring the innate skill: Palm Thunder. The quality of the host's ability has been upgraded to advanced level."

Thunder in the Palm! Such an awesome skill has also raised the quality of the superpower to a high level. The system is really awesome.

"Hey! Some people got a basic thunder power, and they are so happy that they can't find the north."

Yang Wei's weird words started again, Jiang Baichuan glanced at him and ignored this guy.

Yang Wei couldn't be more angry at Jiang Baichuan's disregard. Who can you show your pride to with a basic superpower?

Don't run away after school. I will challenge you in the martial arts field to let you know the gap between us.

At this time, Li Hao also awakened, the intermediate earth element. He is quite satisfied with this result.

As soon as he got there, he went to Jiang Baichuan to tell him the good news, and comforted Jiang Baichuan not to be discouraged. When the time came, he would go to another dimension to take him to develop together.

In response to Li Hao's words, Jiang Baichuan smiled and nodded. Let's see who will take whom when the time comes.

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