Afterwards, Lu Ping did not stay for too long, after all, he had to catch the highway to attend class.

Yu's father wanted to let Mingxue stay for one night, but she refused coldly.

In the car, Lu Ping was a completely different person, and the resistance he had when he came was gone.

His face was full of flattery and compliments to Yu Mingxue, and Lin Yixiu couldn't bear to watch!

Hmm? You said Lu Ping was a dog licker!

What a joke, my brother Lu Ping loves to be Yu Mingxue's dog licker!

If I really licked Yu Mingxue, I would have no worries for the rest of my life!

Ever since Yu's father said those words, Lu Ping's eyes when looking at Yu Mingxue changed!

My father-in-law is really a big shot!

[Resentment value from Yu Mingxue +999! ]

[Anger value from Yu Mingxue +523! ]


Lu Ping didn't care about the negative emotions generated by Yu Mingxue at all.

She kept asking about Yu Mingxue's well-being.

"Xuexue, you must be tired after sitting in the car for such a long time. Can I give you a back massage and shoulder massage?"

"Xuexue, the flesh on your arms is a little hard. Don't tighten it. It's better to soften it!"


[Anger value from Yu Mingxue +1000! ]

"Get lost!"


Seeing her angry, Lu Ping stood up and sat still instantly.

It was already late when he sent Lu Ping home.

He opened the door skillfully and threw himself onto the bed.

After taking a few heavy breaths, he stood up this time.

First, he took out the miscellaneous clothes in the washing machine and mopped the floor again.

Perhaps it was due to psychological reasons, he always felt that he could smell a hint of pungent smell.

After sorting everything out, he fell asleep.

For the next two days, Lu Ping went to class and practiced as usual.

But every morning, he would go to the hospital to sit for a while and earn some extra money.

He didn't have an independent office, nor did he need one.

It was just a matter of shooting a big healing spell at the patient, simple and direct!

He sat in the hall, with a sign next to him:

"Two hundred packages, big healing spell, guaranteed to satisfy you!"

At first, some patients didn't understand, it didn't matter, there were special nurses to guide them.

Those patients with headaches, fever, bleeding and trauma lined up in front of Lu Ping.

Under the endless recovery, Lu Ping's spiritual power did not decrease!

One shot per person, very fast!

During the period, he saw Zhu Xiaojing as expected, but she didn't come over to say hello.

It was really strange, Lu Ping found out what was wrong with this person.

Now, he didn't even say hello!

Every time he saw Lu Ping, Zhu Xiaojing blushed and ran away with her head down.

It was inexplicable, but Lu Ping didn't dwell on it too much.

Lu Ping left at a certain time every day, and he was not idle when he came to school.

He had a feeling that Yu Mingxue seemed to work harder.

Lu Ping did not say anything about taking a break, but accompanied her to practice.

However, if Yu Mingxue really forgot to practice, Lu Ping would still suppress her.

You can't practice yourself to death before the trial, that would be troublesome!

In two days, Yu Mingxue rose one level, but still did not surpass Lu Ping.

Lu Ping has already reached the seventh level!

One step closer to the bronze level!

The rest of the students are mostly at the second level, a few are at the third level, and a few scattered people are at the fourth level.

However, the day of the Lingmen trial has finally come, and it's time to pull out the mules and horses for a walk!


A familiar whistle attracted the attention of the whole audience.

After seven days of training, they are already familiar with this whistle.

The students quickly lined up together.

After Wu Kui's skillful speech, he talked about the various precautions after entering the Lingmen.

Since this was the first time for the students to enter the Lingmen, they did not adopt the usual team action.

The students acted as a class to avoid danger!

For a while, the whole audience was in an uproar!

A large number of students shouted that it was unfair.

And Lu Ping's classmates smiled brighter than flowers!

"Hahaha, we have Master Lu and Goddess Yu in our class, it's hard to lose!"

"Damn, I don't want to play anymore, what are you playing with!"

"This is unfair!"

"Yes, it's unfair!"

Don't blame them for being so angry, it was said before that this time the Lingmen will be ranked according to the number of Lingjing obtained.

The first place will have a mysterious reward!

But now that this is the case, the two strongest people share a piece, what's the point of playing!

What a conspiracy!

Hearing the shouting, Wu Kui raised his eyebrows!

Instantly, a powerful aura emanated from him!

The group of furry kids were speechless!


"I'll teach you for seven days, just toWhat made you complain? "

"You only say that others are geniuses, but what are you doing when they are working hard!"

"Flirting, cheating and playing tricks!"

"You have time to be a bootlicker, but no time to practice!"

"You only know how to complain about others' strength, so why don't you make yourself stronger than them!"

After a spell, everyone was speechless.

"That's it, gather here at nine o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"Take your own things, this is a three-day training, bring enough supplies!"

"I hope I can see all of you in four days!"


After Wu Kui left, everyone dared to breathe deeply.

For a while, many complaints could be heard.

And Lu Ping's classmates complimented him one after another.

"Brother Lu, I will rely on you in the future! ”

“Brother Lu, I was blind before, please forgive me for being so generous!”

Lu Ping ignored him, turned around and ran to Yu Mingxue’s side, and walked out with her.

Perhaps the rookies didn’t know, but Wu Kui told him secretly.

There is a surprise waiting for them tomorrow!

But when he wanted to ask more, Wu Kui refused to reveal it!

What’s the point of being so mysterious!

Yu Mingxue said that this arrangement was not her father’s, and she didn’t know what they would be arranged to do.

“Is that so...”

“Then we can only deal with it as it happens...”

Back home, Lu Ping didn’t know what to prepare. After thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing to prepare!


“We’re not going on vacation, just bring some woolen clothes!”


“No need, there are ingredients everywhere! "

"Oh, by the way, bring the cumin chili noodles, otherwise it won't taste good!"

A night passed, and Lu Ping didn't go to the hospital today.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lu Ping ran straight to the school!

When he arrived at the school gate, there were so many people that the road was blocked!

Most of them were parents, coming to send their children.

After all, it was their first time to fight in Lingmen, and they were all extremely worried.

Reporters also lined up at the door, vying to report and record.

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