Because of the new roommate, Yu Mingxue also went out early.

She went straight to the ice house to practice.

The ice house is not free. If you want to practice in it, you have to pay spirit crystals.

But for Yu Mingxue, a big spender of spirit crystals, isn't this the same as free?

As for money, she may not have that much.

But spirit crystals, even playing with stones with them, they are too hard to hold!

Just yesterday, after she and Lu Ping finished their meal, they came here to apply for a monthly service!

Just ask if you are envious?

Anyway, people passing by are quite envious.

But Yu Mingxue had just entered the rhythm of practice when she was called out by Lu Ping.

"What for."

"Here, this month's salary, take it."

Lu Ping put the card in her hand.


"If you can't talk, don't talk. This is a scholarship!"

"It's about the same. There are 500w in it. Go ahead!" Lu Ping waved his hand indifferently.

If the dean's ability was to kill with his eyes, Lu Ping would have died a hundred times!

Xiu Yuzhen explained briefly, and Yu Mingxue nodded slightly.

Although she was not a person who liked to take advantage, but since it was given to her and she was happy to give it, she couldn't refuse.

"Anything else? If not, I'll continue."

"Hey, don't." Lu Ping held Yu Mingxue and continued:

"We've got the salary, don't we have to go and support the dean?"

Xiu Yuzhen wanted to explain, but she was so powerless!

"Hey, let's go. I guess everyone is here."

In the end, the dean just waved his hand and asked the two to follow.

At this moment, many people were already standing in the square, separated by departments.

It can be seen that there are hundreds of freshmen in the elemental and beast spirit departments.

From above, it was a huge black mass.

The other three departments, Life, Power, and Mutation, were all scattered and barely put together a class.

Even the Life Department had only a dozen people put together a class.

There was no way, there were too few people in this department with good talents.

Not to mention the Space Department, this special department, there was no school at all.

On the stands, several leaders were already in place, only the dean hadn't come yet.

"This class of freshmen is not bad."

An old man with white hair leaned back in his chair and nodded.

"Indeed." Someone agreed.

"There are more than ten geniuses with Class A talents."

"The Element Department is led by Jiang Ran and Han Xiu."

"The Beast Spirit Department has Li Qihu, the weird-faced fox."

"Even the Mutation Department has a little girl with the Hand of Life."

Several school leaders exchanged opinions with each other, and their words were full of praise.

However, a middle-aged man with glasses chuckled:

"Aren't there Lu Ping and Yu Mingxue with Qiankun-level talents? Why don't you talk about them?"

Everyone was silent, and an old man with a bad temper couldn't help but start to rant:

"Why talk about them? They are not our people!"

"That's right, you don't know that yesterday Lu Ping relied on that token and came to me and took away 500 million!"

"What! Is that true!"

"Yeah, today the dean also specially approved them to give them 5 million as scholarships every month."

"Big bastard, you said we didn't lose anything!"


Faced with the increasingly noisy clamor, the man with glasses couldn't stop it.

He could only shake his head helplessly.

Alas, it seems that it's really hard to get the old guys to accept these two kids!

When the dean came, he saw the noisy crowd and frowned:

"Be quiet."

The red-faced old men saw Xiu Yuzhen and were about to say something.

But seeing Lu Ping and the other person standing by, he had to stop, but he still didn't treat them well.

Lu Ping didn't care. If they didn't treat him well, then he didn't give them any. Just give them money.

The dean turned around and said to the two of them:

"Go to your own department team. We will arrange the test together after the meeting."

After nodding in response, Lu Ping went to the power department.

Yu Mingxue went to the element department on the other side as if no one was there.

The two special people certainly attracted the attention of the students.

Especially because of his short stature, Jiang Ran, who was standing in the front, had already jumped and waved at Yu Mingxue:

"Sister Yu, Sister Yu, come here!"

Lu Ping was also recognized. Most people had seen Lu Ping in the video, but they didn't have a very intuitive understanding of Lu Ping's strength.

But those A-level talents who took the test with Lu Ping had really seen Lu Ping's performance!

With his spiritual power sealed, he could kill a silver-level person alone with only the power of bronze level!

It's far from the truth, but it's the truth!

Lu Ping didn't react at all. He came to the strength team, said hello to the team leader, and went in..


Lu Ping was surprised when he just joined the team.

Because the power department, which usually comes from the monk temple, has come from the opposite sex!

And it's a foreign girl!

White and blonde, with a pair of sapphire-like pupils, the white face is even whiter.

The tip of the nose is upturned and pointed, and it almost becomes a right angle shape when viewed from the side!

She is wearing a cyan princess dress, and the whole person looks like a medieval princess.

"Can this be a power department?"

Lu Ping was puzzled. If the other people around him were not all burly and strong men, he would have suspected that he had walked into the wrong team.

As if she noticed Lu Ping's gaze, the foreign girl turned her head and smiled, then lifted her skirt and bowed.

So polite?

But Lu Ping also responded briefly.

Dean Xiu Yuzhen cleared her throat and began to speak:

"I am very happy that everyone can come to Kyoto Reiwu University to study. I am the dean, Xiu Yuzhen."

The students responded with warm applause.

"Our Kyoto Reiwu University has been established for nearly a hundred years."

"In these hundred years, countless..."

Xiu Yuzhen slowly recounted the history of the school, and there were many students who listened attentively.

But most of them...

After all, they were all passionate teenagers, and not many were interested in this boring speech.

Fortunately, the dean did not speak for a long time, just a formality.

"Okay, I won't say more."

"I wish you all can practice well and achieve success in Kyoto Reiwu University and in the future!"

"Pa pa pa..."

The applause rang out again, giving her due respect.

"Next, each department will take the freshmen to take the entrance test, and then disband."

After speaking, several school leaders stood up and left.

The leader of the strength department also began to call everyone to gather together.

"Classmates, follow me."

Lu Ping didn't want to go at first, but after thinking about it, he decided to go with him.

On the way, there were many young people in the team who were not convinced and wanted to compete with Lu Ping.

However, Lu Ping just laughed them off.

Qin Hao didn't say anything before, he was at least silver level.

And you guys, you haven't even broken through the middle bronze level, Lu Ping has no interest at all.

And the only female, the foreign girl, was also very popular.

After all, there was only this girl in the whole class, and she was so beautiful, of course she was popular.

And this girl was also very talkative, responding to all the greetings one by one.

Lu Ping didn't care at first, but this person came to Lu Ping's side unknowingly.

She stretched out her hand to Lu Ping, tilted her head playfully, and said in fluent Chinese:

"Nice to meet you, classmate Lu Ping."

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