At this moment, in a corner half a meter deep on the ground, a purple toad opened its eyes, and then quickly jumped out of the soil.

The three-meter-long body was directly exposed in front of everyone. Seeing the black liquid overflowing from the tumors on its body made people feel sick.


As its mouth moved, a strong shock wave rushed directly towards Jiang Baichuan.

Fuck! Martial arts with spiritual power!

There are people behind him. If he dodges, others may not be able to block him. Jiang Baichuan directly condensed the thunder in his palm and covered the surface with his mental power, directly blocking the opponent's attack.

At the moment of contact, Jiang Baichuan felt a pain in his mind.

I fuck you uncle, when have you ever suffered such a loss in the same realm? When he thought of this, Jiang Baichuan became furious.

He immediately gave it a thunderbolt, and the thunder and lightning instantly covered the toad, and the scene immediately became boiling.

A breeze blew by, and now only a burnt body of the ugly thing was left. This scene made Wang Gang unable to take his eyes away. Is this kid so fierce?

Jiang Baichuan also has fears, and there are things at the same level that can scare him. It seems that it was still floating before! This spiritual level of magic is really something that should not be underestimated. Next time, we need to take a preemptive strike.

Some veterans also looked at Jiang Baichuan with strong respect in their eyes. In the past, they had suffered heavy casualties when encountering spiritual beasts!

Physical attacks can be blocked, but mental attacks cannot be stopped! The cost of making mental armor is too high, and it is impossible to equip everyone with them.

When Jiang Baichuan came to the pile of toad corpses, the thunder gun immediately tore it into pieces, and a milky-white crystal appeared in front of his eyes.

Jiang Baichuan took the crystal in his hand and inspected it. What a good thing! It is actually somewhat similar to the sixth-order crystal stone. Although the spiritual power value is not much, the spiritual power is higher!

Jiang Baichuan immediately took back the Object-Receiving Ring. If he could look for more of this thing, it would be just around the corner for the spiritual type to break through to the realm of magic!

"Captain Wang, are there many toads in other worlds?"

After Jiang Baichuan came back, he asked Wang Gang to find out the news.

"This purple toad beast is rare. Usually once it appears, there won't be another one within a few miles. This thing is very dangerous, and we don't want to encounter it."

When he talked about this, a trace of fear flashed in Wang Gang's eyes. It was obvious that he had had a tragic experience with strange beasts such as the Purple Toad Beast.

Jiang Baichuan was a little disappointed. There were so few of these things? It seems that his plan failed immediately.

"Then is there anyone selling the crystals in its body?"

Jiang Baichuan was a little unwilling to give up, he couldn't bear to part with such a good thing.

"The crystals of spiritual alien beasts will be snatched away as soon as they appear. Its value is no less than the sixth-level crystals."

Jiang Baichuan gave up immediately. He bought a hammer so expensive.

Collect the blood crystals from the strange beasts on the ground, and the rest of the team will quickly recover their spiritual power. They had only traveled more than 50 miles, and there was still half the journey ahead.

After resting for half an hour, everyone was ready to set off again. After killing a group of strange beasts, they had to choose a suitable place to spend the night.


Before they had gone far, they heard the howling of a pack of wolves. Wang Gang was also a little nervous. He didn't expect to encounter a pack of bloody wolves.

"Line up! Ready to fight at any time."

Everyone's expressions also became serious. They just hoped that the number of wolves encountered this time would be smaller, otherwise many people would not be able to go back.

Many of them were at the level of martial arts masters and generals, but the opponents they faced were blood wolves in the Wuhou realm. Even Wang Gang looked pale.

In less than a few minutes, they saw a pack of wolves rushing towards them, and instantly the souls of the dead appeared.

Fuck! There are hundreds of them!

"Yiyi, stay with the team."

If they wait for them to rush over, Jiang Baichuan can't guarantee Luo Yiyi's safety, so he plans to strike first.

Thunder and flash!

Jiang Baichuan rushed over, pointed his thunder gun at the wolves, and thunder exploded directly at the wolves in front.

The thunder and lightning instantly knocked the wolves in the area to the ground. The blood evil wolves in the center area were directly blown into cokes, and the surrounding ones were also wailing on the ground.

Jiang Baichuan used the Lightning Thunder Fist technique and charged directly towards the wolves. An arc nearly three fingers wide within ten meters around him crackled the approaching Blood Fiend Wolf.

"Everyone, rush for me!"

Wang Gang was also shocked by Jiang Baichuan's tricks. This guy refreshed his understanding of students. He couldn't let him take risks alone at this moment.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the wolves ignored the others and launched an attack on Jiang Baichuan. Everyone was confused by this phenomenon. Even though the knife struck the blood evil wolf, it still rushed towards Jiang Baichuan.

Wang Gang also noticed it at this time and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Jiang Baichuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry as the wolves rushed towards him desperately. When you get close, you will be paralyzed by electricity. He will shoot one by one. Isn't this a good reward for points?


At this time, Wang Gang directly blew the signal and asked the Grandmaster for help. Jiang Baichuan was a little confused. Isn't it my advantage this time?

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