In the end, although Lu Ping was unwilling, he still couldn't beat Wu Kui.

He could only save Zhou Tong's pig-headed face with disdain.

"Okay, who else wants to try?" Wu Kui asked the students again.

Everyone instantly turned into rattles, shaking their heads quickly.

What a joke, once again seeing the strength of the great devil Lu Ping, who dares to go up!

Isn't that just asking for a beating!

Zhou Tong's pig-headed face is still vivid in my mind!

Lu Ping stood so proudly that his head almost flew to the sky!

"Old Wu, if there is nothing else, I will go back?"

"Huh? What did you call me!"

Wu Kui's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he turned his head to look at Lu Ping dangerously.

"Uh, you must have heard it wrong, I said teacher!" Lu Ping explained a little stiffly.

"Oh? Really?"

"Yes, yes, Teacher Wu!" Lu Ping nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

"That's fine..."

After hearing Wu Kui's words, Lu Ping instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But..." Wu Kui looked Lu Ping up and down.

"I still have to teach this class. Since you're out, don't go back!"

"Let's practice against each other and set an example for the students!"


"Damn, you're so old, can you please have some shame!"

But Lu Ping could only mutter in his heart.

"Haha, this is not good, teacher, how can a little calf like me be your opponent?"

"It's okay, it's okay, the teacher will be very gentle!"

As he said that, he grabbed Lu Ping's collar and walked towards the open space!

And the students' eyes lit up!

Among them, Zhou Tong's excitement was even more obvious!

"Hey, teacher, I suddenly feel unwell. How about another day?"

Wu Kui held his hand tightly.

"Really, really!" Lu Ping's legs bounced back and forth, his face flushed!

Wu Kui turned his head away, feeling a little confused:

"What a coincidence?"

"Teacher, let me go to the toilet, if it doesn't work, you can come over and watch me!"

Lu Ping became more and more anxious!

Wu Kui let go of his hand.

"Okay, go and come back soon!"

"Okay, teacher!"

Lu Ping disappeared in a flash!

"Haha, I'll fight you, that's asking for a fight, I'm going to run away first!"

Lu Ping thought to himself and ran out the door.

At this time, a classmate shouted:

"Hey, where are you going? There is a toilet in the gymnasium!"

Lu Ping almost fell over:

"Damn, you will die if I don't say it!"

"Don't let me catch who it is!"

Finally, under Wu Kui's surveillance, he went into the toilet in disgrace.

"Teacher, I can't poop if you look at me like this!"

Wu Kui crossed his hands, stood by the pit, and stared at Lu Ping pooping!

He would never believe this kid again, just stare at him!

"Oh? Aren't you uncomfortable? Why do I just stare at you?"

"Teacher, just let me go. You are a bronze-level person, why are you bullying a little calf like me!"

Lu Ping was still complaining.

"Stop talking nonsense, get up quickly, and let your classmates show you how difficult it is."

"To tell you the truth, there is a reward!"

Wu Kui looked at Lu Ping with a look of disappointment.

"Really?" Lu Ping was instantly excited.

"If you had told me there was a reward earlier, I wouldn't be sleepy if you said that!"

"Hurry up!" Wu Kui replied with disdain, but glanced at Lu Ping again.

"You are a good kid!" Wu Kui muttered in his heart.

"Wait a minute, teacher, I'll poop for a while."

"What again!" Wu Kui frowned.

"I feel it, just wait and see, don't talk!"

Wu Kui was so angry!

"God damn wait and see, is this the way to use the word!"

After a while, Lu Ping finally came out, and he was in a good mood!

Wu Kui behind him looked very unhappy.

"What the hell is this kid eating, it's stinky!"

In the venue, Lu Ping and Wu Kui stood opposite each other.

"Don't worry, I won't bully you, I don't use superpowers, and you can do whatever you want, that's fine!"

Wu Kui crossed his hands and shouted at Lu Ping.

Lu Ping was not grateful, and muttered quietly:

"Tsk, you beat me with a stick."

"You are a bronze-level person, and you can beat me to death with your body..."

"Chiu!" Xiao Qi was summoned by Lu Ping.

But the next second, Wu Kui rushed over instantly!

Lu Ping was startled and was about to raise his arm to block, but Wu Kui rushed to his face like a cannonball!

A punch directly broke through Lu Ping's defense and hit Lu Ping's chest!

"Puff, cough cough..."

After rolling twice, Lu Ping directly spit out a large mouthful of sour water!

There was a burning pain in the chest!

Fortunately, there was XiaoQi Zai, a healing spell was used.

This made Lu Ping feel much better!

"Ahem, you don't have martial ethics, teacher!"

Wu Kui spoke and taught sternly!

"Students, watch out, this is the first lesson I want to teach you!"

"On the battlefield, you won't start until the enemy is fully armed!"

"If you wait until the enemy is fully armed before you start, then you are a fool!"

"Win by surprise, strike first, and kill while they are sick!"

"Don't care about rules or fairness!"

"As long as you can kill the enemy quickly, it is the best rule!"

"Similarly, you must always be vigilant against the enemy to avoid sneak attacks!"

The students listened very seriously, and in the following time, Lu Ping was basically beaten unilaterally!

Finally saw an opportunity, Lu Ping counterattacked instantly, but Wu Kui seemed to have expected it.

With a weird body movement, he dodged Lu Ping's attack and beat Lu Ping eight feet away!

"See? If the battle is not a crushing situation."

"Once you get into a stalemate, you must form a habit when attacking."

"That is to hurt the enemy 70% and keep 30% for yourself."

"Don't attack recklessly, you must keep some thoughts to guard against the enemy's counterattack!"


Finally, when Lu Ping was knocked to the ground again, he could no longer stand up and lay on his back.

But the classmates didn't say anything.

Today they really stabbed their buttocks with a knife - they opened their eyes!

A student in the warrior stage actually persisted for dozens of rounds in front of a "bronze-level" strongman!

Although he has a strong life-system ability support, it is also enough to defy the heavens!

Wu Kui looked at Lu Ping with praise:

"You are pretty good, you have great strength and speed, and even good fighting skills, but you just don't have much combat experience!"

"But you are still just a student, you haven't officially entered the spiritual gate to fight, you are already very good!"

Hearing this, Lu Ping raised his head with difficulty and glared at him:

"You still know I am a student!"

Wu Kui walked towards him with a smile:

"Anyway, you are also a life system, your little angel will save you sooner or later, what are you afraid of!"

At this moment, Xiao Qi was not flying, lying weakly on Lu Ping's chest.


"Okay, you take a rest first." As he said, Wu Kui raised his hand and looked at his watch.

"Hey, it's time to eat, can you still get up?"

Lu Ping was already in a bad mood, glancing aside:

"I can't get up, I mean, I'm still a child."

"It's the age when eating to grow taller, if you miss a meal, you will grow one centimeter less!"

"If you don't care about me today, I will blackmail you in the future!" Lu Ping said stubbornly.

[Resentment value from Wu Kui +386! ]

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