Another day has passed, and today the top eight have advanced to the semi-finals. The competition is more intense, the audience is packed with people, and the cheers can be heard throughout the Kyoto Stadium.

Eight contestants appeared on the stage at the same time, and the live broadcast room was also opened at this time, which instantly attracted a large number of people. As the host's words fell, several people began to draw lots.

Jiang Baichuan drew the water power, and Luo Yiyi drew Xiao Yan again. This time a tough battle was inevitable.

Jiang Baichuan knew something about this water superpower, his name was Hu Miao. At the level of a military commander, his spiritual power is a little higher than Luo Yiyi's.

The water-type martial arts ability is more offensive and defensive, which is obviously suppressive to Luo Yiyi, but to Jiang Baichuan, it is not much of a threat.

As soon as the lottery is over, everyone will start preparing to enter the competition. This time Jiang Baichuan was the first to play, which brought a lot of enthusiasm to today's game.

People in the live broadcast room started to post comments, indicating that this talkative king was about to take the stage, and it would soon be known whether he was strong or not.

"Jiang Baichuan and Hu Miao are invited to come on stage."

Jiang Baichuan walked up with a relaxed expression. On the other hand, Hu Miao was a little stressed. The opponent's aura was obviously stronger than his. It seemed that this game could not go better.

"Game start!"

As soon as the referee spoke, Hu Miao gathered three water dragons around him. This scene attracted enthusiastic shouts from the audience. This was a unique move.

Jiang Baichuan also noticed that Hu Miao's martial arts skills are not simple! Thinking of this moment, thunder began to condense in his hands. Suddenly there was thunder and lightning on the stage, and the several-meter-long electric arc in Jiang Baichuan's hand sent the audience into madness.

Liu Yulan and Zhang Huiru, who were watching the game at home, also saw that Jiang Baichuan's strength had reached such a level, and their hearts were full of surprises.

"Son, come on!"

Liu Yulan shouted out loud at home, which infected Zhang Huiru.

The visual impact brought by water and fire abilities is far from comparable to that of thunder and lightning. The live broadcast room was also shocked by Jiang Baichuan's thunder and lightning. There is something good about this talkative king!

Hu Miao took the lead in launching the attack. Pure water cannot conduct electricity, so he was not at an absolute disadvantage.

The moment the two of them fought, a lot of water mist appeared in the scene. Although the water system cannot conduct electricity, the heat emitted by the lightning instantly evaporated it, and the scene was immediately covered by thick fog.

Not only the audience in the audience, but also the people in the live broadcast room were confused by this scene. We can’t even see the picture, so what the hell are we supposed to see?

As the two fought, Hu Miao also felt the pressure brought by Jiang Baichuan's thunder and lightning. The three water dragons melted obviously, and now he merged the three water dragons into one.

"The dragon spits beads!"

The huge water dragon spit out a huge water ball and threw it at Jiang Baichuan. Jiang Baichuan didn't even think about avoiding it.

"Thunder in the Palm!"

As soon as the two people's moves collided, the water ball melted instantly, and the remaining thunder and lightning flashed towards Hu Miao.


But Hu Miao obviously did not receive much damage.

Jiang Baichuan also noticed that this guy actually wore lightning-resistant inner armor.

Good guy! Jiang Baichuan said that the other party was really a talent, and he actually had such an operation.

At this time, Hu Miao felt that thunder and lightning could not bring much harm to him, and his heart was no longer so anxious. He would beat this talkative king today.

Seeing Hu Miao's proud little expression, Jiang Baichuan was also amused. Let me see how much power your inner armor can withstand.

Lightning Thunder Fist!

In an instant, thunder and lightning surged within ten meters around Jiang Baichuan, and dozens of arcs as wide as two fingers filled the surrounding area. The water mist dissipated, and this scene made the audience and the people in the live broadcast room swallow their saliva. Is this the strength of the king of talkers?

Hu Miao was also stunned by Jiang Baichuan's skills. How unreasonable!

Jiang Baichuan took the lead this time, and quickly attacked Hu Miao with the Lightning Thunder Fist. At this time, Hu Miao couldn't stop shouting in her heart: Don't come over!

Hu Miao also gathered the defensive posture of his skills, and the water dragons began to hover around him, preparing to withstand the blow.

As Jiang Baichuan attacked with his lightning fist, the water dragon around Hu Miao quickly melted, and even the water mist was evaporated.


Hu Miao also felt the terror of Jiang Baichuan at this time. He used all his spiritual power to gather into spiritual armor, and could only withstand the blow.

As soon as Jiang Baichuan's fist came into contact with Hu Miao, his spiritual armor was melted instantly. Hu Miao felt death approaching.


Just when Jiang Baichuan's fist was about to approach Hu Miao's body, a protective shield appeared around Hu Miao. When his fist came into contact with the protective cover, Jiang Baichuan felt the master's aura.

Someone took action? Jiang Baichuan was bounced a few meters away by the protective cover and looked at the surrounding commentaries with a face on his face.

"The game is over, Jiang Baichuan wins!"

Seeing Jiang Baichuan's skeptical expression, the commentators in the audience stood up.

"Your moves are too powerful. I feel that your opponent's life will be in danger if he receives your punch. They are all my talents in Daxia, and we cannot afford this unexpected loss."

Jiang Baichuan thought thoughtfully. If he really wanted to kill the other party, he would have another enemy. The two of them had nothing to do, so why bother!

Jiang Baichuan nodded towards the grandmaster and looked at Hu Miao.

At this moment, Hu Miao collapsed directly on the ground, with sweat on his head covering his entire face. He had not yet calmed down from the power of death just now.

The audience in the audience and the people in the live broadcast room were also stunned by this scene. Just now, a master took action. This talkative king was so outrageous. He almost beat Hu Miao to death with three moves!

As the medical staff came on stage, the cheers from the audience became more intense, and they recognized Jiang Baichuan's strength. Although this guy is very pretentious, he has this strength!

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Jiang Baichuan step down, Luo Yiyi surrounded him. Just now, the Grandmaster took action, and Jiang Baichuan was bounced away.

"It's okay, it's just defense, no attack ability. You will be on the field later, don't fight hard and compete with him."

Jiang Baichuan would definitely do no harm to the Grandmaster's protective shield. He was a little worried about Luo Yiyi's next game. Who knew what Xiao Yan had up his sleeve.

"Yeah! I understand. If you can't beat me, I will surrender."

Jiang Baichuan rubbed Luo Yiyi's hair and agreed with her decision.

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