After returning home from school, Jiang Baichuan locked himself in the room. He wanted to see the effect of the palm thunder.

I saw an electric arc the size of a toothpick began to appear in my hand. It looked extremely shocking, just like hundreds of lighter sparkles flashing. At this moment, I just wanted to shout loudly!

As an innate skill, Jiang Baichuan felt that this state could last for half an hour.

It’s so awesome!

By the way, doesn’t the system have some tasks?

"Call the system!"

"The system is always there, and the host can open the system panel by saying it silently."

At this moment Jiang Baichuan saw the properties panel.

Host: Jiang Baichuan

Age: 18 years old

Superpower: Advanced quality thunder system

Talent Skill: Palm Thunder

Skills: None

Martial skills: none

Spiritual power value: 58/65

Current tasks: None

Seeing the skills and martial arts on the system panel, Jiang Baichuan touched his chin. It was too shabby to have all these skills and skills.

Jiang Baichuan planned to take on a mission and try it out to see if the system was reliable.

"System, accept the mission."

"Searching for tasks currently available for the host."

"A task has been assigned to help Mr. Zhang next door deliver toilet paper."

Poof! Jiang Baichuan was stunned when he saw the mission. Is your mission serious?

"Please host to execute the task as soon as possible. If it exceeds half an hour, the task will be failed by default. If the task fails, the host's spiritual power will be reduced by 20."

(After the mission is successful, all malicious negative reviews will be removed.)

Damn it, there is such an operation!

Having no other choice, Jiang Baichuan took the toilet paper and mustered up the courage to knock on Lao Zhang's door next door.

At this time, Lao Zhang was sweating profusely in the toilet, and the abdominal cramps made it difficult for him to stand. At this moment, he just wanted someone to find him and take him to the hospital.

"Uncle Zhang, are you at home?"

Jiang Baichuan forced himself to knock on the door. Lao Zhang in the toilet heard someone shouting and knocked on the toilet door with all his strength.

There are sounds inside, what are they doing? Do you want to go in? If you don't go in, the task will not be completed.

No matter how hard you try, you can only go in.

Jiang Baichuan turned the door handle and it opened. At this moment, he heard another knock on the door in the toilet. Jiang Baichuan decided to go directly. After all, he had already made it this far.

"Uncle Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

No one answered inside, but there was another knock on the door.

Seeing this, Jiang Baichuan thought something had happened and quickly opened the toilet door.

At this moment, he seemed to have used too much strength, and the door was removed. When he saw the pained expression on Uncle Zhang's face and his vest soaked with sweat, he knew something was wrong.

"Uncle Zhang, I will take you to the hospital now."

Only when Jiang Baichuan tried to lift Uncle Zhang did he discover the true purpose of the system.

Damn, I really need this toilet paper!

When Uncle Zhang was sent to the hospital, he learned that he had acute appendicitis and immediately performed surgery on him.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission for the first time. He has obtained 10 points of Heavenly Value and an extra free lottery draw."

Yo! There is also a lottery.

At this moment, a virtual panel appeared in front of Jiang Baichuan, a scene similar to that of a king drawing crystals.


"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Lightning Thunder Fist."

Lightning Thunder Fist? Isn't this the unique skill of Master Maoshan in Uncle Ying's movie?

"Lightning Thunder Fist, skill level: Heavenly level. This skill can be practiced both internally and externally, and can be practiced by the host to the seventh level."

It is actually a combination of exercises and secret books, and it can be cultivated to the seventh level. You must know that the secret books that can be cultivated to the fifth level on the market sell for tens of millions of yuan. The system is so powerful! Do more tasks like this.

Uncle Zhang, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked at Jiang Baichuan gratefully, but he was still too weak to speak.

Within a short while, Uncle Zhang's family arrived, and they were all grateful to Jiang Baichuan.

After leaving the hospital, Jiang Baichuan went to the cultivation supplies store and bought two spiritual stones with Yang Wei's 100,000 yuan. The main reason is that thunder crystals are less common and more expensive than spiritual stones.

As soon as I got home, my parents were back from get off work. Mom also prepared meals at this time.

"Son, what powers have you awakened today?"

"Dad, Mom. I have awakened the intermediate lightning power."

After speaking, Jiang Baichuan stretched out his hand to condense some electric arcs.

Speaking of advanced, he was afraid that the two of them would work hard to earn cultivation resources for him and go around asking for help. I'm a beginner, but I feel like I can't hide my strength now.

"Really! You're really great."

The parents were happy about Jiang Baichuan's superpowers, but they were also worried that it would be dangerous for him to go to another world in the future.

"Mom, I still have some savings here. I only have 1 million. I can't help you much. You can use it to buy training resources."

Liu Yulan took out a card and looked a little guilty. For a practitioner, 1 million is not bad if he can train from a martial apprentice to a warrior.

"Dad, Mom. Thank you, I won't let you down."

Jiang Baichuan decided to accept the money. This may have been prepared for him by his parents a long time ago. Now he needs training resources.

"As long as you stay safe, Mom doesn't want you to work so hard. Please pay attention to safety in the future."

His parents nagged him, but Jiang Baichuan listened carefully. All this was because his parents wanted him to be safe in his life.

After returning to the room, Jiang Baichuan took out the spirit stone and began to practice the Lightning Thunder Fist. The system is awesome, it has all the training experience.

After practicing for two hours, the spirit stone at this time began to become dim, and there was not much spiritual energy left in the spirit stone. Jiang Baichuan discovered that at this moment, his spiritual power reached 78, which actually increased by 13 points.

Although he will consume more and more in the future, Jiang Baichuan believes that with at most 5 spirit stones, he can advance to the level of a warrior.

The next day, the school distributed exercises and a set of boxing techniques.

The exercise is called Tu Na Jue, which can be found on the warrior's official website. It is a basic exercise.

The boxing technique is mad cow boxing and cannot be spread outside the school, otherwise you will be punished.

According to the system's inference, this technique can only be used by martial arts masters. The boxing technique can only be regarded as yellow grade, but the Lightning Thunder Fist given by the system is already a heavenly grade.

Jiang Baichuan was a little disgusted, but he was still ready to learn. One more martial skill means one more trump card. As for the techniques, forget about them, it's a waste of energy.

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