At the table, Yu Mingxue was still in shock and seemed a little absent-minded.

On the contrary, Lu Ping once again turned into a starving ghost, showing off a table of food!

Madam Yu knew that Yu Mingxue had no intention of leaving, so she could only pick up dishes and ask:

"Mingxue, your uncle Yixiu has accompanied Bai Ming to Lingmen, you must be careful when you are alone in the new city."

"If there is anything, you must write a letter, ah!"

"Yeah." Yu Mingxue paused, then hummed.

"Auntie..." Lu Ping seemed to have thought of something, swallowed the food in his mouth, and asked:

"Can I ask what is the strength of Brother Yixiu?"

Madam Yu did not hide Lu Ping's inquiry.

After all, the other party was able to save Mingxue at the moment of life and death, and his affection was self-evident.

Madam Yu thought for a moment and said:

"Now, I don't know."

"But more than a decade ago, when you were still young, China rarely published a top 100 ranking."

"At that time, Yixiu happened to occupy the 99th seat, which was also considered to be in the top 100 in China!"

Hearing this, Lu Ping couldn't help but smack his lips, and only wanted to say two words:


It's really a big family, so that even someone who plays in the peak game can be a nanny!

Originally, Lu Ping asked this question to see if he could avenge the kidnapping.

Now it seems a bit difficult!

"Xiaolu, I heard Mingxue said that you are an orphan. If you don't mind, you can treat me as a mother."

"Okay, Mom!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was silent for a while, and three emotional values ​​started directly!

[Happiness value from Li Hui +777! ]

[Resentment value from Yu Mingxue +423! ]

[Resentment value from Yu He +999! 】

Yu He, who was standing by, almost fell over when he heard the word "Mom"!

Damn, I gave you a ladder and you really climbed up, not at all hypocritical!

And you, Mom, too, how come it's so easy to recognize a son!

It's okay to have a brother all of a sudden during a meal!

But looking at Madam Yu, she was very happy, maybe she just had some obscure thoughts before.

But when Lu Ping called her "Mom", Madam Yu instantly felt like she was looking at a son-in-law!

Well, he looks okay, he has talent, and he is also affectionate and righteous, good!

From this point of view, the two of them are not bad...

When she thought of this, Madam Yu's eyes lit up!

She kept asking Lu Ping about his well-being.

Even when she heard that Lu Ping's rental house was empty, Madam Yu was ready to take out her passbook!

In the end, Yu Mingxue couldn't listen any more, so she grabbed Lu Ping's collar and carried him away.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing!"

"My mother Yu has already taken out the money, why don't you take it?"

Lu Ping's mouth was full of food, but he still couldn't stop complaining.

Yu Mingxue was unmoved and continued to pack her things.

Seeing that Yu Mingxue didn't say anything, Lu Ping muttered softly:

"Hmph, whoever stays with you in the future will definitely starve!"

"Crazy woman, you don't know how to live at all."

[Anger value from Yu Mingxue +359! ]

You can see a well-shaped figure on Yu Mingxue's temple with your naked eyes!

"Let's go back to Xincheng with me."

Yu Mingxue turned her head with a gloomy face.

But Lu Ping leaned against the door, looking up, looking reluctant:

"Go back by yourself, why are you dragging me, I still need to keep in touch with my mother Yu..."

"Are you going or not!" Yu Mingxue couldn't listen any longer, and was unusually angry!

"Go, go, go, why not go with you!" Lu Ping shuddered, cold sweat immediately broke out on his head, and he nodded in agreement.

Yu Mingxue's frown finally relaxed, but she still didn't look good to Lu Ping.

Yes, you can't look good to Lu Ping, otherwise this guy will definitely be aggressive!

"Hey, I say, you keep talking about going back, how can you go back? Let me make it clear first, I don't have money!"

Lu Ping leaned against the wall and asked casually.

"Aunt Yu drove us."

"No way, my mother Yu... No, Aunt Yu is so tired!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, Lu Ping quickly changed his words.

Yu Mingxue frowned again, as if she was considering Lu Ping's words.

Usually, Uncle Ikkiu drove, but this time, Uncle Ikkiu left with Yu Baiming.

Yu Mingxue is not the kind of person who is happy to order others around.

Before, she only wanted to leave, and she really ignored this point.

Now that Lu Ping said this, Yu Mingxue did feel a little uncomfortable, or a little pressured.

Madam Yu might think it's nothing, but Yu Mingxue had to care.

"Then..., nowIs it too late to buy a high-speed rail ticket? "Yu Mingxue took the phone beside her and looked at it.

"Hey, why bother so much, just tell Auntie and I'll drive!"

As he said that, Lu Ping also pointed at himself with his thumb.

"You? You can drive?" Yu Mingxue's face was full of suspicion, a little unconvinced.

"Hehe, put away your suspicious eyes, I'll show you today!"

"Show me what a car god is!"

"Call me when you leave! "

After saying that, Lu Ping raised his eyebrows and left Yu Mingxue, who was full of suspicion.

In fact, can Lu Ping really drive?

What a joke, he can do nothing!

He drove the four-wheeled vehicle, but he can ride a two-wheeled vehicle very smoothly!

But if you ask why Lu Ping wants to show off, it's because he is greedy, an extremely greedy dog!

You see, as long as he drives the car back, Yu Mingxue will definitely not be able to drive.

Then in the end, Lu Ping will get a bargain!

Based on his relationship with Yu Mingxue, what's wrong with borrowing the car for two days!

At worst, there is still the relationship with Yu Ma!

However, now is not the time to be happy, all this depends on whether the system is strong enough!

"System, can I specify the skills to draw? "Lu Ping asked impatiently.

[I'm very sorry, host, skills are completely randomly drawn and cannot be specified!]

Hearing this, Lu Ping was stunned for a moment!

Just as Lu Ping was about to speak, the system spoke again:

[Skills cannot be specified, but the host can specify the learning of skills!]

[If the host wants to learn driving skills, it requires 300,000 emotional points to unlock!]

[Please ask the host if you want to unlock!]

Lu Ping hesitated for a moment. After all, he only had more than 300,000 emotional points left now, and this would leave only a small amount.

300,000, in exchange for a million-dollar luxury car?

Let's do it!

"System, unlock!" Lu Ping made up his mind and did it!

[Unlocked successfully!]


An hour later, the three members of the Yu family looked at Lu Ping, who was drooling around the car, with a weird look on their faces.

"Hey, Xiaolu, can you really drive? "Mrs. Yu asked with some worry.

"Shh, it's okay, Aunt Yu, you still don't believe me!"

"Ask Xuexue, I, Lu, never talk nonsense!"

"Xuexue, get in the car, let me show you my skills!"


"Oh, this sound, this car is awesome!"

"Come on, Xuexue!" Lu Ping waved at Yu Mingxue who was standing outside.

Yu Mingxue hesitated for a moment, but finally got in the car.

"Mingxue, since Xiaolu can drive, come back often, and tell me if you don't have enough money."

Mrs. Yu leaned out of the car window and told the two of them.

"Don't worry, Aunt, just trust me! "Lu Ping patted his chest and said.

Mrs. Yu smiled with relief. She really believed in Lu Ping.

But the next moment, her eyes seemed to see something wrong!

"Xiaolu, why are you in R gear? There's a wall behind you!"

"Ha, sorry, I'm a little nervous."

Suddenly, several people were not calm again!

Trust you? Trust you!


Yu Mingxue didn't have time to pull down the seat belt, and the car started directly with a catapult!

Her head almost hit the passenger seat!

[Resentment value from Yu Mingxue +999!]

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