Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 102: Conversation between Han Ruxin and Lin Fan's Tiger and Wolf Words

     Lin Fan's thoughts flowed, and he quickly thought about it all over again, and at the same time he was emotional, and sure enough, no matter which world, human beings will always have disputes and internal contradictions.

   If Lin Fan is allowed to choose by himself, he will naturally choose to stand on the bottom side, because he is poor!

The upper level can provide a large amount of resources to future generations, so that they don’t have to worry about the initial cultivation, or even the later cultivation. With a strong backing, there is no need to complete any battlefield fighting to obtain resources. Spend extra time.

And this is unfair to the bottom level. All cultivation resources need to come by themselves. Sometimes in order to obtain cultivation resources and complete tasks, they have already exhausted their full strength, so there is no strength to cultivate, and even they are used up accidentally. , The beginning is unequal, the difference is far, and the gap will become bigger and bigger in the future.

Seeing the two of them calm down again, Han Ruxin looked disappointed and urged: "Hit! Use star power! It's best for Chang Man to kill Duan Chuan. I just want to study the details of the midline of Duan Chuan's body. Circumstances, when I apply, I might be able to get a lot of inspiration and even come up with a solution."

   After finishing speaking, he looked at Duan Chuan with interest. No, to be precise, he looked at Duan Chuan's body.

Many researchers from the Jiutian Academy are interested in Duan Chuan’s body. The failed product is also an important experiment. If it is dissected, you can get a lot of experience and lessons. Well, many researchers from other universities and the University of the Awakened are also interested. .

   often twitches at the corners of his mouth, wanting to scold Han Ruxin, he is not a lunatic, he must kill Duan Chuan, he is sick! But after thinking about it, she still didn't vomit. To some extent, this woman had a problem with her mind.

   Duanchuan only felt the chrysanthemum tighten, and he was covered with evil men.

  These researchers are really perverted!

   wanted to get his body!

Han Ruxin suddenly turned to look at Lin Fan and said, "I am also very interested in your body. I always feel that there is a secret in your body. I really want to dig it out! Both of you master and apprentice are so charming!" Han Ruxin suddenly Licking his lips, he giggled.

   Lin Fan's heart suddenly burst, but immediately stabilized his mind. No one would know the system. This woman has a strong sixth sense, and she got goose bumps when she heard the raging laughter.

   This woman seems to be really abnormal!

   I used to feel a bit sloppy on the outside, but the others are quite normal. Now the more I touch, the more abnormal I feel.

   Take a look at Duan Chuan and Chang Man. The one sitting is called the one who is righteous and the other is honest. If you count on them, you can’t count on them.

A bright smile appeared on Lin Fan's face, and he smiled: "Teacher, I am also very interested in your body. I feel that you also have secrets in your body. I always feel that there is something hidden." As he said, his eyes scanned up and down. Looking at Han Ruxin’s delicate body, I have to say that this crazy woman has a really good figure. She wears loose clothes and still can’t hide her beautiful figure. The proportions are also close to perfect, which is a bit like Han Miaotong, but Han Miaotong is a bit green. Han Ruxin was familiar, but Lin Fan's eyes looked extremely clean.

   The smile on Han Ruxin's face stopped for a moment. She did have a secret in her body, and then she smiled more brilliantly, "Then we have the opportunity to discuss and study each other, I feel that we will have many common topics."


   Lin Fan smiled with seriousness in his eyes, "In this way, we can understand each other better, I know your depth, and you also know my length."

   Duanchuan and Changman's faces gradually became weird, and the corners of their mouths twitched wildly.

  What kind of conversation is this tiger-wolf word?

   If it wasn't for Lin Fan's eyes to be very clean and without any impurities, they would think that Lin Fan was doing yellow-color.

   People who didn’t know thought they wanted to talk about their love, and they talked about each other sincerely.

   I know your depth, you know my length!

  日, this sounds so apt!

   actually gave them a deep sense of identity.

   There have been countless love scenes in the two people's minds, and they looked admiringly. Lin Fan does have the talent of an educator, and he is very concise.

In fact, Han Ru's heart is also a little weird. This sentence sounds like that, but it feels weird. But looking at Lin Fan with a pair of clean eyes, it seems that she really wants to discuss the true meaning of the body with her, so she also said no. The feeling came out, but he felt that Lin Fan had the potential to be a researcher, and he looked a bit like himself.

When Lin Fan finished speaking, he regretted it, concealed his nervousness, and forgot that this woman is a fourth-rank and one-star, and she would be beaten if she was not careful. She opened her eyes and became cleaner and innocent. Fortunately, the woman who was killed was a little nervous. She was afraid that the other party would turn into anger, and she was still too weak.

   Saying that this kind of walking on the edge of the abyss is so exciting.


   The four returned to the hotel where Han Ruxin and Changman lived, the best hotel in Windy City.

   When they arrived at the door of Chang Man's room, Duan Chuan and Han Ruxin stood behind Lin Fan and Chang Man and looked at them, and did not leave.

   often said in an angry tone: "Duan Chuan, what are you doing with you?"


   Duanchuan This hotel is opened by your house! I suddenly want to stay in a hotel today. "

   often twitches at the corners of his mouth, "Then you go open the room, what are you doing at my door?"

   "Suddenly tired! I want to stop here and take a break." Duan Chuan replied with a serious face, as if it was really the case.

   Fuck you!

   Changman is already frantically complaining in his heart. He still doesn't understand this dog money, so he wants to see him make a fool of himself.

   There is also Han Ruxin, who often glanced at Han Ruxin helplessly. Han Ruxin had no intention of leaving. He had already said it before, and it was obvious that he would not let you watch.

  Han Ruxin said with a strange look: "You go in! I don't go in, I just stand here, I don't want to see, I can just listen."

   often full: "..."

   I just don't want you to hear his screams, so he wants to drive them away.

   And you are so direct, are you really good?

   Duanchuan also had a showdown, "Okay, hurry in and let’s listen. It’s not that I’ve heard it before, but I’ve seen it live. Tsk tsk~ Don’t say, when you ran, half of your **** was really white."

Chang Man suddenly turned green. Fuck, he remembered that he went back to the hotel to change clothes. It was true that the buttocks of his pants were all rotten, and he was directly affected by Lin Fan's knife intent and shattered a lot. There are many dense cracks on it, let alone clothes.

He just turned around and entered the room, because he knew that he would not be able to drive away the two of them, so he prayed that the soundproofing effect of the Windy City Hotel would be better, but it is difficult to think about how loud he is, unless a professional soundproof room , But even in a professional soundproof room, these two people are not ordinary people.


   Heart stuffed!


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