"Golden primary level..." Lu Ping came to a conclusion after observing for a while.

"Old lady, you are awesome. You start with a golden primary level spirit beast!"

Then he stopped hesitating and continued to explore the next one!

I have to say that the area of ​​this valley is really not small!

The squares are placed inside without any crowding!

Lu Ping counted carefully. Wow, there are a total of 81 squares!

That is to say, there are 81 golden level spirit beasts here!

The spirit beasts of each level are evenly distributed!

Except for the last square, there is a pitch-black mantis-like spirit beast!

Just when Lu Ping flashed over, the mantis found him!

If he hadn't flashed quickly, he would have been shaved by a black light!

The black light almost brushed his scalp and cut through. Even though he had escaped, Lu Ping was still scared!

Thrilling and exciting!

From the detector, the black mantis stood there like a lord, mighty and domineering!

Lu Ping felt that the earth wall could not trap it at all. For some reason, the mantis had no intention of running away!

Perhaps, it was the confidence in its own strength!

Lu Ping did not know its strength, but it was guaranteed to be high-level, and it was even possible to be golden level nine!


Lu Ping began to smack his lips at this scene!


In fact, Lu Ping thought of a way halfway, although it was a bit bad, even sneaky!

That is to deliberately guide the spirit beasts to break the earth wall of confinement!

As long as the spirit beasts are put together, it will definitely be a fight between them!

In this way, Lu Ping and his friends can also pass the level quickly!

However, Lu Ping only thought about it. This place was specially prepared by the old woman after all.

Not to mention how much effort it took, just for this thought, Lu Ping could not destroy it carelessly!

"Let's go back first. We need to prepare!"

We really need to prepare well. After a few days, Lu Ping successfully broke through another level and reached the level of Silver Level 3!

This is all thanks to the egg. Its swallowing skill can be described in two words: awesome!

Whether it is medicinal power or spiritual energy, swallow it all!

And Yu Mingxue is still at Silver Level 2, and there is still a long way to go before the third level!

A Silver Level 2 and a Level 3 want to kill a golden spirit beast!

Others will definitely think it's outrageous and noisy after hearing it!

But if it's the two of them, if they plan well, they can really do it without any accidents!

The speed of returning is very fast. In more than ten seconds, Lu Ping arrived at the starting point.

Lu Ping did not turn off the detector. From the detector, he saw that Yu Mingxue had cleaned up the house.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on a tree stump practicing.

Lu Ping had a full view of everything in the house, but he secretly complained in his heart:

"How stingy, there's not even a bed!"

"Even if you give me one, we can squeeze in!"

If the dean knew about this, he would probably be so angry that he would laugh!

Do you think you're here for a trip!

Still want a bed? I'll give you a fine decoration, okay?

"Actually, it's not impossible..."

Get lost!

Lu Ping quickly regained his composure and flashed into the house!

Lu Ping flashed silently behind Yu Mingxue and quietly put his head next to Yu Mingxue's ear.



Lu Ping wanted to scare her, but Yu Mingxue didn't make any movement.

She didn't even increase her resentment, as if she knew Lu Ping was coming!

"How did you find me?"

"On your head."

"On your head?" Lu Ping lowered his head and patted his hair with his hands, and indeed a piece of pure white snowflakes came down.

Great, this girl knew he was back a long time ago, but she was still pretending!

Bah, a waste of feelings!

"How is it, did you find anything?" Yu Mingxue exited the state at the right time, and stood up to give the stump to Lu Ping.

"Well~, if you don't poke, you will feel sorry for me!"

"Come on, massage my shoulders and back again!"

[Resentment value from Yu Mingxue +320! ]

"Hehe, then I will give you a good massage!" Yu Mingxue moved her wrists, and her tone was full of danger!

Maybe Lu Ping was too thin, and he shuddered suddenly, waving his hands repeatedly:

"Forget it, others charge money for massage, but you massage your life!"

Hearing this, Yu Mingxue's movements suddenly paused, and then the meaning of danger became more serious!

"Oh? So, you've been served by others?"

"I didn't say that, you just think too much!" Lu Ping's desire to survive was full!

Then he made room for Yu Mingxue and sat down.

After that, Lu Ping patiently explained everything he had found out to the other party!

The latter carefully explainedListening, he frowned unconsciously, obviously thinking that things were difficult to handle!

"The few around us are all golden primary-level spirit beasts, I don't think we have much trouble!"

Hearing Lu Ping's words, Yu Mingxue nodded in agreement.

This is not because Yu Mingxue is full of courage, but because of her recognition of her own strength!

"But if we go further in, the golden intermediate level will be a bit difficult to deal with!"

"Especially among them, there is also a golden intermediate-level Nether Mountain Ghost!"

"At that time, you should only be able to rely on your elemental bombardment, and physical attacks will have little effect on it!"

Yu Mingxue nodded in agreement.

Both of them have good theoretical knowledge, so they naturally recognize many spirit beasts.

The Nether Mountain Ghost, to put it simply, is a tall and slender monkey!

But this monkey is very difficult to deal with, and it has a special spirit skill - virtualization!

The virtualized body will not be physically hurt!

Coupled with its flexible body, it occupies a place among the spirit beasts that rely on fangs and claws!

Seeing Yu Mingxue fall into silence, Lu Ping slapped her on the back, waking her up!

"Why think so much, don't you still have me and Xiao Qi!"

"With Xiao Qi here, no matter it is a mountain ghost or a cow or a horse, it can be exhausted to death!"

"Well..." Yu Mingxue pursed her lips and responded.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Lu Ping instantly revealed his manly nature!

Seeing him raise his eyebrows, Yu Mingxue immediately knew what he wanted to do!

Sure enough, this guy said this the next second:

"So..., seeing that you have such a powerful companion, why don't you give me a few kisses as a reward?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Yu Mingxue responded: "Please be serious!"

"I am serious, didn't you say that, I will kiss you when I come back!"

"How long have I been back, and you haven't made any movement!"

"You..." The latter gritted his teeth, pointed his index finger at the rogue in front of him, and couldn't speak clearly!

Lu Ping pulled down the hand and pressed down the index finger:

"Come on, come on, wait till you're done, then we'll fuck it!"


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