In the next three days, no one came to visit Jiang Baichuan. Maybe Du Anmin did it intentionally, which made Luo Yiyi feel a lot more relaxed.

But seeing that Jiang Baichuan still had no reaction, she couldn't be happy either. The wolf cub in his arms already weighs more than 10 kilograms. He can't even open his eyes at this moment, but he likes to be held by Luo Yiyi.

"The host kills the Half-Step Venerable Realm Alien for the first time. The reward points are 50,000. The current points have unlocked all the items in the system mall. I wish the host a happy shopping."

In the past three days, he could clearly feel Luo Yiyi's meticulous care for him. It was just that his body was out of his control, and this feeling almost made him collapse.

After checking the system mall, he was shocked. There are thousands of items in the mall, and there are all kinds of things, and they are all ridiculously expensive.

Thunder Grass: 200000

Volume 2 of the Supreme Creation Heart Sutra: 300000

I suspect the system is tricking me, but I have no proof.

"The host can block items that are currently unaffordable, and can also find items by classification."

Jiang Baichuan instantly felt despised by the system, but no one saw it, so he didn't care about the matter with the system.

Clicking on the categories, the mall directly divided into several major categories. There are exercises, martial arts, spiritual herbs, functional items, elixirs, weapons, etc.

Jiang Baichuan clicked on the martial arts, wanting to see what better martial arts there were. Now his attacks are a bit single. If someone else gets a lightning-proof turtle shell, his damage will be halved.

Shocking Thorn: 30,000

(Psychic attacks condensed with mental power can have a mental impact on the target. Targets with weaker mental power than your own are in fatal danger, so please use with caution.)

This is simply the ideal martial art! No, this is called spiritual magic.

It's just that Jiang Baichuan's current mental strength has not reached that of Wu Hou, and the opponent will be unable to hit him if he is further away. He thought about it for a long time and finally bought it.

After checking among the spiritual grasses, there are also thunder grasses, but he is now at the talent level. If he wants to reach the flawless level, he needs at least ten flowers, which is 200,000 points.

Huh! Jiang Baichuan discovered a good thing. This thing is useless to him, but it is a sacred thing to Luo Yiyi!

Wind Spirit Grass: 20,000 (Items that improve the quality of wind power, one flower can be promoted to the talent level, ten can be promoted to the flawless level.)

After all, Luo Yiyi is his woman. He can't afford anything else, so he must buy this one. Lying here for so many days made her anxious.

Slowly, Jiang Baichuan felt the spiritual power in his body surge rapidly, and drops of liquid spiritual power quickly condensed in his Dantian. At this moment, Jiang Baichuan began to have control over his body.

When Jiang Baichuan opened his eyes, he found Luo Yiyi sleeping beside the bed. In the past few days, Luo Yiyi had hardly closed her eyes, and now she couldn't help but fall asleep.

Jiang Baichuan gently placed Luo Yiyi on the bed. Looking at the haggard Keren'er in front of him, he felt deeply in his heart. When Luo Yiyi wakes up, give her a surprise.

Jiang Baichuan began to check his body, and found that 30% of his spiritual power had been restored. At this moment, he should restore his spiritual power first.

Taking out the giant white wolf's crystal, Jiang Baichuan began to try to absorb the energy inside, but he was stunned the next moment.

The energy in the crystal seemed to freeze his spiritual power, and a biting cold feeling spread all over his body. He was so frightened that he almost threw the crystal away.

I don’t dare to touch this thing now. I have time to ask other people. But at this moment, the wolf cub suddenly jumped up and his eyes opened.

Jiang Baichuan looked at those big light blue eyes and felt that they were not very smart.

The wolf cub ran up to him and started jumping around. It was obvious that the crystal was his, so give it to him quickly.

Jiang Baichuan slapped it angrily. You are thinking of eating such a precious thing.

The wolf cub was not afraid at all and directly challenged Jiang Baichuan. Then he lay on the ground and started acting cute. Jiang Baichuan was immediately speechless. How could this thing have the same virtue as Erha?

"Behave well and I can give you this."

After Jiang Baichuan said this to the wolf cub, he immediately became well-behaved. Jiang Baichuan nodded secretly, this thing is quite intelligent!

Jiang Baichuan let him lie down in the nest, and the other party immediately did it honestly. He just raised his head towards him, which meant clearly that Jiang Baichuan expressed his gratitude.

Jiang Baichuan took out some spiritual stones that he had left behind before and threw them to it. The wolf cub instantly grinned, indicating that Jiang Baichuan was on the way.

Jiang Baichuan didn't intend to pay attention to these idiots, so he took out another sixth-order crystal stone and began to absorb it.

When all his spiritual power was restored, Jiang Baichuan found that his spiritual power had increased a lot, and his spiritual power was running more smoothly.

Recalling the state when his body and mind were unified, Jiang Baichuan also understood at this moment that this was the direction for him to become a master.

At this moment, Jiang Baichuan also noticed that Luo Yiyi was about to wake up, so he quickly stopped practicing and came to her side.

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