"Little bastard, if you don't want to die, come with me."

As soon as Luo Qianjun rushed over, he yelled at Jiang Baichuan.

Seeing Luo Xiaoxiao's behavior, Jiang Baichuan guessed that this person would be their relative.

With the strength of the opponent, Jiang Baichuan believed that he had no chance of winning even if he activated the Blood Burning Art. Compared to the Earth Splitting Beast, the person in front of him made his hair stand on end.

You can only keep up, you may not die, and you may not be able to escape if you get beaten. Judging from that tone, this person is not easy to get along with!

"Tell me briefly about yourself."

Hearing this, Jiang Baichuan felt as if he was starting to see Zhao Xuening. His tone was cold and irresistible.

"My name is Jiang Baichuan, and I am a student of Yuying Middle School."

"Are you Jiang Baichuan?"

The person opposite was a little surprised to come into contact with him in such an environment. In the recent cult incident, this young man did quite well. If he hadn't been so busy at the time, he would have wanted to go see it in person.

"Do you know me?"

This person actually knows me? Am I so famous now? It shouldn’t be!

"What is your relationship with Luo Yiyi?"

"She's my girlfriend."


Hearing this, Luo Qianjun immediately became furious. He has told his two daughters many times that they are not allowed to fall in love until they are admitted to college.

I didn’t expect that! They were both boyfriend and girlfriend. Thinking of this, Luo Qianjun directly launched an attack on Jiang Baichuan.

Faced with the actions of the masked man in front of him, Jiang Baichuan could not sit still and wait for death. He directly took out his thunder gun, used the Lightning Thunder Fist technique, and faced him towards the opposite side.

Seeing that Jiang Baichuan actually had a gift ring, Luo Qianjun was a little surprised, but he didn't react much. He was definitely going to beat this kid up today.

No matter how Jiang Baichuan tried to dodge, he was still hit by two big rivals in the face. Angry, Jiang Baichuan immediately activated the Blood Burning Technique, hoping to regain his face.

Feeling the surge in Jiang Baichuan's strength at this moment, Luo Qianjun had already heard from Zhao Xuening and was not too surprised.

The two directly fought against each other. The difference in strength was too big and they were beaten several times. Jiang Baichuan was on the verge of tears. He really couldn't beat him.

"It's not good! Sister, come out quickly! My brother-in-law is going to be beaten to death by his father."

Luo Xiaoxiao, who had just run back all the way, quickly ran to find Luo Yiyi, but she saw her father attacking Jiang Baichuan.

Luo Yiyi in the room thought her sister was teasing her on purpose. It wasn't until her mother heard Luo Xiaoxiao's cry and Luo Xiaoxiao told her mother about it that Luo Yiyi realized it.

Her father wouldn't really break Jiang Baichuan's legs, would he?

At this moment, Luo Qianjun was a little surprised. This boy's strength was really amazing. The lightning had done a lot of damage to his spiritual protection, and he felt pain at the moment of contact.

But he can't lose face. If he doesn't teach him a lesson today, he will suffer from it again in the future.

Jiang Baichuan felt despair in his heart and his face was swollen. No matter how much he resisted, he was easily countered by the opponent, not forgetting to give him a big showdown.

At this moment, the cell phone of the man opposite rang, and he stopped. Seeing Jiang Baichuan being beaten into a pig's head, he regretted that he had struck too hard.

If it hadn't been for Luo Yiyi's call, this young man would have almost collapsed.

Luo Qianjun did not answer the phone. Instead, he nodded to Jiang Baichuan, took off the scarf on his face, and revealed a face with Chinese characters that showed no anger or authority.

"I won't pursue the matter between you and Luo Yiyi for the time being. Don't do anything dangerous for me before you go to college, or I will skin you."

Hearing what Luo Qianjun said, Jiang Baichuan didn't know whether to be happy or angry. The person opposite agreed that he and Luo Yiyi were dating, but the pain on his face made Jiang Baichuan really want to wait until he came up to the next level to beat him back.


Luo Qianjun threw a small porcelain bottle towards Jiang Baichuan.

"Rub this on your face and you will recover quickly. Don't act like this. You are the lightest I've ever hit you."

Judging from what you said, I still need to thank you?

Jiang Baichuan didn't bother, just took it out and rubbed it on his face. It was ice cold and quite comfortable.

"Don't run around before the college entrance examination. The people in the cult are still planning something bad. Your talent is quite good. If you don't die young, you are qualified to be my son-in-law."

After seeing Luo Qianjun leave, Jiang Baichuan's anger dissipated a lot. Today you hit me on the face, but tomorrow I will kiss your daughter's face.

At this moment, his whole body was sore, and the sequelae of the Burning Blood Art had also exploded. He was in pain all over his body, but he could still hold on, otherwise it would be difficult to go back.

Jiang Baichuan felt like he was falling apart while driving on the road, he couldn't bear it! Tomorrow he will kiss his daughter's face, and when she reaches a higher level, he will also cover her face and beat her up, otherwise it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

When his mother wasn't paying attention, Jiang Baichuan slipped back into the room. Even when Liu Yulan called him to eat, he said he wasn't hungry.

At this moment, on the other side, Luo Qianjun looked at Luo Yiyi who was kneeling on the washboard with a serious face.

Luo Yiyi was already prepared to be scolded, but who let the young man who risked his life to save her walk into her heart.

"Get up, the college entrance examination is coming soon, so you have to focus more on your cultivation."

Unexpectedly, Luo Qianjun let this matter go so lightly, Luo Yiyi was a little surprised.

At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes widened even more, why didn't he pursue it?

"Luo Xiaoxiao, why don't you go do your homework?"

Luo Xiaoxiao thumped and ran back to the room.

Luo Yiyi's mother also thought this was strange and looked at Luo Qianjun.

"That kid's talent is amazing. He can hurt me at the level of a martial artist!"

After Luo Yiyi's mother heard this, her eyes suddenly brightened.

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