The next day, Jiang Baichuan received a message from the school. First, he congratulated him for becoming the top candidate in the college entrance examination, and then talked about the national freshman competition.

The specific rules of this national freshman competition are that students who rank one thousandth nationwide can register to participate, and they can freely choose whether to register.

The college entrance examination results still count, this freshman competition is just a stage for them to show their strength.

Seeing this, Jiang Baichuan was a little funny. That said, isn't it because some people want to see his strength?

Jiang Baichuan directly called Luo Yiyi and Li Hao. They also received the news, so Li Hao chose not to participate. He was very clear about his own strength.

Luo Yiyi said that she would be preparing to break through the generals today and would slap them in the face. The news on the Internet made her very angry.

The competition is in half a month, and we will go to the Imperial Capital then. During this period, you should practice hard. When the time comes, see who dances the most happily and give him a few big showdowns.

Another thing is from Luo Qianjun. Zhang Tian's matter is currently under investigation. His family members have had an affair with a cult and have been arrested by the Town Security Bureau. Further analysis is still being conducted on his ability to control alien beasts. .

Jiang Baichuan didn't care very much. The five mad cow beasts brought by Zhang Tian were just to give him points. Such people would not be at ease at all.

Even though the cult issue has not been resolved yet, Jiang Hongyan is not easy to deal with. He doesn't know what tricks that bitch has, and he doesn't know when she will take action, which gives Jiang Baichuan a headache.

There is only half a month before the competition, and Jiang Baichuan is ready to absorb the two sixth-order crystal stones. The main thing is to condense more liquid spiritual power in the body and improve the mental power.

In the evening, I received a call from Luo Yiyi. Hearing that the girl was so happy, she must have advanced to the level of a military commander. If she polished her martial arts skills, she would be in the top ten.

There are tens of thousands of martial arts masters taking the college entrance examination this time, but there are less than 20 generals. Except for Jiang Baichuan, the fastest people today all made breakthroughs a few days before the college entrance examination.

In the past few days, Jiang Baichuan did not dare to take his parents around for fear of something unexpected happening. As for the college entrance banquet, it had not been held yet.

Now the Internet is crazy saying that he is cheating, and Luo Yiyi, like him, has no intention of doing it.

The two often go shopping outside, and they are both strong military commanders. Even if they encounter a cultist, Luo Yiyi can still run to call her dad.

Luo Yiyi often came to Jiang Baichuan's house. Although it was to discuss his cultivation experience, in fact, he came to the world of two people. The relationship between the two is getting closer and closer. If Luo Qianjun hadn't been so careful, they would have become friends long ago.

Over the past few days, Jiang Baichuan finally absorbed a sixth-order crystal. The liquid energy in his body reached 36 drops, and his mental power exceeded 800, reaching the level of a magic general.

At this moment, the range of his spiritual consciousness reached 200 meters. Standing at home, he could still sense Luo Yiyi's house. Just this induction was directly discovered by Luo Qianjun.

The moment Jiang Baichuan was discovered, he immediately withdrew his consciousness. At this moment, cold sweat began to flow down, and he was thinking about what to do.

Jiang Baichuan thought for a long time and decided to go to Luo Yiyi's house. If Luo Qianjun suspected that he was peeking at their family and didn't apologize, would he be beaten up?

"Baichuan, you are here"

Zhang Huiru was very kind when she saw Jiang Baichuan. She didn't have a son, but her son-in-law was half a son!

"Auntie, I'm going to ask my uncle about cultivation."

"He's in the study, just go over there."

Jiang Baichuan nodded to Zhang Huiru and entered Luo Qianjun's study.

Luo Qianjun didn't even look up when he saw him coming in. Jiang Baichuan went straight to the point and explained his purpose.

"Uncle, after I absorbed a sixth-order crystal stone, I found that I can sense places that my eyes cannot see."

Luo Qianjun was a little shocked. He absorbed one in such a short time?

"You only use sixth-level spar at the level of a general? You prodigal!"

Others only use sixth-level crystals if they are in the Wuhou realm, which is used to improve mental bottlenecks.

"Uncle, crystals are resources! The higher my strength is, the more resources I can acquire."

Hearing what he said, Luo Qianjun also felt that it made sense. The stronger this kid is, the better. Maybe he can break through Wuhou and defeat the Grandmaster.

"How far can you sense mentally?"

"About two hundred meters!"

Luo Qianjun stood up immediately, startling Jiang Baichuan.

"Have you practiced any spiritual magic?"

"That's right! As soon as I started practicing, I awakened a natural skill, which is to be able to sense the situation outside."

Luo Qianjun really envied Jiang Baichuan. As the director of the town security bureau, he didn't even have a decent spiritual secret.

The highest spiritual power master in the entire Great Xia is still an old monster from the ancient martial arts sect. Obviously, other people's unique secret techniques will not be passed on to others.

"Well, my dear nephew! You just snooped into our house, so you obviously want to show something, right?"

Luo Qianjun also lost his face at this time and wanted to get this spiritual secret.

Jiang Baichuan was immediately stunned. Is this just a little compensation?

"Uncle, do you want this skill? But this secret method can only be practiced to the master level, and you are already a master."

"It doesn't get in the way, the spirit is supplemented and the spiritual power is the main one. The higher the spiritual power, the faster and more powerful the technique will be."

This is much simpler. The person in front of him is his father-in-law. Anyway, this technique will be handed over to Luo Yiyi, and Luo Qianjun will definitely know about it in the end.

Jiang Baichuan directly wrote out the first volume of the Supreme Creation Heart Sutra silently. As soon as he heard Jiang Baichuan say that he had finished writing, Luo Qianjun kicked him out of the study.

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