In the past two days, the beasts from the three alien spaces have frequently attacked, but they are all below the level of Grandmaster.

Many senior students have experienced life and death battles and slowly transformed into a qualified warrior. This is what every Daxia person with combat powers must experience.

At this moment, a large number of soldiers and boss-level figures gathered outside the Provincial Natural Park. Only one presiding judge came, and the man who had snatched the spar did not come.

This made everyone a little angry. This is really a piece of shit. Even Jiang Baichuan hated it.

Everyone was waiting, and some people were also confused as to whether it would be an own incident.

The presiding judge who came to support was also a little impatient, and he was also a little confused about the task assigned by the superiors. Who specifically did it?

At this moment, in the center of the originally peaceful park, an overwhelming aura surged, which shocked everyone.

What the hell has happened, and it has such a powerful momentum?

The entire center of the park was directly bulldozed, everything within a few miles was swept away, and the entire area was flattened. Fortunately, everyone was only at the entrance.

After the aura fluctuated, a 50-meter-high space crack began to condense in the sky, purple light began to flicker, and a 20-meter-wide entrance appeared.

Director Zhang swallowed. The space that almost killed people last time was only 30 meters high. This 50-meter space is probably going to suffer.

The space cracks began to stabilize, and Jiang Baichuan could feel that the spiritual power around him had increased a lot. Perhaps the strong spiritual power would trigger a new crisis soon.

"Come in with me!"

The presiding judge took the lead and rushed in, and everyone followed without saying a word. They were allowed to fight outside and were always on guard against strange beasts escaping.

When Jiang Baichuan rushed in, he was stunned. This place was actually different from the other alien spaces in the past. The environment was similar to that of Blue Star, except that the vegetation was too lush.

There are plants several meters high and giant trees hundreds of meters high everywhere. Their current size is like some ants coming to the lawn.

The presiding judge's expression changed drastically when he saw this scene. This alien space is about to touch the advanced alien space, and the situation is not optimistic.

"Ready to fight!"

Everyone also woke up from the shock. When they saw the sound coming from the distance, some of their scalps went numb.

One after another, ferocious crustacean creatures rushed from a distance, a bit like ants. The three-meter-long and one-meter-high body reflected a faint metallic feel, and the fangs on its mouth had a purple light.

Jiang Baichuan immediately felt that the aura emitted by these strange beasts was approaching the master, and the darkness in front of him made him smile bitterly.

"These creatures have no elemental attributes and rely on brute force. You attack from a distance first."

The presiding judge shouted to everyone, and everyone launched attacks one after another. However, this thing was actually somewhat immune to water and earth damage, and instead aroused their ferocity.

Jiang Baichuan also fired a thunderous Half-Moon Slash and swept over it. The alien beast that was hit was electrocuted and emitted black smoke. The aftermath also caused many casualties of the alien beasts.

Many masters couldn't accept this scene. How the hell is this possible?

Matthew had a proud expression on his face and wanted to tell others loudly that this was my student.

But now is not the time to do this. Matthew directly condensed five thunder whips. With the movement of his fingers, all the strange beasts were instantly electrocuted. It was very beautiful in his heart.

There was also a fire master who showed off his skills and burned a large area, which made him feel that this operation was much easier.

The presiding judge is not so optimistic. This has just begun. The alien beasts feel the fluctuations in the space cracks, and the powerful ones in the distance have not come yet.

Jiang Baichuan was very happy at the moment. He used the Thunder Chain to quickly harvest points. The growth rate was not ordinary fast, and he gained nearly a hundred points in one go.

Everyone used their own methods, and when they were almost clear, another large army came over from a distance.

What came turned out to be a group of wolf-shaped beasts called Storm Wolves. Except for their unique appearance, they are no different from Blue Star creatures. The leader is actually a Half-Step Venerable, followed by six Grandmasters, and the others are all Wuhou.

This group of wind wolves had wind attributes and moved very fast. They rushed to everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye. They were a little wary after seeing the presiding judge, but they still launched an attack without hesitation.

Jiang Baichuan was going to hunt down some fifth-level crystal stones, which were of the wind type and could be used by Luo Yiyi.

Thinking of this, Jiang Baichuan directly stared at those Wuhou-level wind wolves, killing many of them in the flash of thunder and lightning.

The Grandmaster on the human side had the upper hand, almost crushing the game. The chief judge also killed the first wolf with his backhand. It didn't take long for the wolves to be wiped out.

Jiang Baichuan took out a dozen fifth-level crystals, but unfortunately there were no sixth-level crystals. With so many masters surrounding them, he was too embarrassed to grab the monsters.

Jiang Baichuan was a little strange, why did he rush over even though he knew he couldn't beat them? It's not like there was something wrong with these gale wolves!

Before everyone could rest for long, another group of alien beasts rushed over. The aura of the alien beasts in front made everyone a little depressed. This was the attack of the venerable-level alien beasts.

The pressure on everyone has increased greatly. They have reached the Venerable level so soon. Are there any more in the future?

What appeared in front of everyone was still a pack of wolves, somewhat similar to before, but in terms of attributes, they were actually of the fire element.

This is going to be really hard to do, and the fire element's lethality is not guaranteed, so a lot of people might want to kill it.

The presiding judge took the lead and faced the alpha wolf directly, not allowing the aftermath of the Lord-level battle to hurt others.

I saw more than 20 master-level ones in the back and three half-step master-level ones. Everyone's expressions were a bit ugly. Let alone one-on-two, one-on-one might not have much advantage.

Jiang Baichuan also noticed that there was no one below the Grandmaster level. He had to face the Grandmaster level.

Jiang Baichuan struck first and directly covered the dozen or so flame wolves rushing in front with his thunderous hand. The whole scene smelled of meat.

Many flame wolves had a large piece of their bodies scorched, and they continued to charge forward without fear of death. Some of them were rolling on the ground, obviously being severely injured.

This scene made many masters look happy, which would probably make them feel more relaxed. They were already used to Jiang Baichuan's strength.

The presiding judge also felt Jiang Baichuan's blow and was a little surprised that the Wuhou realm could actually attack with thoughts.

Vice President Zhang was also showing off his power at this moment. Half-step Venerable was not a Venerable after all. Even if he faced three heads, he still had the advantage in many fights.

Jiang Baichuan also joined the Grandmaster's battle at this moment, and when nothing happened, he suddenly attacked the flame wolves who were still fighting with a lightning bolt.

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