"Cough cough cough...!" Lu Ping knelt on a rooftop, coughing loudly.

"Damn, does that old guy want to strangle me to death!"

Also, is he really a bronze? Even the peak of bronze is not so outrageous!

But when he first came to teach, Wu Kui did say that he was a bronze!

Old guy, he has a black face and a black heart, and he doesn't tell the truth!

Lu Ping felt a trace of blood in his mouth.

"He... Te!"

Good guy, it was actually a mouthful of blood sputum!

Wu Kui really didn't hold back!

"Xiao Qi, come and treat me!"

"Oh, how about I treat you?" Wu Kui stood behind Lu Ping, his face full of amusement.

"Heal it! Get out of the way!" Lu Ping disappeared again!

"You can't run away!" Wu Kui sensed it again, and then rushed towards a place!

The two of them chased each other and ran in the city!

Gradually, Wu Kui was a little surprised!

Regardless of where this kid got the skill of instant body, let's just say, does instant body require spiritual power!

Generally speaking, instant body spiritual skills consume spiritual power according to the distance of the instant.

As for Lu Ping's continuous thousand-meter instant body, where does he get the spiritual power support as a bronze level!

But now, the facts are in front of us. Lu Ping is not only like this, but it feels that he is far from the limit!

But he doesn't know that Lu Ping's instant body really doesn't require spiritual power!

If necessary, Lu Ping can even flash for a lifetime!

System products must be top-notch!

Although Wu Kui is indeed very strong, the city is a place that limits his performance after all!

He will never destroy the city casually to catch Lu Ping, which gives Lu Ping an opportunity.

After a while, Wu Kui felt that Lu Ping's instant body could really be used all the time!

This is terrible, or in other words, it is against the sky!

This made Wu Kui, who originally just wanted to test it out, uneasy!

He understood what Lu Ping's ability represented, an invincible place!

A life awakener who could infinitely teleport, um, and a power awakener.

Putting these terms together, it was a monster!

And Lu Ping was gradually moving towards this path!

"No, this kid must be grasped in my hands. In the future, he must be someone who can influence the world pattern!"

Thinking of this, Wu Kui's eyes instantly became sharp!

That's right, he was going to get serious, or in other words, he had played enough house!

Lu Ping's flash was indeed abnormal, but he was just a half-grown child after all.

How could he escape from the palm of Wu Kui, a warrior fighting on the battlefield!

In the previous pursuit, Wu Kui was calculating Lu Ping's teleportation while observing the direction and landing point of his teleportation!

"Swoosh!" Wu Kui's speed exploded again, and even the pedestrians on the ground felt a gust of wind blowing!

This time, Lu Ping appeared on a rooftop.

He was actually a little tired, or not tired, but he was bored!

"Huh? Where is he?" Lu Ping hesitated.

Because within the radius of 1,500 meters of the detector, Lu Ping did not see Wu Kui.

"Here!" A voice suddenly sounded from behind Lu Ping!

Lu Ping was startled and wanted to dodge again, but it was too late!

Wu Kui's hand knife cut Lu Ping's neck fiercely!

"Your uncle..." This was Lu Ping's last thought.

"Puff!" Lu Ping fell to the ground weakly.

"Boy, you are still too young!" Wu Kui shook his head and sighed.

Then he took Lu Ping and went to the school.

When Lu Ping woke up, he found himself in an office. Across from him, Wu Kui was tinkering with tea sets leisurely.

"Hey, awake?" Wu Kui said as he fiddled with it, without looking at Lu Ping.

"I'm going to dodge!" Lu Ping was about to dodge again when Wu Kui called him.

"Take a break. Even if you dodge, I can still catch you. Save some energy."

"Huh~, slurp..." Wu Kui was holding the tea set that didn't match his hand at all, slurping the tea.

It was a bit funny for a big rough man to behave in such an elegant manner.

Lu Ping thought about it and thought so, and then he also gave up and sat back down.

After running for so long, he was indeed thirsty.

"Let's chat?" After a moment of silence, Wu Kui took the lead in breaking the situation.

"Okay, let's chat." Lu Ping was very tactful.

Wu Kui grinned and began to ask questions:

"Well, tell me first, the skill in your video, was it given by Yu Baiming?"

"Yeah, who else could it be? I don't have the ability to get this skill."

"You're my dad, so how can you treat me badly?"

Lu Ping admitted it openly, and there was no way to hide it.

Well..., I call Madam Yu Mama, so logically I should call him Dad Yu, yes, that's right!

But when Wu Kui heard this, he misunderstood, with a gossipy look on his face:

"You are so good, you can call me dad in just a few days?"

"Keep a low profile..."

Wu Kui didn't delve into it, so let this beautiful misunderstanding go on like this.

"Your instant body skill, was it also given to you by Yu Baiming?"

"That's not the case, I took it off the sword porcupine."

"I wanted to sell it, but I happened to be bronze, so I just gave it to the power system."

After Lu Ping finished speaking, Wu Kui was full of question marks.

What did he hear, the sword porcupine had instant body?

Do you believe it yourself?

The sword porcupine doesn't believe it, right?

Zhuzhu spoke:

"Me? Instant teleportation?"

"You..., bullshit." Wu Kui held it in for a long time and finally uttered two words.

"Heh, no bullshit, a big boss, why are you pretending to be a bronze rookie."

Lu Ping squinted his eyes and looked at Wu Kui, his expression was full of contempt.

[Resentment value from Wu Kui +121! ]

"Okay, let's talk business, you and Yu Mingxue don't have to come to school in the future."


"Sit down, sit down." Wu Kui held down Lu Ping who was about to go berserk.

"Listen to me, practice well these few days, and strive to reach the next level."

"Well..., count the days for three days, I will take you two to a good place!"

But Lu Ping still insisted, as if he was going to get to the bottom of it.

Wu Kui didn't hide it, and explained it directly.

Wu Kui is indeed not an ordinary instructor, and what instructor has such abnormal strength.

To be precise, he is more like an examiner!

At the beginning, his purpose of coming here was not Lu Ping, and it was completely unexpected to find Lu Ping.

I think everyone has guessed that his first examinee was Yu Mingxue, who was obviously a Class A talent!

At first, Wu Kui was not very surprised. He had seen many Class A talents in his line of work.

But slowly, he felt something was wrong.

It was because Wu Kui had seen many Class A geniuses, so he basically had an idea of ​​the speed of Class A cultivation.

But Yu Mingxue was different. Her speed of improvement was almost the same every day, and it was not something that those Class A talents could compare to!

So, he began to take it seriously. Perhaps, Yu Mingxue's talent was not Class A!

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