Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 168: Lin Fan's arrogance, burst the audience

Lin Fan opened the refrigerator, good fellow, it was full, but it was still fast food, that kind of frozen fast food.




Lin Fan held his forehead, speechless. He originally thought that there should be a lot of vegetables and meat in such a large refrigerator. In fact, there is a fart, all kinds of fast food, stuffed full, just need to heat it to eat Kind of.


   The rest is liquor, a variety of liquors, there are some beverages, but they are basically liquors of various brands.


   Sixth rank strong, eat this every day? ! !


   Sure enough, what is strong, what god, what is the beauty of the country and the city, once they understand the way of life, they are all ruined, all kinds of shortcomings.


   Lin Fan couldn't help but vomit: "Can this really grow like that?"


Lin Fan couldn't help but think of Su Dai's devil-like figure. No, he was even more devilish than the devil. For men, except for some perverted hobbies, they can be satisfied. Talking about eating these fast foods and drinking these wines, Can do it?


   The key to Su Dai’s skin is really good!


   When Fang Yan, Gu Ying, and Yan Yan heard Lin Fan's complaints, they nodded involuntarily, especially Fang Yan and Gu Ying looked down at themselves, and then thought about Su Dai, they felt inferior.


   The two are of the same type. Fang Yan is still a little bit. Gu Ying is like a petite panda-eyed little Lolita. It is a map of Pingchuan, but it can satisfy some people with special perverted hobbies.


   Fang Yan and Gu Ying glanced at each other, and they couldn't help thinking: "Eating fast food can really become like Master Su Dai?"


   The cognition of common sense and the residual sense tell them that this is completely impossible.




   Lin Fan closed the door of the refrigerator and asked: "I will go down the mountain to the school cafeteria to eat. Which one do you choose?"


   Fang Yan: "Same as you."


   Yan Yan: "Same as you."


   Gu Ying: "Same as you."


   The four of them turned around and left, without any nostalgia.


   Such a comparison, in fact, the school canteen is quite good, rich in nutrition, extremely balanced, and a variety of local dishes, all kinds of flavors, even if you are willing to spend credits, there are all kinds of meat supplements.


   The four went directly down the mountain.




   At this time, Jiutian Academy, News Agency.


   In the office of the vice president.


   "I still can't get in touch?"


   "Well, there is no response."


   The three vice-presidents were so gloomy that they were about to explode.


One of the male vice presidents couldn't help but yelled out loudly on the phone: "Are you all rice buckets? You can't find it alone? We are the news agency. The news agency has the best news. It has been so long. Let me continue to check! Find his friends, people he knows, people next to his dormitory! Ask them one by one! Dig three feet in the ground and find Shi Zhiqiang for me."


   snapped and hung up the phone.


  Because he once promoted Shi Zhiqiang to become editor-in-chief.


   "Damn guy, I must make him unable to eat when I find this guy. I withdrew his position as editor-in-chief and let him slack off."


   "Damn guy, where did he go? I can't get through the phone, and no one responds to the chat message."


   Yes, Shi Zhiqiang is missing. Lin Fan’s mistake should be fixed today, even last night, and then clarified today, but Shi Zhiqiang has disappeared from this morning.


  In the beginning, they just thought that Shi Zhiqiang was going to do something, and there was something, but gradually they felt that something was wrong.


   Especially it's almost night now!


  The freshman meeting is over!


   This guy hasn't even appeared yet!


The other two vice presidents glanced at each other, looked at the male vice president who had just spoken, and said, "Zhuo Yan, Shi Zhiqiang is yours. If Shi Zhiqiang can't solve the problem, then you have to solve it. The president is in the afternoon. I called and asked. Now the other three universities are spreading this matter, and Jiutian Academy’s face must be made up as soon as possible."


   "Yes, Zhuo Yan, your subordinate not only does bad things, but also can't make up for it with the fastest efficiency. This is all your pot."


Zhuo Yan looked at the two with an ugly look. He couldn't see that they were shaking the pot, and immediately said unceremoniously: "Feng Qiming, Qiu Tao, shut up! This is the pot of the three of us. Although Shi Zhiqiang was promoted by me, the two of you also signed and agreed. Don't want me to bear it alone. I don't care about it now, and you have to honestly carry it out."


Feng Qiming said patiently: "Zhuo Yan, in this way, if the president blames you, you should bear it first. After all, Shi Zhiqiang was promoted by you and closer to you, and we will not be punished. We can make up for your damage. loss."


   Qiu Tao also nodded and said, "Yeah! Zhuo Yan, don't let the three of us be punished by the president and minimize the loss. This will benefit everyone."




   The two tried to persuade each other, but Zhuo Yan sneered, "Then let Qiu Tao bear it! I will make up for your loss appropriately."


Qiu Tao's face changed drastically, and she screamed: "Why should I bear it? This matter has nothing to do with me from beginning to end. I am not familiar with Shi Zhiqiang at all. It makes more sense for you to let Feng Qiming bear it. "


   Zhuo Yan had deep disdain hidden in his eyes, "Okay! Then let Feng Qiming bear it, and we will make up for his loss appropriately."


   Qiu Tao looked at Feng Qiming, as if she was still looking forward to it.


But at this time, Feng Qiming had an extremely ugly face, staring at Qiu Tao without speaking. This woman, really nothing, was completely taken away by Zhuo Yan's rhythm, and the invisible alliance between the two was simply broken. Up.




   Now that you refuse so simply, everyone knows what you said before is a lie!


   means to compensate your uncle! It's all imaginary!


   Anyway, you will be punished by that time. Maybe you are not the vice president anymore, who will take care of you.


   It's a pity that Zhuo Yan didn't take any action, always counting this incident as a three-person mistake.


Is    the fault of the three?


of course!


What they can verify, and what they should verify. With a little effort, through their own channels, and at a price, they can definitely get information about what Lin Fan looks like, but none of the three of them did this, but the three of them’s intelligence fees are He didn't miss a point.


   This is also very normal, these things can be left to the people below, the money will be much less, and even if you apply for intelligence fees, you can still get rebates. And this kind of thing, some people go to the flying iron station to squat, naturally they will not make a mistake.


   So they thought so too, and then it became like this.


   I want to shirk responsibility now!




   I remembered the call again, Zhuo Yan suddenly connected, and there was a rapid gasp from the other end of the phone, and there was an exclamation: "Vice Zhuo, it's not good, Shi Zhiqiang ran away!"


   Zhuo Yan's heart chuckles, with a bad feeling, he quickly asked: "What's gone? You can tell me clearly!"


   Feng Qiming and Qiu Tao also heard it, and their eyes widened.


   Zhuo Yan directly turns on the phone hands-free function.


   "Vice Zhuo, I just inquired from a good friend of Shi Zhiqiang that Shi Zhiqiang took off in disguise and took a plane early this morning. He...he..."


   "Damn it, come on, where did Shi Zhiqiang go?"


   "He applied for a frontline war correspondent's position in the middle of the night last night, he...he went straight to the...the front line! He ran away!!!"




   At this moment, the vice presidents of Zhuo Yan, Feng Qiming, and Qiu Tao were all stupid!


   They couldn't imagine that Shi Zhiqiang really ran away.


   Even when they heard that Shi Zhiqiang had gone by plane, they did not think he dared to run. The fact is that Shi Zhiqiang not only ran, but also went straight to the front line.


   As a war correspondent on the front line, the death rate is extremely high!


   That's not a joke.


   Especially Shi Zhiqiang is just in his third stage!


   is looking for death on the front line.


   Not to mention Shi Zhiqiang, but their president Gui Shilan didn't dare to say that they would go to the front line as a war correspondent. This requires great courage.


   By the way, Shi Zhiqiang is here! And so decisive!




   There was a deep shock in the three people's minds, as well as infinite doubts.


   Why did Shi Zhiqiang suddenly run away?


   Suddenly, a knock on the door rang, awakening the three of them from shock.


   Zhuo Yan said, "Come in!"


   Seeing the door opened, a member of the news agency held a package and said hesitantly: "Three vice presidents, here is a package for the president."


   Zhuo Yan and the three of them looked dumbfounded!


   for the president, what are you doing with it?


   "But I feel I should say to the three vice presidents, this was sent by Shi Zhiqiang's trust." The members finally said truthfully.


   Zhuo Yan, Feng Qiming, and Qiu Tao couldn't hold back, they got up from their seats and shouted loudly.


   "Bring it!"


   members hurriedly handed the package forward, and then went out consciously.


   Zhuoyan glanced at each other and quickly took apart the package.


   A box!


   is another box inside!


  Unlimited sets of monkeys!


   angered the three of them, Feng Qiming yelled, "Is this dog kidding us purely?"


   Zhuo Yan dismantled it honestly and opened six boxes in a row. Zhuo Yan's patience was almost consumed, and finally saw something, a mobile phone and a piece of paper.


The three of them took a look at the note first, and Qiu Tao read it out softly: "The claim form...I am a new student of the nine-day college, Lin Fan, the news agency has caused great damage to my image... ...A claim, ten million... one hundred million!!!"


   After a pause, the needle fell quietly in the room, and the three vice presidents looked shocked.


  Feng Qiming finally said silently: "This new student is crazy!"


   Qiu Tao: "It's really crazy!"


   Zhuo Yan: "Does this scare Shi Zhiqiang away?"


   Zhuo Yan immediately turned on the phone and found a video, which was a video recorded by Shi Zhiqiang.


I saw Shi Zhiqiang with a hippy smile and said: "President, hello! I am Shi Zhiqiang, the editor-in-chief of the news agency. I reported my immediate boss and deputy president Zhuo Yan for multiple kickbacks, and the amount was as high as over 500,000. , The news has not been verified many times, and the fees given to me are all deducted after deduction..."


  Feng Qiming and Qiu Tao gradually became weird. They looked at Zhuo Yan from time to time, wanted to laugh and held back. This turned out to be a whistleblower video.


Zhuo Yan naturally noticed the expressions of the two of them, and their expressions were extremely ugly. If this video fell into the hands of the president, and combined with Shi Zhiqiang, he would go directly to the front line as a war correspondent. It is estimated that his vice president would definitely end up, this **** guy. , Before leaving, even stabbed himself, Bai Xian straightened him by himself back then, the former brother Yan Yan, stabbed the knife without any mercy.


   Seeing this guy again, he absolutely can't eat his pockets and go.


   can be at this moment.


   The content of the video changed, "Hurt! President, I was actually just joking. I wrote the compensation sheet, and the above is all my own nonsense..."


   All of a sudden, Zhuo Yan and the three were stunned!


   What the **** do you want to do?


   This compensation bill was written by this guy?


   Do you specifically fool them to play?


"Actually, what I want to say is... the three vice presidents are not good things for you. Feng Qiming relied on the fact that he was a member of the Feng family. , The three vice presidents are the most stupid, relying on the president’s girlfriends and blindly commanding them. In fact, they have no brains at all. They are often fooled by Zhuo Yan and Feng Qiming. They really take themselves seriously. Become a hot seller, and think we are smart! We all call her an idiot peach. Whenever we happen, we know to push the blame, throw the pot, and scold others. Vice President Zhuo Yan and Vice President Feng Qiming have scolded me when they drank. Actually I spit out in front of everyone, but the poor idiot Tao doesn't know..."


   The three people's faces are stiff again!


At this moment, Qiu Tao's entire face was flushed, extremely angry, and stared at Zhuo Yan and Feng Qiming with incomparable anger, her eyes were red, and her voice almost came from between her teeth, "You... .Behind ours, they are doing this to me!"


   Zhuo Yan and Feng Qiming's expressions were not good at the moment, and the things that were said behind were revealed in this situation. The key point was that the three of them watched it together. This was tantamount to a face-to-face execution.


Zhuo Yan immediately said: "Peach, don't believe this stuff. How could we say bad things about you behind your back. If you believe it, you will fall into Shi Zhiqiang's trap. He just wants us to cause internal chaos. , White-eyed wolf, even thinking about stabbing us when he ran away."


  Feng Qiming understood, "Yes, Taozi, this guy obviously ran away deliberately, and then deliberately sent a mobile phone to slander us and destroy our friendship. This kind of villain must not be believed."


   The two would never admit it, and they were desperately talking about their friendship, brainwashing Qiu Tao.


   Qiu Tao calmed down slowly after being said, and glanced at the two suspiciously, "Huh~ don't pursue this matter for now! This video is a bit strange!"


   The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and finally succeeded in brainwashing and convinced the woman. This woman is so self-righteous and stupid. As long as she says something nice, she is sure, and she believes it.


   Zhuo Yan immediately agreed: "Yes, this video is indeed a bit strange."


   Feng Qiming: "'s kind of like telling us."


As soon as the voice fell, Shi Zhiqiang burst into laughter in the video, and tears of laughter came out, "Do you feel that the tone of this video does not seem to be what you said to President Gui? Yes, congratulations, you guys are right, but there is no reward, I I told you three dumb vice presidents, because I know you will intercept this package! Was it a surprise? Was it a surprise? Goodbye, three black-hearted vice presidents, I sincerely wish you long I'm a hundred years old, I won't accompany you!"


   This is the end of the video.


   In the vice president's office, it was quiet and scary.


   The three of them are really angry at this time!




   Zhuo Yan slapped the phone directly into the table with a slap, the phone turned into a pancake, and the claim form turned into a ball of flame and burned into ashes instantly.


   Zhuo Yan took his hand away, there was a clear burnt handprint on the table, and a burnt smell filled the air.


   "Damn Shi Zhiqiang, I am going to kill you!" Zhuo Yan's killing intent emerged.


   Feng Qiming and Qiu Tao did the same, their expressions were cold.


   The three of them are also geniuses, and Feng Qiming is even the top talent on the list. Although he is at the end, he is taunted by a trash that is far inferior to them. Can they be cool from beginning to end playing around?


From the beginning to the end, from the beginning to the end, I thought it was sent to the president from the beginning to expose Zhuo Yan, but one after another inverted, it was to scold three people, and it was even considered good. This package is three people. Will be intercepted.


   And they actually saw the end so honestly!


   immediately killed Shi Zhiqiang's heart.


   can be too angry, and the three of them have a headache again, what should Nima do?


After all, they can’t even count. Shi Zhiqiang actually ran away. The key is not to tell them, silently, disguised and ran away, wasting their day, and even finally pinched the time and put the package. send it here.


   Zhuojie said in a deep voice, "This problem still needs to be solved immediately."


   Qiu Tao asked: "How to solve it?"


   Feng Qiming said faintly: "It's very simple, naturally find the person, Shi Zhiqiang is just delaying our time."


   Zhuojie: "Yes, find Lin Fan, immediately let him issue a statement to solve the problem, and finally make it up."


   Qiu Tao: "What are you waiting for, go find someone immediately!"


   Feng Qiming: "We went personally this time, and it is estimated that seeing the three of us, Lin Fan directly freaked out! It's just a freshman."


   Yes, the three of them really thought that the claim form was fake and was forged by Shi Zhiqiang himself. They also believed that Shi Zhiqiang ran away because of dissatisfaction with them and ran away early. Sending the video this time was purely disgusting for them.


   At the same time, they also believed that Shi Zhiqiang was purely trying to delay time and embarrass them, and they did not find Lin Fan.


   Sometimes people are so self-confident, it is easy to believe what they see with their eyes, and ignore a lot of things, true and false, so the more you can't see through.


   Shi Zhiqiang, his grasp of human nature is still very accurate!


He didn’t want to offend Lin Fan or Gui Shilan, so he completed Lin Fan’s entrustment and sent the claim form. At the same time, he mocked a wave of three black-hearted vice presidents, and this matter Gui Shi Lan didn't know yet, and controlled everything perfectly.


   and the other side.


  Brax Desert, a magnificent steel city stands here. It is cold throughout and absorbs all sunlight. It looks like a huge black monster in the desert, and it is endless, with only yellow sand everywhere.


   This steel city is called Bra City, and there is another name, Teleport City!


   Here is the world’s largest teleportation array, which is opened every ten days and can reach the space station on the edge of the solar system quickly to the frontline battlefield outside the solar system.

At the beginning, the Teleport City was cold and gentle, but with the continuous development, there are already many aborigines here. Today, the Teleport City has been expanded ten times more than before. There are various entertainment facilities, including With supporting facilities such as hotels, restaurants, etc., it is like a medium-sized city.


   But the city here is very different from outside cities. The city management here is militarized management, because once there is a problem on the other side of the teleportation array, the teleportation array must be destroyed as soon as possible, just to prevent alien invasion.


   In a hotel in Teleport City, the missing Shi Zhiqiang was lying in the room, then the phone was on, with a relaxed smile on his face, "Old Song, thanks!"


   Tomorrow will happen to be the time of transmission, and he will leave tomorrow, staying for one night first.


"Small things, I've seen those three dogs upset for a long time, and you helped me out. Good luck, don't die, you still owe me a drink." On the other side of the phone, Song Hang smiled and said casually.


   Song Hang is also a member of the news agency, deputy editor, and Shi Zhiqiang's deputy. The two are also classmates at the same level and fellow villagers.


   Shi Zhiqiang was about to leave, he knew it, and Shi Zhiqiang asked him to discuss countermeasures last night, and Shi Zhiqiang finally decided to leave.


   And Song Hang was also the person who had just called Zhuo Yan to inform him, and he had to say that Zhuo Yan had no doubt about his acting skills with perfect scores.


"Hahaha~~ Of course, how could I die, I will live well. This is also my chance. There are also many opportunities on the front line. I may not meet again. I have a fourth grade. Then you have to buy me a drink. Drink." Shi Zhiqiang said.


   "Brother Qiang, come on! Stop blowing! That's it." Song Hang said silently and hung up the phone.


  Song Hang, who was in the Jiutian Academy, looked up at the sky, and for a long time, he sighed, "If you can come back alive, what if I invite you to drink flower wine!"


   This time, Shi Zhiqiang of the Third Stage realm went to the front line as a war correspondent. It was really unforeseeable. If not, he would really never go back.




   Jiutian Xuefu East Canteen on the first floor.


  Lin Fan, Fang Yan, Gu Ying, and Yan Yan were eating food, everyone ordered a lot. After all, I was hungry for a day, and now they are all food lovers!


   Next to the four of them, there was another person who had just gotten in, Zhuo Jie, who came to eat at this point. He greeted Lin Fan and got in. Fang Yan and the others didn't care.


At this time, it’s seven o’clock in the evening. There are very few new students on the first floor of the cafeteria. The new students who are taken away by the mentors are basically taken by the mentors to eat, to connect with feelings. As for the other freshmen, many freshmen and friends I made an appointment to go to the commercial street for dinner. As for the others, they have already finished eating and went back. After all, Lin Fan and the others went to the Su Dai Research Institute. Although they didn’t do anything, they also recognized a door and cost to walk. It took a lot of time.


   And just then, three figures came over.


   "Lin Fan, let's talk to you!"


The three of them are the three vice-presidents of the news agency, Zhuo Yan, Feng Qiming, and Qiu Tao. They inquired about the location of Lin Fan and came over. Now that they have participated in the Rebirth Conference, Lin Fan’s face has been exposed and he is a new student. It's easy to find a man of the wind.


   Lin Fan heard the words and looked up, um, three strangers, I haven’t seen them before, unlike freshmen, um, maybe there are only people from the news agency, why are they here again? Yesterday’s Shi Zhiqiang didn’t make his point clear? Still know, come and trouble yourself? After all, this tone is not very good!


   Hmm... I didn't care, lowered my head and continued to eat.


   Gu Ying and the others also looked up curiously, and did not know each other, and continued to eat.


  How can the three strangers have a good meal?


   "Cousin?" Zhuo Jie said in surprise when he saw one of the three.


Seeing Lin Fan’s attitude, the three of them were also a little upset. What happened to the newcomers. Hearing them, he glanced at them and ignored them. Zhuo Jie stepped forward and was about to slap the table when he heard Zhuo Jie. if.


   Zhuo Yan stopped his movements and was also taken aback, "Xiaojie?"


   The atmosphere became a bit awkward for a moment.


   came to find trouble, met a cousin, and a classmate who was eating with the cousin, always felt a little uncomfortable, and met his family in a prestigious school.


   Zhuojie asked in surprise: "Cousin, what are you doing?"


   Zhuo Yan said hesitantly, "Uh...this, I have something to discuss with Lin Fan."


   Zhuojie glanced at his cousin, and then at Lin Fan, who was eating. The two could communicate together. It is estimated that only the news agency’s newspapers were wrong, but he still didn’t understand why he wanted Lin Fan?


"you guys....."


   Before Zhuojie said anything, Qiu Tao interrupted him, "Well, Zhuo Yan, now is not the time for you to chat with your cousin."


   said in a commanding tone: "Lin Fan, we are looking for you if we have something to do. Let us talk to you."


   Zhuo Yan also said: "Xiaojie, I'll talk again when I have time, I have something else."




   Zhuojie continued to eat, but he was looking at Lin Fan. His mind was turning wildly. It seemed to be menacing, as if he was making trouble for Lin Fan. What trouble do you have with them? He really didn't think of it for a while.


   This time, Lin Fan hasn't spoken yet.


Fang Yan couldn't help it anymore. She jumped up and didn't hesitate to stop her. "Did your mother not teach you? Don't bother when others eat. You don't know how to be polite, and your tone is the tone of looking for someone to chat. Don’t you know how to be polite when you speak? With a commanding tone, look up at the sky when you speak, do you have chins in your eyes?"


   After a while, Qiu Tao was flushed directly by Yan, and shouted: "Little girl film, who do you say has no education!"


   "Auntie, what about you!"


   Fang Yan looked mockingly, "Why, don't my ears work well?"


   "Asshole, who are you called auntie."


   Qiu Tao was furious in an instant, and rushed over, trying to catch Fang Yan.


   But this moment.




The three figures stood up suddenly, Lin Fan, Gu Ying, and Yan Yan all stood up, Lin Fan's knife was taken out, Gu Ying's dagger was taken out, Yan Yan's fist was already on his fist, and the three of them silently Look at her.


   Now they are in the same line, and everyone feels that Fang Yan's words are reasonable, and the other party is indeed impolite.


   Originally troubled Lin Fan, Gu Ying and Yan Yan were waiting for a good show, but they were not good for Fang Yan. After all, they are now Fang Yan's elders and they want to protect the juniors, even if they are all the same age.


   Qiu Tao was taken aback and stopped abruptly. Yan Yan's muscular iron tower shape gave people a sense of oppression no matter where they were, like a wall.


   But then she became angry, she was a third-level awakener, "What do you want to do? I am a freshman at the first-level realm, and dare to do something to me? I am a third-level awakener!"


   Gu Ying and Yan Yan suddenly looked wary, they couldn't beat the third stage realm awakened.


   Oh, only three products!


Lin Fan suddenly smiled brightly and said, "Yes! Senior sister, do you want to pick the three of us, how about going to the life and death ring? Another bet, you can bet on all the belongings of the three of you. If you win, you can get it. All our belongings, and if we win, we will get all the belongings of the three of you."


   A gleam of light flashed under Lin Fan's eyes, and the other party was obviously unkind, and what he needed was to kill chickens and monkeys, so it would be better to get some stuff by the way.


  Since you can't keep a low profile, please keep a high profile!


Gu Ying and Yan Yan glanced at each other and chose to remain silent. In their perception, Lin Fan is a smart Lao Yinbi. They can see from today’s rebirth meeting that they will never fight a battle that will be defeated. What's more, they have also heard the news that Lin Fan killed dozens of third-rank alien races, so they must have absolute confidence.


In fact, the two of them made up the number in Lin Fan's mind. It would be the best to have a little effect. It didn't matter if it didn't work. Mainly, Lin Fan wanted to cheat three people's money. People are really a bit bad.


   Three to three possessions, isn’t it just right?


   "Life and death stage!!!"


Qiu Tao was stunned, a flash of fear flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help taking a step back. There were unadjustable contradictions among the students, and they could go to the stage of life and death, and the stage of life and death was the largest arena, and it was also a death rate. It is the highest arena and the most famous arena in Jiutian Academy.


She didn't expect Lin Fan to be so cruel. She originally looked at this handsome boy with a bright smile and politely addressed her. She thought it was a good talk, but what she never expected to say was even more amazing. The scalp is numb.


   Lin Fan said the life and death ring, indicating that he has already understood this.


   Zhuo Yan and Feng Qiming were also dumbfounded. Are new students so fierce now?


   Speaking is a battle of life and death!


   "What? The third-stage awakened person is counseled?" Fang Yan stood on the stool directly after seeing the other party not talking.


   "Who dare you say?"


   Qiu Tao suddenly became angry! Yes, she is a third-rank awakened person, and the opposite is all new students.


   Lin Fan twitched the corner of his mouth. He used to think that Fang Yan was a little girl who was quite shy. Since awakening, how could she liberate herself more and more, get more and more free, um, her temper has become more and more direct.


  According to the previous Fang Yan, she would never do such a behavior, um, most likely not.


   Lin Fan thinks about it carefully, okay, Fang Yan used to break her bottom line before it exploded. In fact, it is almost the same as it is now.


   "Say you!"


Fang Yan looked down at Qiu Tao with a very disdainful expression on her face. She saw with her own eyes that Lin Fan had killed so many third-rank aliens, all of them were third-rank high stars. Lin Fan obviously wanted to cheat these old students. Today she was bullied by Lin Fan and the others. If you can't take revenge, then add fire.


   After all, the sadness of others is also my own happiness, which can give me some comfort.


   Especially when I think about it, Lin Fan is often molested and called Master Uncle in the future, she is so angry! People who bullied her since childhood can continue to bully. Are you out of breath?


   What's more, this woman is really annoying, and she is really uncomfortable when she speaks.




   Qiu Tao’s sanity is disappearing. She wants to step on Fang Yan immediately. This little new-born girl is too irritating for her. She has never been so irritated since entering the university. The key is to face a group of new students.


   "Peach! Calm down!"


   But the next moment, Feng Qiming stepped forward and took Qiu Tao's hand, and forcibly pulled her back, "We are here to deal with things today, not to cause trouble. We will deal with the business first, and we will talk about the other things later."


As Feng Qiming spoke, he gestured around for a while. Many people have already noticed that there are not many new students at this point, but there are not many old students. This point came out for dinner, and finally the cafeteria had a meal. I saw a good show, one by one. They were all approaching here, and there were even old students who were sitting at the next table openly with the food, eating with great interest while watching, as if the scene in front of them was very good.


   This is an interesting drama for old students every year.


   And today’s scene, it was quite interesting, because it was not the old students who were arrogant, but the new students. This was the first time they saw each other, so, isn’t it more exciting?


   And not far away, there were two old acquaintances of Lin Fan. No, there was only one Lin Fan had seen. It was Tu Zhuo who had been seen in the Star Force Training Hall.


   And Tu Zhuo was next to Zhang He, chasing Lin Fan's **** and ran out, but unfortunately he didn't see anyone.


   The two also came to eat at this point, and they didn't expect to encounter such an interesting scene.


   "Good fellow, Tu, I am right, this kid is Lin Fan himself!"


Zhang He was surprised and exclaimed, "I know the three people, they are juniors, they are all from the news agency, and they are all vice presidents, and they are all third-rank awakeners, and they belong to genius level students, Zhuo Yan. , Qiu Tao, Feng... Qiming, um, it should be called this, this Feng Qiming is still a student on the local list, obedient, we absolutely can't afford it.


   But Lin Fan's attitude, as well as his companions, are so arrogant towards the old students. Talking about it is a challenge of life and death. This must be very confident. He has absolute confidence to kill that Qiu Tao. You are miserable, Lao Tu, you threatened him, you may go to beat the list someday, and I will definitely focus on greeting you. I feel that this day is not far away. "


  Tu Zhuo was dumbfounded. He was even more dazed when Zhang He revealed the identity of the three of them. He didn't expect Lin Fan to be so fierce.


   Even the last Zhang He teased him, this time Tu Zhuo didn't care.


   Because Lin Fan is really tough!


   He originally thought he was arrogant enough, but compared to Lin Fan, he really couldn't, he was a younger brother, a little brother.


Think about it, Lin Fan was still polite in the face of his provocation. He even joked that he was not himself, but asked his name, so even if Zhang He teased him later, he actually didn't take it too seriously, because He felt that Lin Fan was a good talker.


   Looking at Lin Fan now, how does it feel like talking?


   That's the third product!


   If you don’t agree with you, you’ll fight for life and death. That’s going to kill you!


   When Feng Qiming interrupted her, Qiu Tao was also stunned. She still knew which one was more important, and now the main thing is to solve the problem.


   So Qiu Tao forcibly held back her anger and stepped back.


   Feng Qiming also took a deep breath. The development of the first meeting with Lin Fan today really exceeded his expectations. They didn't expect it would develop like this in a short time, and they didn't react at all.


  In other words, they didn't expect it to develop like this at all, which is completely different from what they imagined.


   What they imagined, the freshmen met the three of them and they weren't honest, especially when they heard that they were juniors and seniors, they were third-ranked in strength, and they were not well-behaved.


   But from the beginning, they were ignored by Lin Fan, and the scenes afterwards became more uncontrollable.


   And just now.


There was an old student shouting from the side, "Feng Qiming, don't persuade you! Fight! Being ridiculed by the new students, you are a shame on our old students, you are a genius in the rankings, not just the life and death stage, come on! Cheer up!"


   "That's right, don't persuade you! Are you scared?"


   "Hey, I was threatened by a new student! What a shame!"


   "The freshmen take the initiative to provoke, what a good opportunity! Let me teach the freshmen who don't know how high the earth is."


   A person ridiculed, and suddenly several old voices ridiculed. They are the people who watched the show, so naturally they are not too big.


   Feng Qiming's face turned black. He knew a few of these dog things. At this time, he ridiculed him, especially the first person who spoke. There was still a little friction with him. It was obvious that he was deliberately picking things up.


   Lin Fan turned his head and glanced at him. The face of the new student who said he did not know how to teach a lesson has already been written down. If he is on the list of people and places, he will focus on the lesson at that time.




  Feng Qiming took a deep breath, resisting the anger and unhappiness in his heart, and chose to ignore these people. The development of today's affairs has been out of his control, but he still hopes that things can be resolved quickly. This is the point.


   He only hopes that Lin Fanshi will praise him!


   Actually, he already had a bad premonition in his heart, because Lin Fan was so stubborn, it was difficult to solve the matter quickly, and the news agency newspaper incidents became more and more difficult to deal with, especially when Lin Fan and his new students were still under protection.


   Before he could speak, Lin Fan spoke, "Are you from the news agency?"


   The words reached his throat, and Feng Qiming swallowed it again and nodded, "Yes!"


   "Did that send me money?" Lin Fan asked again.


   Feng Qiming was full of question marks, "What send money?"


   Lin Fan did not change his face, and continued to ask: "Has my claim form been received? Has it been sent by Shi Zhiqiang?"


   "What claim form?"


   Feng Qiming was confused again, and at the same time said, "Shi Zhiqiang has resigned and has left the news agency."


   Naturally, he would not say that Shi Zhiqiang ran away directly, and he also sent a mobile phone to record a video that disgusted them and delayed them for a whole day. At the same time, he suddenly thought of the claim form.


  Feng Qiming's eyes widened It's a bit unbelievable. Isn't that claim form written by Shi Zhiqiang to disgust them? It was written by Lin Fan?


   Lin Fan was also taken aback, what is it? Shi Zhiqiang resigned?


   What the hell, I didn't just go to him last night, or I was an editor in chief. How can I leave after leaving?


   That said, the claim form was not sent to the news agency president Gui Shilan!


   originally thought that these three guys came over aggressively and spoke unceremoniously, because they had already received the claim form.


   "You wrote the claim form? 100 million compensation?" Feng Qiming asked his doubts.


   Lin Fan was taken aback again, how did he know it again?


   Don't care about him, just know!


   "It seems that you have received it, so be prepared to compensate for my loss."


Lin Fan doesn’t care, anyway, the process is not important. He said indifferently, “I hope your news agency will be savvy, don’t let me trouble you deliberately. Everyone will settle this matter peacefully, and there are people who are irrelevant. Don't come to disturb me, let Gui Shilan come in person.


  Okay, we are still eating. I think that the old students of Jiutian Academy will not be so rude, uneducated, and come over and make a loud noise without seeing others eating. "


   After Lin Fan finished speaking, in an instant, the canteen that was still a bit noisy went quiet, and everyone's actions to eat stopped.

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