Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 173: Yuan Xingxiu who was sent away on the spot

"how can that be?!!"

For a time, the seal of fire was dumbfounded.

Obviously yesterday, it was only a second-grade and four-star, and only opened two arms, each with three nodes.

But just one night passed!

Lin Fan actually opened again, one, two, three... eleven!

Eleven nodes!

He is no longer a second-rank four-star!

It's a half-step third product!

The real half-step three products!

At this moment, the worldview that had been alive for decades collapsed.

He couldn't help taking out his mobile phone to check the time. August 20th, 298, really only passed one day. He didn't cross, he didn't sleep for many days!

The new students this year only started the second day, and classes officially start today.

But Lin Fan is already half a step at the third rank!

In just two days, Lin Fan went from half-step second-rank to half-step third-rank! A total of 17 nodes were opened!

Even if you have a strong spirit, even if you have a strong talent, this is too much!

It’s not that good nodes are getting harder and harder, otherwise these geniuses and evildoers won’t be sophomores and juniors who are still competing for the rankings, and even the age requirements of the rankings are 22 years and below, that is, seniors can participate in the competition. People list.

It is because the more nodes there are, the more difficult it is to open, especially for the legs of the second stage, the nodes are difficult to open, one is more difficult than the other, one leg is opened, and the other leg is directly twice as difficult.

But this, on Lin Fan's side, how did it become like this?

It doesn’t take two months at all, two years, or even two weeks, just two days.

It's not right, not for two days, the real time is only two nights.

Just two nights!

Lin Fan had no time for the freshman meeting that he attended during the day yesterday. For the cultural class this morning, he only had two nights to open all the nodes in the second stage realm!

A lot of nodes need to be opened for two years!




Are you kidding me?

Feng Huo rubbed his eyes and looked at it again. It was true, not because he was dazzled!

"Is this kid a monster? What the **** is going on with this kid?" Feng Huo was all wrong.

Thinking back then, he was also an evildoer, but he opened the second-rank node very quickly, and it took half a year.

Compared with Lin Fan, he was like a pile of shit.

Imagine Lin Fan’s brilliant talent skills. Not only is his talent so powerful, but now he is so quick to regain his resuscitation. He has an urge to cry for a while. Compared with this kind of person, other geniuses and evildoers know the real situation and will Don't want to hit the wall to death?

If it wasn't for his own strength, and Lin Fan still needed to restore his star power, his current cultivation base might not have been noticed by him.

There are also fourth-rank awakened people who want to observe Lin Fan's cultivation, but unfortunately they can't see it at all, only feel a kind of nameless anger, and quickly stabilized their minds, confused.

But yesterday at the New Life Conference, there was a black line on their faces, because some of them saw a lot of fourth-ranks lose their minds, and some of them were the people at the scene of the death of the society.

Good guys!

It can prevent them from snooping!

Worthy of being the first freshman this year! The most enchanting student!

Lin Fan's reputation has left a deep impression on the mentors following yesterday's performance at the Freshman Conference.

After all, the tutors died at the death scene of a group of people. As for the new students, none of them knew it. They were all dancing around, and the tutors and students were not at the same level, and they would not talk to the freshmen about these things.

Gaopin Gongfa opened eleven acupuncture points again! This recovery star power is dying soon!

It was also because in this arena, it seemed that the star power could be gathered to restore him specifically, but it was only ten minutes before he recovered.

Lin Fan stood up, beckoned to the sky, and said, "Um...I want to challenge the 99th place!"

In fact, many people are still paying attention to Lin Fan. Many viewers have gone from the third-grade viewing area to the second-grade area. They are also waiting for Lin Fan to recover, because they are also curious whether Lin Fan will continue to challenge?

And now this situation did not disappoint them, as soon as Lin Fan recovered, he continued to challenge!

Will the challenge succeed?

Many people are looking forward to it.

The excited voice of the male host sounded on the high-altitude light curtain. He was also very curious and said loudly: "Everyone! Freshman student Lin Fan has recovered and is now continuing to challenge the 99th Celebrity List! Let us stay tuned. , Can freshman Lin Fan continue to perform miracles and break academic records! How many places can he make today? Or just stop at one hundred!"

At this moment, the audience who originally thought that Lin Fan was only fighting against such a sentence, ran from the third grade area to this side.

At this time, the audience in the second-tier area was almost equal to the third-tier area, and there were even a steady stream of people running over.

Sanpin District.

Zhuo Yan and Feng Qiming were dumbfounded!

Before, Gui Shilan felt that Lin Fan should be seriously injured to win, and it is estimated that he would not fight again.

But reality soon slapped them in the face.

Just so suddenly!

It's only ten minutes!

Lin Fan began to challenge again. If he wins miserably, it is impossible to be so fast.

Gui Shilan's cold face also stiffened a bit, this face was hit too fast, she just said vowedly.

Zhuo Yan and Feng Qiming glanced at Gui Shilan and chose not to speak silently, waiting for someone to speak.

Sure enough, Qiu Tao said, "Shilan, do you want me to check it out? Anyway, I don't have to play the list!"

The atmosphere seemed to be deserted for a moment!

A full ten seconds.


Gui Shilan said, "If you are curious, go and see."

Zhuo Yan said immediately: "Then I will go and have a look, it hasn't reached me yet."

Feng Qiming also said: "I won't challenge people for the time being, so let's observe it."

That's great. Someone charges and they just follow.

Soon, the three of them came to the No. 10 ring in Erpin District, which was already crowded with people, so they stood very outside.

At this time, the ninety-ninth place on the list is already in Lin Fan's rhythm.

Of course, on the surface, it was the opponent who had the upper hand, and Lin Fan was crushed and beaten!

The three of them were relieved when they saw this scene. Lin Fan didn't have the upper hand, but after a closer look, they saw that there were no scars on Lin Fan's body. They were also taken aback. This was a little different from what they expected.

Standing in the crowd, Xiong Zhicheng, the 100th player on the predecessor's list, whose scars had almost been dealt with, looked a bit familiar with the scene on the ring, but he couldn't remember it because Lin Fan was at a disadvantage.

Right by his side.

A Tier 4 instructor educates the students around him, "Observe carefully again, what is the difference between this round and the one just now, and what is the same?"

After observing for a long time, the student said inexplicably, "Teacher, it's obviously the same! Lin Fan has fallen asleep."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention.

Xiong Zhicheng's eyes widened suddenly, yes! This is not exactly the same as the one he just fought.

I suddenly recalled in my mind the scene when I faced Lin Fan.

As I recalled, every one of Lin Fan’s tricks seemed familiar. This trick was applied to him, and it was in this direction, and this trick was also in this direction. Observing and observing, it seemed that every trick was almost the same as for himself. .


At this moment, Xiong Zhicheng only felt his scalp burst and he felt chilly.

Is this a coincidence?

Could this be a coincidence?

Continuing to look down, Xiong Zhicheng looked more seriously.

With his own guesses, and his own experience, he gradually realized that the battle on the ring was not really under Lin Fan, but the rhythm of the ring was always under Lin Fan's control, and the opponent was like a marionette.

Sure enough, in the end, the ninety-ninth place on the list was slashed by Lin Fan! Flew out of the ring!

Lin Fansheng!

Successfully advanced to ninety-nine!

"Really won!"

Xiong Zhicheng's eyes widened. He was just guessing, and his eyesight was not enough, but he felt like that. After all, he had personally experienced it, and the result was just as he had guessed, so he was right.

But Lin Fan was still in white clothes like snow, not even a gap, and even said that the opponent included him, in fact, in the course of the battle, even Lin Fan's clothes were not touched.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt terrified.

What kind of monster is this newborn?


On the second day of enrollment, the champion list, winning two games in a row!

The key is that he did not see all of Lin Fan's strength at all, the more he felt the truth, the more powerful he felt.

Thinking about how he wanted to defeat Lin Fan before, and make his own reputation, maybe not long ago, he still felt that his defeat was unclear, but now he has no such thoughts at all.

He even thought: "Is what Lin Fan told him before is true?"

He expressed deep doubts at the moment.

"Old Xiong, are you okay? Are you hurt too badly?" Xiong Zhicheng's companion saw the beads of sweat on Xiong Zhicheng's forehead, all the size of a bean, and couldn't help asking.

"No...nothing!" Xiong Zhicheng wiped his sweat.

Victory in the second battle once again stunned everyone!


Really won!

Qichen, the first person on the list, E Qing, the third on the list, and a group of others, their eyes widened.

The eyes are full of incredible!

From the first battle, they thought that Lin Fan would lose soon, but the reality directly slapped them in the face, and they thought that Lin Fan would definitely not be able to beat Xiong Zhicheng, and the facts slapped them in the face and Lin Fan won.

In the second battle, Lin Fan has now won again!

Feng Qichen didn't look good, but fortunately in the second scene, he didn't say anything, otherwise he was beaten in the face again.

But he still didn't figure it out. It was obvious that Lin Fan was still suppressed by the opponent, but why did Lin Fan win again?

Chang Hao also frowned. He still didn't understand. In this battle, Lin Fan only used the Star Power Sword Qi, and didn't use anything else, but he just won.

what's the situation?

In the top ten teams, everyone was silent and frowned, but some had a thoughtful expression.

At this time, they rely purely on their eyesight and experience, but they are only second-grade, and they lack both eyesight and experience. This is inevitable.

So I still need to rely on IQ!

The other members of the list were also stunned!

Lin Fan challenged again successfully!

The people on the edge of the ring in the second-tier area and the audience in the auditorium were in an uproar.

"My grass! This freshman actually won again!"

"Hey! Didn't you just say that he was not lucky? Why did he succeed in the challenge again?"

"Um...this game must be luck, obviously he just fell into a disadvantage, **** it, why did he win again?"

"I believe you shit! It's definitely not luck, this freshman must be awesome!"

There are more and more people here on the tenth ring. This is the center of everyone's curiosity. What is more curious than the list of freshmen who have just entered the house for a day?

The key is that this freshman has won two games in a row!

That is now the ninety-ninth in the ranking!

Lin Fan has initially gained a firm foothold!

The attentive people discovered that although Lin Fan seemed to be in a state of being suppressed in the battle, he still had no injuries after winning.

Is this a coincidence?

Is this normal?

Obviously abnormal, but they have no evidence!

Zhuo Yan, Feng Qiming, and Qiu Tao who came to watch the second-tier area were also completely stunned!

At first they thought Lin Fan was just luck!

But now, Lin Fan has won another game!


It completely exceeded their expectations.

Qiu Tao cried out inconceivably, "How could it be, why did he win again? Obviously he fell into a disadvantage just now!"

Feng Qiming frowned tightly. He always felt that he had overlooked certain places, but he just couldn't think of it.

Zhuo Yan lowered his head and thought. He thought of what his cousin said to him last night. For the first time, he looked squarely at what his cousin said to him.

My cousin is very smart!

To be honest, he didn't take it to heart last night. Although he agreed, he still didn't think how awesome a freshman was!

This is because he is a veteran, and he is proven by his academic experience every year, year after year.

It's impossible for new students to play old ones!

This is inevitable!

This is already the law of academy!

The point is that they see many genius students and enchanting students from universities every year. The geniuses and enchanting students among the new students are not obediently subdued, but at most they grow up and come to avenge. At that time, the new students have become the old students, that is the old students. Between the grievances.

Zhuo Yan thought of what the cousin Zhuo Jie said to him last night, "Lin Fan is fighting at the new student conference, not a real fight, but a knife training! Practice knife skills!"

Just this sentence!

Zhuo Yan suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Fan on the ring. His eyes were extremely frightened. He thought of a possibility.

"Impossible, impossible..." Zhuo Yan muttered to himself in a bit of horror.

Feng Qiming turned his head to look at him, "Zhuo Yan, what are you talking about? What's impossible?"

Qiu Tao on the side also looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Nothing." Zhuo Yan hesitated and shook his head, but in the end he still didn't say what he had guessed in his heart.

That own guess is really amazing!

Lin Fan is practicing knife?


Speaking out, he is estimated to be sprayed.

Because this is challenging the rankings, this is fighting in the ring, this is fighting, and this has a very high mortality rate.

Someone use this ring match to practice swordsmanship?

You must know that everyone is doing their best, in order to win, in order to give themselves the strongest performance.

Last year, when they beat the rankings, it was the same.

Who dares to take it lightly, who dares to waterproof and practice knives on such a stage?

Stop it!

It's easy to lose, and it's easy to die.

The two of them saw that Zhuo Yan didn't want to say, and they had no choice but to give up.

The male host’s voice sounded again: "Gentlemen and ladies, the miracle was born again, and the new student Lin Fan challenged again! He is now ranked 99th on the list! Yes, you heard that right, he The challenge is successful again! Where will the miracle last? Will the new student Lin Fan continue to challenge? Let me stay tuned!"

The male host's voice spread throughout the audience, and this news once again shocked everyone, whether it was the audience or the old students who were playing in the ring.

"He succeeded again! This is impossible!" This is everyone's unified reaction again.

A freshman who had just entered the school the second day, challenged the rankings, and successfully challenged twice in a row, ranking ninety-ninth. Everyone knows what it means, that is to say, he has initially gained a firm foothold.

Everyone is thinking: he won't really be stable on the list.

The second day after a freshman entered the government, he stabilized on the list of people. This is a big news.

What kind of evildoer is this?

It will not only shock the Nine Heavens Academy, but also the four universities, and even the universities of all awakened ones, and the human world.

A real evildoer is being born!

This time, many spectators in the auditorium of Sanpin District stood up directly.

"Walk around, go to the second-grade area!"

"Yes, go to the second-grade area, not to see the third-grade area."

"Damn, I'm so curious, will this freshman continue to challenge?"

"I don't know, I'll take a look first, and I won't come back if this freshman continues to challenge me."

"Go with it, go with it, I feel itchy to hear it."

A large number of third-tier areas, the audience who originally watched the rankings of the rankings moved toward the second-tier area, which made them more curious.

Because it is so rare, the freshmen who entered the mansion on the second day challenged the rankings and won two consecutive victories. What made them more curious than this?

To be honest, there really isn't!

Human curiosity is very strong.

The more incredible things, the more impossible things happen, the most attractive.

Even many viewers have developed news for their good friends or family members.

"Come on! Today's list is very interesting! A freshman challenged the list for two consecutive victories!"

"Come on! Freshmen challenge the list, ninety-ninth!"

"Damn! Come here, today's Leaderboard Challenge is particularly interesting."

As for those who heard the news, the first reaction was impossible, but with the repeated assurance of friends, they hurried to this side.

The audience in the second-tier area had completely overtaken the audience in the third-tier area at this time, and even the VIP seats next to the ring were significantly reduced.

Sanpin District.

Gui Shilan, who was preparing to fight on stage, originally wanted to challenge the 20th place on the list. She was not satisfied with her current name. She became stronger. She wanted to be in the top 20 for money.

But the voice of the host made her stay for a while!

"That freshman won again! How is this possible?"

In her budget, Lin Fan won the first game with a lot of injuries, and if he starts the second fight so quickly, he will definitely not win.

But the fact slapped her hard!

Lin Fan won again!

It is definitely not fake that was reported by the host.

Moreover, the huge comments made by the audience in the second-grade area can be heard here in the third-grade area.

Something really happened over there.

"He really won!"

Gui Shilan seldom lost her attitude, but today she lost her attitude for the second time, as if things went beyond her expectations.

What is the situation of this freshman?

Gui Shilan really didn’t know. In fact, she didn’t care about this new student at all. She just wanted to become stronger. She seldom asked about news agency matters, as long as it kept running. This sudden trouble, she started. If you have trouble, just solve the trouble.

But the development of the matter went beyond her expectation, and the editor-in-chief who was behind the scenes actually ran away!

Qiu Tao didn't tell her about the package. After all, it was such a shameful thing.

But Qiu Tao still said the news that Shi Zhiqiang went to the front line.

So she couldn't help thinking at this moment, Shi Zhiqiang went to the front line as a war correspondent, is it really what she planned to do?

She was a little skeptical at the moment!

At this time, the referee has urged her to take the stage, and the members of the ground list on the stage are already waiting for her.

Gui Shilan took a deep breath, got rid of her superfluous thoughts, and stepped onto the ring. She is not the time to think about it now, it is her game now.

At this time, Lin Fan was already running his exercises to restore his star power!

The battle continues!

On this day, August 20, the local two ranking competition, the focus is destined to be the second-tier area, and it is the tenth ring!

Lin Fan continued to challenge as expected!

The third challenge, Lin Fan wins!

Ranked 98th on the list!

In the fourth challenge, Lin Fan wins!

Ranked 97th on the list!

The fifth challenge, Lin Fan wins!

Ranked 96th on the list!


One after another!

Still the same pattern!

It was obvious that Lin Fan was suppressed at first, but in the end it was Lin Fan who won.

And Lin Fan regained his star power and challenged again!

The audience was shocked. They watched Lin Fan's battle. Ninety percent of the audience was in their seats, and their display screens played the battle of the tenth ring. This was what they cared about the most.

Now they are concerned about two issues, will Lin Fan continue to challenge? How many battles will he continue to win?

In fact, on more than one occasion, the male host reminded Lin Fan that the challenge can actually not be challenged one by one, but ten people can be challenged!

Yes, the rule is like this, you are ninety-one, in fact, you can directly challenge eighty-two!

But Lin Fan is still a challenge!

At this time, Zhuo Yan only had a shocking color in his heart, as well as an incredible color, because he felt that his guess was likely to be true.

Lin Fan is really practicing knives!

That's right!

It is to practice the knife. In order to improve himself, he challenged one by one. If he only cares about the ranking, he doesn't need to be so wasteful!

Many students are trying to prove their strength. Ranking on the list can not only improve their reputation, but also prove themselves. This is the idea of ​​most of the students on the list.

As for the rewards of the rankings, they are actually just a by-product of being strong!

The icing on the cake, that is something they are bound to get.

But Lin Fan's current behavior is not like that. He is practicing the knife, he is also honing himself, he is not even for fame.

Zhuo Yan once again remembered what his cousin had repeatedly advised him: "Don't be an enemy of Lin Fan, don't do it now, and don't do it in the future."

Zhuo Jie's expression was extremely tense and serious at the time. Zhuo Yan felt a little ridiculous at the time, because from his perspective, this was not in his consideration at all, because he didn't care about it at all.

"Just a freshman!"

This is what he thought at the time.

But now, he doesn't have this idea anymore, and his cousin is probably right.

Feng Qichen and E Qing were completely stupid at this time!


One battle is luck, and two battles may be luck, but what about three, four, or five?

Lin Fan refreshed their cognition time and time again!

This new student has made them feel something is wrong!

Because it's unscientific!

Every time, I have not suppressed, suddenly reversed, and won!

This is not normal in itself!

"What the **** is going on?" E Qing said a little irritably.

Every time Lin Fan slapped him in the face, because every time they felt that Lin Fan would stop here, but Lin Fan won!

Won one after another!


His face was beaten and swollen!

Chang Hao suddenly said, "He may be practicing a knife!"

To be honest, Chang Hao is also a little uncertain, but this explanation is most likely to be correct, because he still hasn't seen Lin Fan use his talent skills, or his sword intent hasn't used it at all, he has been using Xingli Sword Qi.

Although he didn't see Lin Fan's star power sword aura improving in this eye, he noticed that Lin Fan's star power sword aura seemed to be getting faster and faster. Of course, it might be an illusion, but the overall battle time has been shortening. , He often looks at the time, and the battle is already within ten minutes.

The first fight with Xiong Zhicheng lasted more than ten minutes.

However, the overall number of times that Lin Fan made the sword did not decrease, but increased, so on average, Lin Fan made the sword faster.

Indeed, Lin Fan's knife release has indeed become faster!

The time it takes to condense the star power knife energy has been reduced a lot, and it has become more solid.

This can be seen by Fenghuo and the Fourth Stage Awakeners on the scene.

This is the real enchanting student!

Keep growing in the battle!

How terrible!

Fighting with you and still growing, it's incredible.

Hearing what Chang Hao said, the top ten on the list all looked at Chang Hao.

E Qing frowned and asked, "Chang Hao, what do you mean by this?"


Chang Hao despised, his eyes didn't leave Lin Fan while he was speaking, "literally."

E Qing's nose almost crooked!


It's not the second place, it's one place higher than him.

He had planned to defeat Chang Hao this time, and this time he would definitely step on him severely.

Feng Qichen's tone was softer, "Chang Hao, can you explain it?"

Because he felt that Lin Fan was not easy, and at the same time, he absolutely Chang Hao's vision was indeed better than him. Otherwise, why did he always think that Lin Fan could win?

"Practicing swords!"

Chang Hao said silently: "It's just practicing swords, don't you see it? Lin Fan has been using Xingli sword energy. He must have practiced the high-grade technique "Thunder Slashing God Technique" of the academy. He has been using repeated moves. , Condense his own star power sword energy, and the time it takes to defeat each enemy is shortening, everyone will reduce a few seconds, but the number of times his sword has not decreased, or even increased, you will not miss it Come out?"

After Chang Hao finished speaking, he finally asked a rhetorical question!

However, Chang Hao's words sounded like thunder in the top ten hearts.

They did feel abnormal and unbelievable. It was clear that Lin Fan was suppressed every time, but he would win every time. They had smelled the abnormal breath, but there was still a layer of mist in front of them, so they didn't see it.

But Chang Hao's words awakened the dreamer.

They finally felt something abnormal!

That is: Lin Fan has been using Xingli Sword Qi all the time.

Among the top ten in the list, some people naturally practiced "Thunder Slashing God Jue", and they are naturally very familiar with the techniques of Thunder Slashing God Jue.

Feng Qichen and E Qing asked Chang Hao's rhetorically. Although they were embarrassed, they did not see it, but they would not admit it.

At the same time, their eyes widened!

When they discovered this fact, they couldn't say a word.

It's the other people who have spoken.

"Isn't Lin Fan a healing type? He himself said that he is a healing type! So his talent skills are used to heal injuries, not to attack!"

"That's right, he doesn't need talent skills, he can only use star power sword energy!"

"Yes, I just thought of this. Lin Fan only has this. Why do you say that he is doing the knife training? This is a popular ranking!"

"Well, the so-called time reduction does not fully explain the problem!"

Chang Hao smiled contemptuously, without speaking, these idiots.

How could Lin Fan's talents be healing?

Lin Fan's talent is not only a healing type, but also very abnormal. He was also shocked when he learned from Brother Man, but he was shocked by the description. These guys actually thought that Lin Fan was really a healing type!

What did Lin Fan say, what did they believe?

Why is it so simple?

By the way, don't these guys pay attention to the new ones?

Lin Fan knows how to do it!

Chang Hao heard many students talking about Lin Fan's use of sword intent at the freshman meeting, but these guys didn't even know.

Not to mention, no one really pays attention to the freshman conference for these people on the list. They are pretentious, who will pay attention to what happened at the freshman conference.

And many of those who listen to gossip are ordinary old students who are watching the moves of the school together!

Of course, there is a reason. They can be on the list, and they are still in the top ten. They are usually used to practice and improve their strength, and they rarely care about gossip. They are either studying or attending classes, and there is not enough time. There is no energy. Care about the others?

Even the academic newspapers and periodicals are read once every few days, even a week or a month, especially knowing that today’s ranking of the top rankings, who is not eager to retreat and practice.

Chang Hao didn't explain, they thought that Chang Hao had been persuaded by them, and they were naturally a little proud.

Only Feng Qichen and E Qing, who stood side by side with Chang Hao, saw the disdain on his face. The two looked at each other. They didn’t speak this time. They were not fools. They had been slapped so many times, they still felt Choose to be silent.

Every time I get slapped, it’s really uncomfortable!

Waiting to be optimistic!

At this time, Xiong Zhicheng was completely sure of what he originally thought was absurd. Lin Fan really had been controlling the opponent's rhythm, or in other words, the opponent had always been under Lin Fan's control.

too frightening!

This terrible rhythm control ability!

At this moment, he felt that Lin Fan would definitely continue to win. How ridiculous was the idea that he could defeat Lin Fan before?

This kind of evildoer is not something you can win at all.

And now it seems that this is not Lin Fan's full strength, because Lin Fan has been using a set of swords to win the victory, without exception, no one has forced Lin Fan out of other things.

This is the most terrible!

Who knows how many cards Lin Fan has?

And the most important thing is, how many names can Lin Fan make?


Lin Fan feels very cool at this time, no, very cool!

None of the veteran students in these rankings are simple, each of them has good talent skills, variants, and special skills. Even if they are like Xiong Zhicheng's normal talent skills, they always have their own skills or aspects that are different from ordinary talent skills.

This not only allowed him to gain a lot of knowledge, but also opened his eyes. The key opponents also gained a lot of experience.

He can clearly feel his own progress, the progress of his high-grade sword technique, under this pressure, the speed of his star power sword energy condensing is also improving, and the acupuncture points for hooking are increasing.

carry on!

This is really a good place!

Not only can you win the credits, the credits are money, but you can also experience yourself. There are so many free training partners, and the money is paid back.

There is no better deal than this.

Today is really right!

Lin Fan was also fortunate that he didn't break through the third rank last night. To be honest, if the resources were enough last night, he would probably break through the third rank directly, and the third rank participating in the ranking contest is against the rules and missed so many benefits. .

This is God's will!

It's so beautiful!

Keep going!

Lin Fan only feels that every cell in his body is cheering and cheering. He likes this kind of battle. He likes fighting very much. Every time he fights, his brain is very clear. He quickly analyzes the deficiencies and shortcomings of his moves, and makes corrections quickly. Control the scene.

This made him highly concentrated, he was enjoying the battle, completely forgetting everything!

Duan Chuan's evaluation of Lin Fan is: This is a natural fighting freak, and a fighting genius!

Duan Chuan's evaluation of Lin Fan is correct at all.

He enjoyed it and was completely immersed in his own world.

Restore star power to its peak!

Continue to challenge!

The challenge is successful!

Continue to restore star power!

Then continue to challenge!

Without any hesitation.

In Lin Fan's eyes, there is only victory. With the credits for victory, he can still make progress.

All this is what he dreams of.

There are more and more people in the audience in the second product area, and more and more people move from the audience in the third product area.

The most important thing is that there are many people outside, and the midfielder rushed over to buy tickets. They came to the second-tier area, and they were deaf to the third-tier area.

In fact, very few people bought tickets to watch the game, but today there are unusually many.

The person in charge of the gym came here after hearing the news and knew the situation. It was froze for a long time, and then the flowers bloomed. This is a very good topic.

After today, this topic will definitely spread.

The challenge of the people list and the place list lasts for three days, that is to say, it has just begun today.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, more people will come to watch.

That's all money!

At this point, Lin Fan has won 15 games in a row! At this time, he is already eighty-sixth on the list! Time is more than five o'clock in the afternoon!

But in the stadium, the enthusiasm of the spectators is unusually high. Many people buy food and snacks directly in the stadium, and they don't want to leave at all.

Lin Fan's victories are refreshing history, and they are the time to verify history.

The stadium is high in the sky.

At this moment, there are two figures hidden in the floating, one of them looks stern, standing with their hands behind them, the other is cold and serious.

No one else, but Feng Quan and Yuan Xingxiu.

In fact, Yuan Xingxiu came first. He also rushed over when he heard that Lin Fan hit the list. This is a very good auditorium. Who knows, he hasn't watched it long before Feng Quan came.

Feng Quan didn't actually pay attention!

Yuan Xingxiu originally hid his figure, Feng Quan usually peeped at high altitude. This was his special seat, but today there was someone earlier than him.

When he saw Yuan Xingxiu, he was also dazed! But leaving at this time is no longer good!

"This dog likes to peek." Feng Quan groaned inwardly.

"I know this old thing has this bad habit! I really don't deserve to be the governor!"

Why didn't Yuan Xingxiu complain in his heart, he naturally had the means to block the thoughts in his mind, it was just that he didn't have time to block it at the New Student Conference that day.

"Xiao Yuan, what do you think of this kid Lin Fan?" Feng Quan asked with a smile.

Yuan Xingxiu immediately said solemnly: "Very good, born poor, but with excellent talents, and smart, good at using rules, flexible in mind, and a man of creation!"

"Hehe~ It's not just a material that can be made."

Feng Quan smiled and exclaimed: "I feel that he is the hope of mankind in the future."

Yuan Xingxiu glanced at Feng Quan in surprise, and said nothing. This evaluation was a bit too high.

After all, Lin Fan was only at the second stage, his cultivation level was too low, and he saw too little. The evaluation of the hope of mankind in the future can be said to be unimaginable.

But Feng Quan is the strongest human being, and perhaps he saw what he hadn't seen, so he chose not to speak.

And he had a very good impression of Lin Fan. At the freshman conference, his speech, Lin Fan listened thoughtfully. Few freshmen could understand those things, or they care about those things, they are not in their realm. Naturally Can't realize it, feel unimportant.

But Lin Fan seemed to understand a lot, this kind of wisdom root is rare among new students.

And what happened in that scene yesterday also reflected Lin Fan's cleverness.

Yuan Xingxiu suddenly frowned and said, "President, is Lin Fan's speed of opening nodes too fast? Yesterday's second-grade four-star, today half-step third-class, 11 nodes in one night, this kind of speed is unheard of."

In fact, the two of them were shocked when they noticed Lin Fan's cultivation level at this time, but they were present with each other, so the shock in their hearts did not show.

"what is this!"

Feng Quan curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Xiao Yuan, you're rare and weird. Don't just open 11 nodes overnight. He still had six nodes overnight, and today he has five more nodes. It's okay! He has such a high mental power. There are plenty of resources, so it couldn’t be more normal."

Yuan Xingxiu didn't expect Feng Quanhui to say this at all, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He wanted to vomit. This is a normal fart!

He just knew it too!

Lin Fan had six nodes last night!

Damn it!

Is there anything else?

This Nima is not the first time!

What the **** is this new born?

There are six nodes in one night, and today is just after a day, and 11 nodes have been opened directly.

Isn't the node slower as it opens?

Why is Lin Fan opening faster and faster here?

In other words, can this node be opened so many in one day?

Don’t everyone open one for several days?

And it's a genius to start one in a few days!

Going to Lin Fan's side, is it the other way around?

Are you **** telling me this is a normal thing?


Forget it!

He doesn't want to say anything!

Yuan Xingxiu didn't speak, and Feng Quan said again: "Xiao Yuan, you just have less knowledge. Go to the front line more in the future. Don't stay in college every day. Next month, I will give you a paper order! Go to the front line to fight for half a year to gain more knowledge. , As the deputy governor of the university, I was fussing about this little thing, and also suspicious, what a shame! I can't afford to lose this person! Well, if you understand, go? You!" As he said, Feng Quan took out a piece of paper from his arms and threw it to Yuan Xingxiu.

Yuan Xingxiu took it dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Did he say nothing?

He didn't do anything!

Why was he sent to the front to fight for half a year?

He has little knowledge?

Less fart!

In other words, why did it become tomorrow?

And where did you come from?


This old thing pits him, he will write it tomorrow morning, and he has long thought of a good reason to throw himself on the front line.

Experience a fart, less knowledgeable fart, this old guy is avenging his personal revenge, he must have heard his complaints yesterday, this is to avenge himself.

But the point is, I picked it up, what about Nima?

Yuan Xingxiu's cold and serious face almost couldn't be stretched, desperately trying to save it, "President, this year's freshman just started school, I still have a lot of work."

"Oh! How about I give you an assistant to seal the fire? Acting deputy governor, let him do it! Anyway, he is well informed and has been supervising the school, and it is easy to run it. You can concentrate on it. Don't get to the front line. Shame on me!" Feng Quan gave an expression that I had already thought of for you.

Yuan Xingxiu: "I..."

As soon as he spoke, he was interrupted.

"All right!"

Feng Quan said impatiently: "You go today. The frontline is tight and you need support. You can help me quickly. It's a matter of staying in a college every day, let me go."

What the hell?

Don't you leave tomorrow? Why did you leave today again?


It's too much for the old thing not to do personnel affairs!

He still wants to continue watching Lin Fan's game!

Yuan Xingxiu wanted to say something, but a fist had already been smashed.

He wanted to hide, but for a moment, he only felt that there was only this fist left in the whole world, and he had nowhere to hide.


A punch in the face.

The whole person instantly seemed to be sitting in a teleportation array, and flew directly towards the airport of Jiutian Academy at an unimaginable speed.

"I'll give you a ride!" Feng Quan's intimate voice came.

"Old stuff, I'll kill you sooner or later!" Yuan Xingxiu couldn't bear it anymore, and an angry voice came.

But the next second, what made him look horrified was that Feng Quan's figure appeared in front of him again, with a smile on his face, "Xiao Yuan! You really make me sad! I'm doing this for your own good, you actually Scold me, it seems that I need to correct your wrong thinking."

The next moment, countless fists smashed toward Yuan Xingxiu.

In this way, Yuan Xingxiu flew and was beaten by Feng Quan, with no backhand strength at all.

The gap between the sixth-rank awakened person and the seventh-rank awakened person is not a little bit, it is a chasm, a sky.

In Stadium 1 and Stadium 2, many people looked up to the sky.

Both are the fifth-rank awakened and the fourth-rank high-star awakened.

They seemed to hear a sound from the sky, but there was nothing in the sky!


Feng Huo also raised his head to look at the sky, and he heard it too. The voice seemed a bit familiar, a bit like that of the deputy governor Yuan Xingxiu.

Old stuff?

Who are you scolding?

Isn't it the old thing Grandpa?


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