Another day has passed, and today's competition will determine the top thirteen, which means that one person will have a bye and advance directly. Jiang Baichuan felt that this competition was somewhat shady, and he actually got a bye.

Jiang Baichuan was missing from today's game, the enthusiasm of the audience in the live broadcast room was somewhat reduced, and there were much fewer barrages.

Jiang Baichuan also saw many strange powers, one of which was a boy who was a master of mental power. Seeing the opponent's fighting style, Jiang Baichuan was also touched, and felt a lot more inspiration for the use of mental power.

Later, I also learned that the opponent's name was Lu Chen, and his sword-handling made it difficult for the opponent to parry. His body skills are also quite elegant, which shows that he has advanced body and martial arts skills. Thinking of this, Jiang Baichuan thought of Luo Qianjun again. Without him, wouldn't the magic of magic be possible?

Regarding Lu Chen's ability to use weapons, the official statement is that the opponent has a spiritual power and is given special treatment. If you don't use weapons, you won't be an opponent of the same realm at all.

But Jiang Baichuan didn't take the opponent to heart. The venue was so big. If he hit with a lightning fist, the opponent would have no place to escape.

"Now I invite Luo Yiyi and Shi Lei to come on."

Luo Yiyi's opponent this time was a strong man with explosive body muscles. At the same age, he actually looked 25 years old.

Shi Lei is a general of the earth element, and the spiritual armor is a mobile fortress. It is simply rough-skinned and thick-skinned. The two sides fought for dozens of rounds before they won. If Luo Yiyi's wind attribute hadn't been cutting, it wouldn't have been possible. Who wins and who loses.

After winning this competition, Luo Yiyi finally had the confidence she had before. Ever since she had Jiang Baichuan, she always felt that she was a burden and that no matter how hard she tried, she could not catch up with him.

Jiang Baichuan was a pervert, and he had beaten her into doubting her life. This battle gave her confidence again, and she was considered the best in similar competitions.

Seeing the high-spirited Luo Yiyi, Jiang Baichuan was also very happy. The better the mentality, the smoother the cultivation. I will reward her well tonight and let her be on top.

As soon as Luo Yiyi took the stage, reporters rushed over. I can’t interview Jiang Baichuan, but it’s not bad to interview Luo Yiyi! Both of them are probably masters of language.

"Classmate Luo Yiyi, how do you evaluate your opponent this time?"

"My opponents are all very strong, but I found that I am stronger."

The reporter who was interviewing showed an expression that was indeed the case. This was another breaking news.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked by Luo Yiyi's words. How can such a beautiful girl like you say such tough words? But I like it so much! If I hadn't been able to defeat Jiang Baichuan, I would have wanted to come and rob him.

"Then what do you think of the opponents behind you?"

"Do your best! As the nation's new talent, the contestants must have their own trump cards! There is no guarantee that they can all beat them."

This sentence is quite satisfactory and there is nothing wrong with it. But the audience was not happy. I came to watch your live interview just to watch you show off.

"Then what do you think of Jiang Baichuan?"

Luo Yiyi's eyes lit up when he mentioned Jiang Baichuan.

"He is the most powerful person of his age that I have ever seen, and he is also the person I have always wanted to surpass. His power exceeds my understanding of the realm."

Okay! From this glance, it was clear that Luo Yiyi was fascinated by Jiang Baichuan.

Netizens also shouted out, what kind of ecstasy soup did Jiang Baichuan pour into Luo Yiyi to make him so obsessed with Jiang Baichuan? They suggested a strict investigation.

After the game, Jiang Baichuan returned to his residence. Seeing that Luo Yiyi was so happy, Jiang Baichuan praised her again, making Luo Yiyi laugh happily, with an expression that she would give her nothing else.

Jiang Baichuan told Luo Yiyi the players who won today's game and told her how to prevent and deal with them. Luo Yiyi listened very carefully, and she also knew her own strength. Since Jiang Baichuan told her, it meant that the other party was a threat to her.

"You performed well in today's game. What reward do you want?"

Seeing Jiang Baichuan's expression, Luo Yiyi understood instantly and responded with an expression of a fellow man.

"Today it's my turn to take the lead. You can't move or resist."

"Understood, you have the final say today."

Jiang Baichuan's expression turned out to be such, which made Luo Yiyi so embarrassed that she pounced on him viciously.

...(omitting 10,000 words)

When the two woke up, it was already the next morning. Luo Yiyi is full of confidence for today's game.

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