At this moment, all the land in this area was desolate and bloody, making Jiang Baichuan feel a little desolate.

After surrounding it for a week, many people fell into coma. Most of them suffered from spiritual exhaustion, but their lives were not in danger.

Nine of them have died, including school tutors and senior officials of the town security bureau.

There are still five people who are very popular and may not be able to survive the rescue. Matthew is one of them.

Jiang Baichuan struggled internally for a while, but decided to buy the water of life. They were all fighting for Daxia. Without their desperate resistance, maybe he would not have survived.

The water of life was fed to these five people. Although he lost 100,000 points, Jiang Baichuan thought it was all worth it.

Jiang Baichuan began to shout to the base, trying to get people to come over for support, but during the decisive battle against the Bloodwings, the director of the town security bureau ordered the troops to retreat to the entrance of the space, and no one could hear him now.

A few minutes later, Matthew woke up first.

The first time he woke up, he looked around cautiously. He was still immersed in the battle just now, but when he saw Jiang Baichuan, he instantly smiled.

He really couldn't understand this young man. He could survive several fatal situations. I'm afraid that his ability to wake up was entirely due to him, but Matthew wouldn't mention it. It's better to have some secrets in order to grow up.

"Teacher, you're awake!"

Finally someone was able to communicate, it was really depressing in such an environment.

"No matter who asks you later, just say that I killed the Bloodwings and the crystal is with me, do you understand?"

Jiang Baichuan was also a little confused, why did you say that?

"Not everyone in this world is of the same mind. There are always people who do some shameful things for the sake of strength. You listen to me on this matter."

Jiang Baichuan nodded, remembering some of his classmates on the train when he entered school, and instantly understood the reason.

"Even the four of them were saved by me, and so were you."

Before Jiang Baichuan responded, he felt that the others had also woken up. They were no different from Matthew. As soon as they woke up, they looked around cautiously.

"Phew! I survived. It has to be you, Lao Ma!"

The person who spoke was a tutor in the school. Naturally, he would not take the credit for this matter. He understood what the consequences would be.

"Today's battle can keep this space peaceful for several years. It's a pity that those who died will never be seen again."

The eyes of the director of the Town Security Bureau were also shrouded in mist, and he only regretted that he only had the strength of a grandmaster.

"Director Zhang, we are lucky to be able to defend the provincial capital."

At this moment, a person came into the space entrance, wearing a distinctive military uniform. Several people looked a little weird when they saw it.

This person looked to be about forty years old, and the cold expression on his face made people not want to get in touch with him, especially since there was a hint of interrogation in his eyes.

Matthew glanced at Jiang Baichuan to signal him not to talk nonsense.

"The Chief Judge is here, but Zhang is not far away to welcome you. The beast tide has been controlled at this moment, please check."

This person's mental power directly covered this area, and even a few people were not spared, which made Jiang Baichuan a little unhappy. It was so rude.

"Bloodwings actually appeared here. I didn't expect you to have some abilities. Where are the blood crystals?"

Matthew had long expected that someone would be peeping at the blood crystal, and he knew that there was no way to avoid it.

"This evil beast was killed by me, and the blood crystal will naturally be in my hands." 3

The presiding judge was a little dissatisfied with Matthew's attitude. As the ceiling of Daxia's combat power, how could a grandmaster treat him like this?

"Do you know that it is possible for blood crystals to create a venerable person, and how much help it can bring if it is handed over to the country?"

Matthew laughed angrily at the words of the presiding judge. Last time so many compatriots were killed in battle, you came and picked the peaches directly. Now you do this again, do you think I can still let you?

"Blood crystals can create venerable people. Since we are also members of Daxia, can't we become venerable people?"


The presiding judge snorted, and the aura of the Venerable filled the air. Jiang Baichuan was a little unsteady on his feet. This person turned out to be the Venerable of Daxia. He didn't expect him to be like this.

"Does the presiding judge really think that he can cover up the sky with one hand? We didn't want to care about that two years ago, but now it's like this, it's too ugly, right?"

Director Zhang can’t stand it anymore. You have taken all the good things away. Doesn’t our provincial capital deserve to have a respected person?

Feeling the hostility of everyone, the presiding judge was not able to get angry. It was impossible for him to fight over this matter, otherwise he would be unable to eat and walk around.

"Okay! Then I hope that one of you can break through to the Venerable Realm. I believe your provincial city's alien space will be quite stable in the future."

The meaning of this statement is obvious. Whatever happens in your provincial capital in the future, you will have to figure it out yourself.

"The presiding judge is indeed very discerning. He can tell at a glance that the deployment of our provincial capital is impregnable."

Director Zhang despised his behavior. If his strength did not allow it, he would have wanted to slap him twice. How could Daxia support such a person to become a venerable person.

After hearing Director Zhang's words, the presiding judge was also angry. In that case, we'll see.

"Then I wish in advance that one of you will break through to the Venerable Realm. I'm busy with my affairs, so I'll take my leave now."

After saying that, he flew directly to the entrance of the space and disappeared from everyone's eyes.


Director Zhang is a little helpless, but things have reached this point, and the most important thing is to improve his strength.

Jiang Baichuan was also very angry. Is this the Venerable Master of Daxia?

Matthew patted Jiang Baichuan's shoulder and signaled not to think too much.

Then he bowed his hands to Director Zhang.

"Director Zhang, thank you very much for this. As long as I am still alive, I will be on the front line of the battlefield."

Director Zhang waved his hand, this is really fucking stupid!

At this moment, a large number of soldiers poured in at the entrance. Director Zhang called on his men to take the injured to the hospital. As for the dead, they were transported to the town security bureau for their families to claim.

When Jiang Baichuan returned to school, Luo Yiyi was waiting for him at the door of the dormitory. When he saw Jiang Baichuan coming back safely, he hugged him directly, really afraid that something would happen to him.

Jiang Baichuan comforted him nicely, saying that he was not hurt, but he was just in a bad mood.

What happened today had a great impact on Jiang Baichuan. Interests had obscured the eyes of many people. No wonder some people would take the risk and join the cult.

The most important thing now is to improve his strength. As long as he is strong, no one will dare to do these shameful things in front of him.

As for their conversation, Jiang Baichuan was a little puzzled. Could this Venerable's blood crystal really create a Venerable? If this is the case, why don't so many masters form a group to hunt down the sages from other worlds?

Jiang Baichuan decided to ask Matthew Taibao tomorrow. The most important thing now was to comfort Luo Yiyi.

This girl has been worried about him, especially when Luo Qianjun told her that the situation in the provincial capital was very dangerous, she became even more worried.

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