The next morning, Jiang Baichuan opened his eyes from practicing.

Since he slept all day and night at Luo Yiyi's house, Jiang Baichuan didn't sleep last night. He practiced the Supreme Creation Heart Sutra and felt much more energetic at the moment.

The mental power has reached 210. It is really slow without any elixir! If someone knew about this speed, I would really want to draw a circle and curse him.

When Jiang Baichuan came to the school, he found that many people had asked for leave. Many people had died in this beast wave.

According to Luo Yiyi, 846 people died, most of whom were in the martial arts realm. This time Wu Hou sacrificed two people, which had a great impact on the peak combat power of P City.

There are many students whose parents have sacrificed their lives, and their teachers have not attended classes, allowing them to study on their own. Those who do not want to attend classes can go home and practice.

Jiang Baichuan took both Li Hao and Luo Yiyi home and wanted to open a small stove for them.

As soon as she got home, Liu Yulan greeted Luo Yiyi politely, while Li Hao next to her was ignored. This was not the case when Li Hao came to his house in the past.

Jiang Baichuan took them to the room and assigned them Guyuan Pills, 3 for Luo Yiyi and 5 for Li Hao.

Seeing the two of them practicing, Jiang Baichuan also began to practice.

In the afternoon, the two of them woke up from training. At this moment, Li Hao couldn't hide the joy on his face. At this rate, he would become a martial artist in three days. At this moment, he really wanted to hold Jiang Baichuan and kiss him.

Luo Yiyi gained a lot. If Li Hao hadn't been here, she would have wanted to kiss him twice.

It's okay for Luo Yiyi to stare at him, but Li Hao, what's wrong with your look?

The two said goodbye and went home. Jiang Baichuan repeatedly told Li Hao that he could not tell anyone else about this.

Jiang Baichuan was about to go to the Town Security Bureau. Luo Qianjun called just now and asked him to go and collect the reward.

When he rides his beloved motorcycle, it will never roll over.

This is Jiang Baichuan's first time to the Town Security Bureau. He used to just pass by and take a quick look, but now he is invited by the director of the Town Security Bureau, and his status is different.

The person I saw at the door this time was actually Liu Jun.

"Brother Liu, why are you standing guard here now?"

Liu Jun is very proud now. This time he has made a meritorious service. The notification was timely, and the leader rewarded him with many things and assigned him to the bureau.

"Hey! Why are you here, little brother?"

"Your chief is looking for me."

"Come in quickly, I'll take you there."

Liu Jun was very enthusiastic. This time it was Jiang Baichuan who turned the tide again. I admire him in my heart.

"Er Mao, just watch, I'll send him to the director."

Ignoring his partner's response, he nonchalantly gave Jiang Baichuan directions.

Ermao was stunned. What is this kid's background? He didn't go to the battle with the beast tide and stayed at the station to guard the gate. Naturally, I don’t know who Jiang Baichuan is.

With Liu Jun leading the way, Jiang Baichuan met Luo Qianjun.

Looking at Luo Qianjun, Jiang Baichuan thought of his magic pill again and felt a little aggrieved.

"You did a great job in this battle. On behalf of everyone in P City, I would like to thank you."

Yo! This is the first time I’ve seen this attitude!

"You killed a lot of strange beasts this time. The crystal originally belonged to you. I distributed it to those who participated in the battle, as well as compensation for the sacrifice."

What the hell? Did you give away my things? Fuck! Is your town security bureau poor and crazy? It’s no big deal to give a little away, labor and management don’t need to practice!

Jiang Baichuan was about to vent his dissatisfaction loudly when he was interrupted by Luo Qianjun.

"I personally make the decision and reward you with 20 fifth-level thunder crystals and two sixth-level crystals."

That's it?

"What's your expression? A sixth-level crystal is worth hundreds of millions. It's priceless but not marketable. I don't even own it myself."

Worth several hundred million? It’s not a loss! A fifth-level crystal only costs a few million. Why is this sixth-level crystal so expensive?

"Why is the sixth level so expensive?"

"The sixth level is the master level, which contains the crystallization of spiritual power and magic power. Even I am greedy. This time I will give it to you as a reward, so you can enjoy it secretly!"

When he mentioned this, Luo Qianjun had to admire his courage. If it weren't for the sake of the Transformation Pill and Luo Yiyi, Jiang Baichuan wouldn't even think about it.

"Uncle, you are so generous!"

Jiang Baichuan wholeheartedly agreed with this, but when he thought about it, the God Transformation Pill was more valuable!

"In addition, you have been commended by the leaders above. You have received the Silver Contribution Medal and 100 million Great Xia coins."

I'm Giao! Silver Contribution Medal! Giving away money again!

Jiang Baichuan is so beautiful right now, this is real money! Crystal stones are also consumables, so there is no money in them!

"Now that you have money this time, I suggest you move to our community. The cult issue has not been resolved yet, and your parents' safety is also a big concern."

Luo Qianjun really thought about him and moved near their home, where the safety factor would be higher.

Jiang Baichuan also agreed with this matter, which made him very embarrassed during this period.

After Jiang Baichuan received the reward, he planned to go home and tell his parents about it, and also asked Luo Qianjun to find a house. He didn't know much about these things.

Luo Qianjun was extremely angry at this time. What did this boy think of him?

But then I thought, if he becomes his son-in-law in the future, wouldn’t he be the parent?

Thinking of this, I immediately contacted the sales department of the community and asked them to expedite processing.

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