Yu Mingxue is indeed an awakener of ice attribute, so she can adjust quickly.

But her lips are still red, brighter than the purest lipstick.

It looks quite charming.

Afterwards, Yu Mingxue watched Lu Ping eat the special ribs cleanly, and licked the plate clean.

After that, I don’t know if he is fine, but his lower body is going to be ruined.

A song of Jay Chou’s Chrysanthemum Terrace was played just right.

For two days, the two did not go out. Except for eating, they were almost absorbing spirit crystals.

Lu Ping also understood why Yu Mingxue said that there were not enough spirit crystals.

In the past two days, he had consumed more than a dozen spirit crystals, but he didn’t even rise one level!

Just think about it, he is still at the second level of bronze.

No wonder those with low talent are stuck in bronze all their lives.

In addition to insufficient resources, time is more important!

Don’t think that Lu Ping and his two people can absorb a spirit crystal like a piece of cake, and can absorb one or two in a day or two.

But others can’t absorb this speed, and it may take ten days or half a month to absorb one.

Then, what’s the point of absorbing one? If you can’t accumulate the quantity, it will be useless in the end.

Here, Lu Ping absorbed another spirit crystal, but still didn’t make a breakthrough.

He could feel that he was only one step away from Bronze III, but he couldn’t make it.

His foot was like a limp, which was outrageous.

“Tsk, what the hell,” he couldn’t help but complain.

“Ding!” At this time, his mobile phone rang.

It was a message from Wu Kui. In short, he would come to pick them up tomorrow to take the assessment outside.

Well, that is to say, tonight is the last peaceful night.

Lu Ping replied and put down the phone.

After thinking about it, Lu Ping just let it go. Since God didn’t let him upgrade, God would make his own arrangements.

I have been working hard for two days, so I should relax on the last night.

Lu Ping is not going to sit there any longer, so he prepares the ingredients for hot pot tonight!

When he opened the door, Lu Ping was suddenly stunned because he found that Yu Mingxue also came out at the same time.

Why did this girl come out? You know, she has been practicing in the house almost all the time except for eating these two days.

If Lu Ping had Yu Mingxue's enthusiasm for practice, he might have reached the middle bronze level long ago!

"Why did you come out?"

"I broke through. If I continue to absorb, my realm will not be stable, so I have to put it aside for the time being."

Yu Mingxue explained.

Lu Ping was stunned again, and then he figured out what she said, his eyes widened:

"You, you upgrade? Bronze 4?"

Yu Mingxue nodded.

Lu Ping was ready to lie down directly, someone will help him lie down!

"Sister Yu, protect me!"

[Resentment value from Yu Mingxue +21! 】

Yu Mingxue was obviously used to Lu Ping's nonsense and chose to ignore this.

Lu Ping didn't care. After thinking about it, he invited Yu Mingxue to go shopping together to see what she wanted to eat.

At first, Yu Mingxue didn't want to go, but she couldn't resist Lu Ping's strong pull.

The supermarket is not far from the community, just across the street.

At this time, there are not many people in the supermarket, so there is no need to queue.

Lu Ping pushed a small shopping cart and walked behind Yu Mingxue, watching her pick and choose. At first, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

But gradually, he found that the shopping cart was still empty after walking all the way!

Lu Ping was speechless. Oh no, Sister Yu, you are walking across the street!

"Come on, come on, you push the cart."

Lu Ping felt that if he didn't care, this girl would be picky for a lifetime!

Yu Mingxue didn't say anything and pushed the cart obediently.

She felt that she did have some difficulty in choosing, as the dazzling array of vegetables really made her dizzy.

Yu Mingxue glanced at Lu Ping who was picking vegetables, and an indescribable feeling arose in her heart for no reason.

Since it was difficult to choose, she might as well not choose.

Well, it was fine as it was now.

"Hey, what are you standing there for? Follow me!" Lu Ping waved his hand in front of her, somewhat puzzled.

What's wrong with this girl now? Can she be stunned while walking?

"Well, it's okay." Yu Mingxue quickly came back to her senses and replied in a panic.

But Lu Ping clearly saw that her face was gradually turning red!

No, there is something wrong with you, girl!

Being stared at by Lu Ping, Yu Mingxue was at a loss for words. Finally, she could not stand Lu Ping's scrutiny and said angrily:

"Are you going to leave or not!"

"Go, go, go..."

"Oh, by the way, I think that vegetable is good, do you want to eat it?"



As the evening fell, the hot pot was bubbling with steam.

Lu Ping opened two bottles of happy water and put one of them in front of Yu Mingxue.

"Come on, let's raise a"Cup, celebrate the top scorer and vice top scorer of the college entrance examination in advance!"

As he said this, Lu Ping raised the can above his head, waiting for Yu Mingxue to clink glasses.

Yu Mingxue never drinks this kind of beverage, but this time, she picked up the can and clinked it with Lu Ping's.

Hot pot, although everything tastes the same, and it is also oily and greasy, eating too much can easily cause acne.

But if you say you don't eat it, you really can't.

What's the fear of acne, just come and have a big healing spell!

Since Xiaoqi can't eat hot food like hot pot, Lu Ping thoughtfully prepared a big bag of grilled sausages for her when he went to the supermarket this time!

This little guy is so happy She went crazy, and just buried her head in the bag and refused to come out. It was obvious that she regarded the bag as her home!

One night passed so quickly.

It seemed that time passed by as soon as her eyelids closed and opened.

In the morning, Wu Kui sent a message early.

Let them get ready and set off!

Are they ready? What to prepare? It seems that there is no need to prepare anything more.

Strength is the most sufficient preparation.

Yu Mingxue also came out, not wearing the white shirt and jeans she wore before.

This is to fight in Lingmen, so that outfit is not suitable.

"Come, eat something, we will leave soon." Lu Ping waved at her.

Lu Ping did not prepare complicated food, just ordinary soy milk and eggs, just fill it up.

After eating and resting for a while, Wu Kui finally called.

According to his instructions, the two walked to the gate of the community.

A green military vehicle had already stopped there, and Wu Kui was in the driver's seat.

"Ah? Let's drive there? "Lu Ping's expectant face instantly collapsed.

"What else?"

"Hey, can't you fly? Take us there. Otherwise, it's too much to drive!" Lu Ping rubbed his hands and said with a playful smile.

"Stop talking nonsense. Do you want to sit or not? If not, get out!" Wu Kui didn't get used to him at all.


As he said that, Lu Ping got on the passenger seat, and Yu Mingxue sat in the back seat.

After the two of them sat down, Wu Kui also started the car!


"Open the road! Go, go, go!"

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