"Da Da Da Da..."

The crisp and rhythmic knocking sound continued to ring, and the teaching stick in the teacher's hand hit the blackboard again and again, as if to penetrate the hard board surface.

Each knock was accompanied by a slight vibration, and the whole classroom was filled with a tense and serious atmosphere.

And all this was just to wake up one person!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the figure who was sleeping on the desk-Lu Ping.

He seemed to be completely immersed in his own dreamland, unaware of everything in the outside world.

The female teacher with glasses rubbed her forehead helplessly, with an expression of both anger and disappointment on her face.

Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with the performance of this student.

She raised her voice and shouted:

"Xu Ming, pull Lu Ping up quickly!"

Hearing the teacher's order, Xu Ming, who was sitting next to Lu Ping, hurriedly took action.

"Lu Ge, Lu Ge, wake up!" Xu Ming shouted softly while shaking Lu Ping's shoulders.

However, Lu Ping still had no reaction, and he was motionless like a lifeless corpse.

A burst of laughter suddenly broke out in the classroom.

This laughter was extremely harsh, full of ridicule and disdain, without any friendly or joking elements.

The students vented their ridicule of Lu Ping.

Seeing this, the teacher frowned tightly, and the originally slender teaching stick in her hand frequently hit the blackboard, making a series of loud noises.

"Quiet!" She shouted harshly, trying to suppress the chaotic scene with majesty.

A boy sitting in the first row took the lead in putting away the mocking expression on his face just now, but there was still a trace of contempt in his eyes.

He curled his lips and muttered in a low voice:

"Teacher, don't worry about him."

"Although he awakened a rare wishing angel, his rubbish talent is destined to make him achieve nothing!"

Hearing his words, the class immediately split into two poles.

On one side, there were people who had always disliked Lu Ping, and they immediately agreed after hearing this!

"Yeah, a rubbish person with rubbish talent, what great things can he do!"

"That's right, awakening early is great, isn't it still a waste!"


On the other side, there were mostly female friends!

"Humph, what's wrong with low talent, I'll protect him in the future!"

"Don't you dare slander our little Pingping, as long as he is willing, I am willing to support him!"


The class was noisy in an instant, but the protagonist of the discussion turned a deaf ear to it, still dreaming of Zhuang Zhou's butterfly!

Hearing these words, even the teacher looked at the sleeping boy with some regret.

Lu Ping, originally an absolute child of destiny, was absolutely No. 1 in every subject!

He was good at learning things like spiritual beast recognition, map exploration, etc.

He even awakened his superpowers in the second year of school, and what he awakened was the "Wish Angel" that few people in the world have!

That's the angel of prayer!

It is the king of life-related superpowers!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation throughout China.

People sighed:

"This is simply someone else's child!"

Not only is he handsome, his academic performance is excellent, and even his awakened superpowers are one in a million!

However, the final result was shocking and made a shocking joke!

Although Lu Ping has such a powerful superpower, when testing his talent, the crystal ball used for testing did not react at all!

It was as quiet as a dead lake!

This sudden change made all the staff present at a loss!

(•̌.•̑)? ?

The members of the Superpower Association were even more confused. They once suspected that there was something wrong with the crystal ball.

But after a thorough inspection, they found that there was nothing wrong with the crystal ball. The real reason was that Lu Ping really had no talent for cultivation!

You know, no matter how bad a person's talent is, at least the crystal ball will give some response, which is more or less a consolation.

But Lu Ping's strange situation with no movement at all is the first time in the hundred years since the emergence of the Spirit Gate and the revival of spiritual energy!

This is undoubtedly an unprecedented strange thing!

Talent is divided into four stages: A, B, C, and D. Among them, A is the strongest, and the rest are ranked behind.

But in response to Lu Ping's situation, the Superpower Association opened up another stage!

"W!" also means "nothing!"

He has an invincible superpower, but his talent is Wu!

For a while, those who flattered and licked Lu Ping all changed their faces.face, and began to laugh loudly!

In today's world, you can be poor and powerless, and even if you have poor supernatural powers and poor talent, you can still pass with your eyes closed!

But if you have all four points, then I'm sorry, you can restart!

This account is useless!

He was originally a proud child, but he was brought to the bottom in just an instant!


The teacher sighed, knocked on the black and white again, and signaled the students to be quiet!

"Then let's continue."

"Class monitor, when Lu Ping wakes up, you can help him review, thank you for your hard work."

The teacher looked at a girl and spoke apologetically.

"Okay, teacher."

Her voice was cold, and there was no emotion in it, but it was also very nice.

"Ah?!" The boy who was making a fuss at the front was stunned when he heard the news!

He turned his head mechanically and looked at the beautiful girl behind him!

"What's wrong?" The girl frowned slightly and looked at him coldly.

"Ah, no... nothing!" He turned his head back when he heard the girl's cold voice!

"Damn it! How could Yu Mingxue agree to it!" He thought to himself indignantly.

"Damn Lu Ping!" Unconsciously, he put the blame on Lu Ping again!

You know, Yu Mingxue's beauty is famous, she is a goddess in the minds of countless people.

However, her personality is as cold as ice, and she turns a blind eye to anyone who shows her kindness!

Only Lu Ping is an exception. They used to be academic masters. When they encountered problems in their studies, they always discussed with each other and made progress together!

At that time, Lu Ping had not awakened his superpowers, and everyone was still chasing him. Because they were close, they were often called the golden boy and jade girl!

Because of their excellent grades, even the teachers turned a blind eye to it and did not interfere too much!

But since the incident happened later, Lu Ping was in a bad mood, and his grades slipped again and again.

Yu Mingxue never said a word to Lu Ping again.


With the crisp bell ringing, the teacher sorted out the teaching materials on the podium and left.

The students in the classroom also began to pack up, and then walked out of the classroom in twos and threes to the cafeteria for dinner.

Lu Ping, who had been sleeping soundly on the desk, woke up slowly at this time.

"Hmm..., yawn"

Yawning and stretching with satisfaction.

After stretching his muscles, Lu Ping also prepared to follow the group to eat.

However, at this moment, a pleasant but cold voice suddenly came from behind:

"Lu Ping."

Lu Ping subconsciously looked back and it turned out to be the class monitor Yu Mingxue.

He rubbed his still sleepy eyes with his hands and asked listlessly:

"Huh..., what's wrong, monitor?"

Yu Mingxue looked at Lu Ping expressionlessly and said calmly:

"You fell asleep in class today, and the teacher couldn't wake you up, so I helped you review the knowledge points after school."

After a pause, she continued:

"Come to the classroom after dinner, I'll wait for you in the classroom."

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Mingxue didn't even give Lu Ping a chance to answer, and walked around him and walked out of the classroom.

"Hey..." Lu Ping came back to his senses and called out, but Yu Mingxue ignored him at all.

"Hmph, self-righteous guy, who wants to make up lessons, isn't it sweet to sleep!"

Lu Ping muttered and walked towards the cafeteria!

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