In another corner of the hot pot restaurant, there was a loud bang, and then the whole house shook.

At the moment of the explosion, fragments flew everywhere, and the diners sitting at that table were instantly swept away!

The other customers were also panicked and screamed and fled from their seats.

The dishes on the table were shaken and flew up, and soup and food were splashed everywhere.

Some people were covered with oil stains, and some were scratched by fragments, but people didn't care about these at all. The most important thing now was to run!

If this was the first floor, it would be fine, and you could get out directly, but this was a large flat on the third floor.

The billowing black smoke and the panic in an instant made people have no time to think, and they couldn't find the stairs, running around like a headless fly!

Lu Ping and his friends were at the opposite corner of the incident, which was the farthest distance.

Although it was also panicked here, it was better after all!

Lu Ping was speechless!

What are you doing every day? Can't you let people live in peace!

"Lu, Brother Lu, what should we do!"

"What should we do? Save people! What should we do!"

After saying that, Lu Ping quickly ran to the glass curtain wall on the side.

Some people were already hitting the glass here, trying to break it and jump out.

But no matter whether they were hitting it with tables and chairs or punching it, they couldn't break the glass!

Made in China, it's really awesome, but now it has become a barrier that traps everyone!

Lu Ping stood in front of the glass and moved his wrist.

After thinking about it, he decided to be safer and apply a kinetic vitality buff first!

A punch down!

Although Lu Ping's hand was shaken and hurt, the glass curtain wall had already broken first!

In an instant, the black smoke had a vent, and it came out in gusts!

But at the same time, the fresh air outside rushed in, and the fire caused by the explosion was even bigger!

But at this critical moment, who cares about these things? People saw that there was an exit, and they ran here desperately, jumping down one by one.

Although these people's realms were very poor, they would not jump to their deaths from the third floor!

The street outside was also full of people, and they would come forward to help if they saw children or the elderly.

Lu Ping did not leave immediately, but turned back.

He saw that Yu Mingxue and Zhou Tong were both dragging one or two injured people, and directly fired a few large healing spells.

"You go first!"

There was no time to say anything more, Lu Ping rushed to the scene over there.

"Brother Lu, be careful!"

Yu Mingxue knew that Lu Ping had a skill similar to instant body, so she was not worried that Lu Ping would be trapped here.

Lu Ping had already turned on the detector skill at the beginning, so he knew that there was still a person lying over there!

At this moment, Lu Ping had already reached the side of the person who was blown away first.

Just by the face, it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman, and there was almost no good skin on the face.

The upper body was also in a bad state. It was burnt and blasted, and there was a large piece of iron stuck in the middle of the abdomen!

The iron piece entered her abdomen and exited from her back, piercing her all the way!

But even so, her chest was still rising and falling slightly, and she was still strong and alive.

As long as she was alive, there was hope!

He first fired a big healing spell, then dragged her, and directly used the flash, not daring to stay for too long!

In an instant, Lu Ping's body appeared outside, but the people around him did not find him.

People's vision was still stopped above!

Lu Ping suddenly jumped up:

"What the hell are you looking at, run!"

Before he finished speaking, there was another loud explosion above, and the earth trembled!

The glass curtain wall was completely smashed by the shock wave generated by the explosion, and the red fire dragon was roaring wantonly!

In the blink of an eye, the sky had become a rain of broken glass!

"Ah...!" People screamed and ran away, dodging the rain of glass from the sky!

"Damn!" Lu Ping cursed, and there was another flash!

Under the detector, Lu Ping finally flashed to a relatively stable position!

It's not that he was afraid of death, but the little girl in his arms couldn't wait any longer!

Kinetic vitality, done!

At the moment when he pulled out the big iron sheet, Lu Ping shot several big healing spells directly at the little girl!

Moreover, it was a big healing spell with four times the kinetic vitality.

The wound was healing, and the burns were slowly getting better. It can be said that her life was saved.

But the burn scar that was deep into the skin and flesh could not be cured!

It can be said that some of the skin and flesh on the little girl's face had been burned. Even if the big healing spell could heal the wound, it could not give birth to new flesh.

"Tsk." Lu Ping smacked his lips helplessly. He really had no way.

The little girl woke up slowly and saw Lu Ping standing beside her.

Now she didn't know what had just happened."Hmm? Weren't you eating hot pot just now? How did you faint?"

She didn't know about all this.

"Hey..." Lu Ping was about to say something, but the wailing sound from downstairs also caught his attention.

That's right, Lu Ping is now on a roof. In this situation, only the roof is safe.

Lu Ping leaned over to look down, then turned to the little girl and advised:

"Life is everything, don't take appearance so seriously!"

Before leaving, he added:

"Don't do stupid things, it's safe here, you stay first, I'll take you down later!"

After that, he flashed away again.

The little girl was still confused and didn't understand what Lu Ping meant.

She was about to take out her pocket to touch her phone, and in her peripheral vision, she found the burn scar on her arm!

"This, this is..."

The road on the street was blocked, and there were injured people everywhere, with varying degrees of severity.

The light ones might be just some scratches or bruises.

But those who are seriously injured are in danger of death!

"Where's the ambulance? Why hasn't the ambulance come yet!"

One person covered the other person's neck with both hands, but still couldn't stop the blood from gushing out of the carotid artery!

Lu Ping heard the voice and instantly flashed to the side of the man, only to see that the injured person's face was already very pale.

"Xiao Qi, the Great Healing Technique!"

It was still the Great Healing Technique under the blessing of kinetic energy!

In the next second, the man's face had improved, and the wound on his neck began to heal slowly.

"You..." The person next to him was about to say something, but Lu Ping had already moved to another place!

"Great Healing Technique, Great Healing Technique..."

Lu Ping ran back and forth, and flashed to wherever there was an emergency, but it was still too late!

Lu Ping was just one step late, and the man bled dry in front of Lu Ping's eyes, and there was no movement anymore!


This is not a solution, and his kinetic energy is about to reach its upper limit!

Otherwise, kinetic vitality plus life duet, give it a try!

However, life duet is not just for treatment, the effect is definitely not as good as the great healing spell!

Lu Ping hesitated for a moment, but still took out the small blue bottle of oral liquid from the system backpack!

Grit his teeth and do it!

Let's have a seizure!

But he found Yu Mingxue before!

It's okay to have a seizure, but not in public!

Yu Mingxue here was not idle either, she was also carrying bandages and other things to rescue the injured.

Lu Ping pulled her over:

"If I have a seizure later, don't hesitate, just freeze me!"

After that, before Yu Mingxue had finished consuming what he meant, he drank the small blue bottle in front of her!

"Xiao Qi! Go to the song!"

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