Jiang Baichuan didn't want to stay too long. Who knew what this monster would do later. Where could he go to explain himself if he was accidentally killed?

When Jiang Baichuan left, Medusa didn't hold him back. Now that the things were in hand, there was no friendship anymore and she could only wait until the treasure-delivery boy came to visit next time.

With this treasure, her aptitude will definitely reach the flawless level. If she exchanges it a few more times, there is no need to worry about not being able to reach the spiritual body.

She heard that all human males were lower-body animals, so she couldn't believe that she couldn't be fascinated by this boy who gave away the treasure.

At this time, Jiang Baichuan was also frightened. It was so exciting that he even used this to test him. If the monster's strength wasn't so terrifying, he might have fallen victim to it.

As soon as Jiang Baichuan appeared at the entrance of the space, Director Zhang was still waiting outside. Seeing Jiang Baichuan's face covered in blood, he immediately panicked.

Facing Director Zhang's eager face, Jiang Baichuan was also a little confused. Why are I looking at me like this? What happened?

"Classmate Zhang, why are you injured?"

Jiang Baichuan also remembered it at this time, and actually forgot to clean his face.

"Director Zhang, don't worry. The transaction was successful. Don't worry about these details."

Director Zhang also felt a little guilty. Jiang Baichuan had sacrificed a lot for Daxia! Who doesn't like such an outstanding young man? If Luo Qianjun hadn't struck first, he would have wanted to marry his daughter to Jiang Baichuan.

Jiang Baichuan cleaned his face and prepared to say goodbye to Director Zhang. As for the ten major ethnic groups in the other world, it was better not to talk about it. It would only increase worries.

Jiang Baichuan's face glowed red. He had gained a lot this time. Even if he hunted a few more times, he would still have the chips to pay, and Medusa could take it easy.

After returning to the academy, Jiang Baichuan directly sent a message to the grandmaster who participated in the last hunting operation, but there were only two thunder-type ones. He wanted to use them himself, so Matthew should get one first!

Several masters also hurried over, and Jiang Baichuan directly distributed half-step master-level crystals to them. Matthew still had to explain something.

Although Matthew is a little disappointed, it is good to have one. There will be one next time. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to advance at once.

The masters also hurriedly left, saying that they would be called for the next event and were preparing to go home and try to absorb the crystal stones.

Jiang Baichuan also made plans at this moment. After Luo Yiyi finished class, he was going to practice in seclusion and would not go out until he was a master.

As a student, Jiang Baichuan had really only attended classes for a few days, but no one came to urge him, which made many classmates envious and jealous.

In Zhenwu Academy, the dean's office is also full of people at the moment, all discussing the official news.

All senior students are officially required to participate in space hunting, and other students at the general level are also required.

The army began to attack the low-level alien space, and the students served as auxiliary forces and moved the base hundreds of miles away.

No one here objected to the official decision. They had been waiting for the alien beasts to attack the city, so they might as well take the initiative to not only hone the students' combat abilities, but also obtain more crystals.

At this time, many instructors also began to count the number of people and reported all suitable personnel to the Town Security Bureau, which would be under unified command.

Jiang Baichuan was also practicing while waiting for Luo Yiyi. The vibration of his cell phone made him wake up instantly.

He was a little surprised when he saw the message sent to him by the college. The official execution was very fast! Implementation started in just a few days.

Not long after, Jiang Baichuan saw Luo Yiyi coming back from get out of class.

As soon as Luo Yiyi saw him, she told him that the academy was going to the battlefield, and she felt excited and uneasy in her heart. She didn't know if the two of them were together.

Jiang Baichuan was also a little surprised. How about allocating personnel? Why didn't he receive the assignment notice?

The two talked for a while, mainly Jiang Baichuan comforted Luo Yiyi and told her to pay attention to safety at all times and not to show off. She was just a new student and she would retreat if she couldn't beat her.

Also, Jiang Baichuan mentioned that he was going to retreat. Luo Yiyi was also very surprised. She was about to advance so soon, and her spiritual power was only over half!

They had to be separated for a while, but the two cherished the time together and worked hard all night.

The next day, after Jiang Baichuan watched Luo Yiyi go out, he immediately locked up the courtyard. This time, he needed to break through the master in one go.

Jiang Baichuan sat on the ground, took out the Half-Step Venerable Crystal, and began to absorb and refine it.

At this moment, Luo Yiyi also arrived at the assembly area under the arrangement of the instructor, accompanied by a big white wolf with a shoulder height of 1.5 meters, which also caused quite a sensation among the students.

At this time, Xiaobai was also a little confused. What on earth was he going to do? Why was he kicked out by the Big Devil before he finished watching the TV series?

Many instructors have heard about Xiaobai and know that it is a giant frost wolf. Although it is not very big, its strength cannot be underestimated.

Li Hao was also a little happy. He and Luo Yiyi were on the same team, so they could take care of each other, and he could cut off the rear in the face of danger.

With Jiang Baichuan's spiritual grass, his supernatural power has reached a high level. He is grateful to Jiang Baichuan from the bottom of his heart. As a brother, he must not let Luo Yiyi be in danger.

As the students continued to gather, the instructor counted the number of students and began to let the students get on the bus in batches and transport them to their respective alien space bases.

At this time, the alien space was also bustling with people, and many students were talking to each other. Some were worried, some were worried, and some were excited, ready to show off their talents among their classmates.

Students and soldiers are directly integrated into teams and led by experienced soldiers, allowing students to adapt faster and reducing unnecessary losses.

As time passed, the Town Security Bureau issued the signal to attack and began to advance towards the area where the alien beasts were active.

The entire provincial capital is also a military force, and some auxiliary personnel with special abilities have also begun to make tools and construction materials to transport to other dimensions at any time.

When all the teams moved forward, the auxiliary personnel at the back began to build roads, and planned to build a supply depot every ten miles to ensure that the teams in front had no worries.

At this moment, Luo Yiyi was riding on Xiao Bai's body, looking heroic, and the alloy dagger in his hand was also stained with the blood of alien beasts.

Xiaobai is also a little depressed. Luo Yiyi always lets him charge in front, so you can't just be lazy with others?

Also, why are these ugly things scolding me?

Xiao Bai was a little strange. My bloodline was noble and I was not at the same level as these ugly purple monsters.

You actually dare to scold me, let’s see if I don’t beat your mouth to pieces.

Xiaobai was immediately interested in those with a lower level than him. Luo Yiyi only wanted to say "rush", which was quite positive.

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