After Li Li took them to arrange their enrollment, someone informed them to gather.

Jiang Baichuan was also a little confused. There was no accommodation arrangement!

Everyone had no choice but to bring their luggage to the gathering place. There was a huge area, obviously these were new students. The whole square was like a refugee camp, with daily necessities everywhere.

At this time, a figure flew from a distance, with an ethereal figure, which made stars appear in the eyes of the freshmen. This flying posture was so handsome, but this person did not seem to be a young man.

After the man landed, everyone noticed that he didn't look good! Looking at the middle-aged man with a big black mole on his face, such good cultivation was simply wasted.

"Quiet! What do they look like? You think this is a vegetable market!"

Why can't middle-aged people hear the discussion below, but looks are natural, so it doesn't matter if I am ugly at work or management, you still have to respectfully call me Director Hu.

"I am the teaching director of this college. You can call me Director Hu. Your campus graduation is all in my hands. I hope you can experience it for yourself."

As soon as these words came out, the students in the audience were stunned. This is threatening us. Is this a serious college?

"The Education Bureau has just issued an instruction. Starting from this year, your studies will only last for two years. In the first year, you will learn the theoretical knowledge of other worlds, and in the second year, you will directly go to the other world space for internship."

Now the freshmen on the field couldn't sit still. They promised to go to college for four years, but why are they only doing it for two years? Also, what the hell is going to an otherworldly space for an internship?

"What's the fuss about? Juniors and seniors will have to go to another dimension from the beginning of school. Those who don't accept it will drop out of school immediately. Don't even think about entering an official institution in Daxia in the future."

The freshmen did not dare to refute at this moment. Their families brought them to the college with great expectations, just to make them stand out.

"Put away your cowardly expressions. Daxia needs you right now. Some of you have made achievements that even I can't do. How can you sleep at the same age!"

Except for those who were traveling with Jiang Baichuan on the train, everyone else was a little confused. Is there such a fierce person?

"Jiang Baichuan, please come to the stage!"

Jiang Baichuan was also stunned. What was he calling me for?

But he still got up and flew over, nearly a hundred meters away. Jiang Baichuan's movements were very graceful. The eyes of the freshmen in the audience almost dropped to the ground. Is this still a freshman?

Director Hu looked at Jiang Baichuan and was quite satisfied. It is not that a master is better than a master. With such a talent in his own school, how could the school not be brilliant?

"Classmate Jiang Baichuan has participated in two large alien wars. He has killed countless fifth-level alien beasts and no fewer than five sixth-level alien beasts. Today he even killed a cult master."

Now that Jiang Baichuan has appeared in the cult's sight, the leaders are no longer hiding it, putting some pressure on these new students.

These words silenced everyone in the square. Didn't you just make everyone shut up by saying this? No teacher can achieve such an achievement.

"Look at how miserable you are. You're the same age, but why don't you have any fighting spirit?"

The freshman was wailing in his heart. If you act like a Wuhou, I can still catch up. This is such a direct approach to a grandmaster. You may not be able to achieve it in this life.

"The Education Bureau has issued new rewards, and a ranking list has been opened for new students. Students on the list can get a lot of resources."

This is possible. There is hope in the eyes of some freshmen. If they can't beat that pervert, there is still hope for beating others.

"This ranking is divided into two, one for freshmen and one for sophomores, each with a hundred places. Daxia's scientific researchers have developed ancient elixirs that can quickly increase your cultivation speed. I hope you can seize the opportunity. "

Many freshmen are eager to try, and those who are not the best in the area at home are all inspired to fight at this moment.

"Classmate Jiang Baichuan, what do you want to say to everyone?"

Director Hu was very enthusiastic towards Jiang Baichuan, with a smile on his face. This was the school's treasure, and of course he had to be treated differently.

Jiang Baichuan didn't know what to say. This was not a game where he could put down harsh words and pretend to be good. 13

"I hope everyone will work hard to practice, break through themselves at all times, and contribute to Daxia."


Director Hu took the lead in applauding, and the people in the square were also forced to applaud. Doesn’t this mean that he didn’t say anything?

"You all must learn from classmate Jiang Baichuan. Classmate Jiang Baichuan practices 12 hours a day. His strength comes from hard work. You must practice 6 hours a day for me in the future."

Since when did I practice 12 hours a day? Jiang Baichuan was also a little confused. Director Hu is not a good person. He wants to attract hatred to me again!

But the freshmen don't think so. Jiang Baichuan must have practiced hard to have such strength. After all, many of them also have high-quality superpowers. Why is he so strong?

"Then you will be assigned dormitories, and the dormitories are also different. The dormitories will be determined according to the rankings. I will tell you quietly that the dormitories with better rankings have stronger aura.

Now you will be allocated according to your college entrance examination scores, and the ranking challenge will begin in seven days. "

At this moment, the freshmen were all excited to be deceived by Director Hu. Everyone wanted to live in a good dormitory and be the most powerful person in the world. Jiang Baichuan had a partner, and their chances of obtaining the right to choose a spouse were infinitely increased.

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