Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 235: School exchange competition begins

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The crisp sound of the wine glass smashed throughout the audience, and everyone was sober.

Lin Fan was also awake. Upon seeing the situation, he knew that he was in trouble. He quickly slid away, turned his head and ran towards Fenghuo, and at the same time shouted, "Brother Huo, help!"

bank up a fire:"......"

Feng Huo looked at Lin Fan who was running over, his cheeks twitched, he wanted to turn his head directly and said he didn't know this guy.

Because thinking about the words Lin Fan just yelled, he only felt a tingling scalp, which was too lethal, and he was sweating.

This dog, dare to roar!

Social death!

Taishe is dead!

You are killing others to death!

Especially the other party is Yu Zhilan, a super beauty who charms all living beings!

The key is that Yu Zhilan is also a fifth-rank awakener, and he may not be able to fight.

The fourth-rank awakeners came to their senses and looked at Lin Fan with horror. The roar scared many of them. Many people knew Lin Fan and even knew Lin Fan’s deeds, but they couldn’t imagine that they Just being affected by Lin Fan's roar, he felt his head smashed.

If this is in battle!

Many fourth-rank awakened people's face paled when they thought of this. At this moment, it could completely determine their life and death.

Many of them admit that Lin Fan is a genius, but they will never admit that Lin Fan can defeat them. They are all elites in the fourth rank. No matter how enchanting Lin Fan is, he is only a third rank awakened person. There is a big gap between them. The big, the gap between the third and fourth ranks is a huge gap.

No matter how enchanting Lin Fan is, he can only defeat some awakened people who have just entered the fourth rank, or are weak in the fourth rank, but they are definitely not included.

This is what they originally thought.

But at this moment, they dare not think so.

Just this roar, if they fight against Lin Fan, so stupefied, Lin Fan can definitely kill them three times!

So, how can they dare to underestimate Lin Fan?

This guy really can't look at it with the eyes of those geniuses and enchanting students.


Not to mention them, the eyes of all the fifth-rank awakeners looking at Lin Fan are very strange, and they are also affected, so what the **** is this guy?

Of course, there are more people looking at Yu Zhilan in a very surprised way, after all, Yu Zhilan is the protagonist in this roar, and there are others looking at Lin Fan with red eyes.

Yu Zhilan also woke up, her bright peach blossom eyes widened, and she was a little dazed, seemingly calm, but in fact, a little sweat appeared on her forehead.

She didn't expect Lin Fan to call out in public!

And so loud!

The whole audience heard it!

Such a weird scene!

There is no need to look, Yu Zhilan feels a kind of pressure from all directions, pressure from the social circle, that is a kind of moral condemnation, commonly known as: the breath of social death!

No matter how enchanting, no matter how ecstasy, she will have a face.

For the first time in his life, being so rejected by a man, and yet such an embarrassing scene, can be called the scene of execution!

Why did she transmit the voice to Lin Fan?

Didn't you want others to hear her so sassy and nakedly seduce?

Although she doesn't pay attention to other people's eyes from a rational point of view, she has to bear it rationally.

There are also those sixth-tier old immortals who want to forcibly insert the sound transmission channel to eavesdrop. Is she really unable to sense it?

So she said a few words and didn't say anything.

But never expected that Lin Fan would hit her in the face again.

And this blow was a fatal blow!

It's deadly!

At this moment, she was upset, her sense of shame was overwhelming, her body was hot, and her body was stiff. This was an instinctive reaction, and the shackles of thought and morality were at work.

And the seduction failed again!

It was obvious that Lin Fan was moved, and she was hooked by her, and he broke free again, and a fatal blow came in his backhand!

What shocked her even more was that Lin Fan's roar, that kind of mental oppression, this was not an ordinary roar, even she was greatly affected, isn't this guy a new student? Isn’t Su Dai just accepting students for a little more than half a month?

How could mental power be so terrible?

Knowing some of Lin Fan's situation, she awakened Feng Lei Sword Intent and Feng Lei Sword Intent! But it can affect the fifth-rank awakened person, which is too outrageous.

However, the most important thing now is not this, but how should she end?

Yu Zhilan tried to stabilize her mind. Peach Blossom took a deep look at Lin Fan, who was running towards the seal. The panic on her face was so real, like a scared child, making Yu Zhilan very entangled in her heart. Which link went wrong?

Obviously she saw the desire and heartbeat in Lin Fan's eyes, why was she frightened again?

Has her charm failed? Or is this guy pretending?

"Heh! Childish means!"

Yu Zhilan imprinted Lin Fan's face deeply in her mind, her lips curled up slightly, her seductive face now had a trace of aloofness, as if she was full of disdain for what had just happened.

After that, Yu Zhilan turned around and left. The plump and slender figure twisted and twisted, such as an upright mermaid figure, but the back makes people linger, making the man's eyes very hot, blood boiled, and could not help but salute. This is a natural stunner. , Exquisite artillery shelf.

However, Yu Zhilan's footwork is obviously getting faster and faster. From the beginning, she moved gently, and then gradually accelerated, and finally directly flew out like an arrow from the string and quickly disappeared at the door.

Lin Fan looked at this attractive figure and curled her lips. This woman was desperate to save face. She was embarrassed to death in her heart. She wanted to come back. This also had to impress Lin Fan. The psychological quality was still quite acceptable. In that case, she can remain calm, her temperament and hairstyle are not messed up at all.

Well, it really is a fairy!

Just want to eat him?

Want to fart!

Don’t think it’s beautiful, he can move his heart. He likes a clean, seductive woman who has the skill to seduce him so skillfully. He also knows the weakness of men. They must have been specially trained, and they are probably all experienced. , This kind of woman can't be touched, absolutely can't let the other party succeed, and reach an acquaintance with him.

This is obviously directed at him, the one who came is not good! He is probably exhausted!

Have self-control!

But I have to say that this is the enchanting woman Lin Fan has seen second only to Su Dai!

Especially the temperament of this woman, that kind of external flattery, the key is to know how to play, which is not comparable to Su Dai.

"Everyone is gone, stay away from me." Feng Huo said in an angry voice, his voice full of disgust.

Lin Fan pretends to be pitiful and honest, he still doesn't know how dark this guy is?

Not a good person at all!

However, he was not sure whether what Lin Fan said was true. Yu Zhilan really told Lin Fan to open a room with her?

He is a little uncertain!

I don't believe it even more!

This woman is naturally seductive, but she has never heard of being close to a man and seduce like this.

However, just before that scene happened, it seemed that Yu Zhilan was indeed seduce Lin Fan, and he had just felt that Yu Zhilan was indeed transmitting with Lin Fan, but he couldn't penetrate the sound transmission channel.

Lin Fan still looked scared and panicked, only slightly relieved.

But he didn't leave behind Fenghuo!

Feng Huo couldn't help but voice transmission and asked, "Lin Fan, did she really tell you that? Did she seduce you?"

Gossip is human nature!

What's more, Fenghuo is more interested in this kind of intelligence.

"Of course, it's terrible! Seeing that I am so handsome and outstanding, of course this fairy wants to seduce me impatiently. All I can say is the truth." Lin Fan's voice revealed a sense of fear.

He was almost tempted. The two heavens of ice and fire were too exciting. If he was not firm in his will, he might be able to teach each other.

Feng Huo couldn't help but roll his eyes. This guy is a good seller when he gets a bargain. I don't know that countless men want Yu Zhilan to seduce them. This guy even dislikes it, so shameless.

He thought of some rumors about Su Dai and Yu Zhilan. It was a long time ago, and not many people knew that, with blinking eyes, he might have guessed the purpose of Yu Zhilan's behavior today.

Therefore, he already somewhat believed Lin Fan's words.

"Cut~ I don't believe it." But Fenghuo's voice transmission did not say that, and even said sourly.

Listening to Lin Fan, something was wrong: "Brother Huo, are you jealous of me?"

"How is it possible? Why am I jealous of you?" Feng Huo denied on the spot.

Lin Fan: "Brother Huo, your voice has become louder. When people lie, their voice will be louder than usual."

bank up a fire:"......"

What Lin Fan said was justified and well-founded, which made him somewhat powerless to refute.

"Hey hey~~ Little friend Lin Fan, this guy is jealous. I support you to take down Yu Zhilan. This is a thorny rose in the Zhongsheng Academy. If you can take it down, it will also win glory for our Nine Heavens Academy. ." An unscrupulous voice sounded in the sound transmission channel.

Who else can it be? Naturally it is Xue Qing.

"Xue Qing, you deflated calf! Want to eat ass." An unfamiliar voice followed.

"That's right, Dean Yu and Lin Fan are not in the same generation!" There was another unfamiliar voice.

Xue Qing said immediately: "Lao Bai, Lao Li, what you said is wrong, Lin Fan and Yu Zhilan are of the same generation."


Upon hearing this, Lin Fan immediately understood who the two strange voices were.

These are the two deans of the Zhongsheng Academy that Xue Qing brought him over, one is Bai Xingchang and the other is Li Xiuqi.

These six-rank masters really like to eavesdrop!

And this technology seems to be getting better and better.

It turned out that the fairy was called Yu Zhilan, eh, or the dean? Isn't it a fifth stage awakened person?

By the way, did these guys overheard Yu Zhilan and his voice transmission just now?

Lin Fan didn't feel anything abnormal at the time.

At the same time, Lin Fan is full of question marks, is he the same generation as the fairy just now? What the **** is this?

These doubts were in Lin Fan's heart, Lin Fan was very cautious and did not speak, waiting to hear it.

No, Bai Xingchang immediately asked: "What do you say?"

Li Xiuqi also said, "Old Xue, talk about it."

Xue Qing said with a smile: "Think about it carefully! It's very simple! They come from the same department and have a relationship with the same person."

Bai Xingchang: "In the same department, this little friend Lin Fan also belongs to the Department of Therapy of your university?"

Li Xiuqi: "Oh, I see, I'm going to~ It's really the same generation."

Bai Xingchang: "Oh, I also understand."

Lin Fan: "???"

What the hell?

Do you understand now?

I don't understand! What a dumb riddle!

Lin Fan established another sound transmission channel: "Brother Huo, what do you mean? I didn't understand it."

Feng Huo did not hide: "According to her seniority, she is your master sister!"


Lin Fan looked dazed.

How did that fairy become a master sister?

This Nima is very fantasy!

at this time.

Bai Xingchang sighed: "I didn't expect that girl would accept a male disciple."

Li Xiuqi also sighed: "It's really not easy."

At this time, Lin Fan realized it.

"Fuck! That female fairy is also the teacher's assistant?" Lin Fan couldn't help but asked through the sound transmission and sealed the fire.

Feng Huo: "Well, when Grandmaster Su was young, Yu Zhilan was the first to follow her. She handed it over by herself. However, the two are also teachers and friends, but when you count them, you are indeed the same."

Lin Fan: "..."

Good guys!

Dare to be a master sister!

Then why seduce him?

It's not enough to just say that the relationship is not good. That kind of method is needed, and I still don't follow her obediently, and I may even know the bottom line now.

Bah~ He is definitely not that kind of person.

Bai Xingchang continued: "But Dean Yu can't be taken away. Today, I guess she just wants to tease the younger brother."

Li Xiuqi: "I think it's like this too, not to mention that what I said just now is just like Lin Fan's little friend, but it can't be true."

Bai Xingchang: "That is, Dean Yu explained it when he left, and Dean Yu has never been close to any man."

Xue Qing: "Maybe she likes Lin Fan's young and handsome, you see, Su Dai has accepted Lin Fan, and Yu Zhilan may be serious."

Bai Xingchang: "Impossible!"

Li Xiuqi: "Absolutely impossible!"

The two of you say a word to me, anyway, the meaning revealed is that you will never abduct it.

Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi talked about various reasons, and Xue Qing said all kinds of rebuttals. It was a good chat, revealing many details and a lot of gossip.

Lin Fan was a little speechless, and this sixth-rank master was also gossiping!

I saw Xue Qing and Yan Wei's two enemies before, and they stunned as soon as they met, and these two sixth-rank masters were also gossiping.

The daily routines of these big guys are so boring!

But Lin Fan also listened with gusto and learned a lot of gossip.

He thinks that Yu Zhilan, a goblin, must be unscrupulous in his usual life, but he did not expect that in the mouths of Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi, Yu Zhilan never paid attention to men, and she was also a research madman, spending most of her time in research institutes, let alone Speaking of Charm, I have never seen her close to any male. The disciple also inherited Su Dai's previous tradition, that is, always accepting female disciples.

This surprised Lin Fan!

Yu Zhilan obviously knows how to play, fully grasping the roots of men's weaknesses, and knowing which style men like best.

So skilled? The temperament was so stubborn, and the charming is even more tickling, and the voice can make Lin Fan's hair stand upright, and the blood-boiled fairy.

You told me that the woman usually ignores men?

Good guys!

How did those skills come about?

Self taught?

Practice hard?

Looking at the gourd in the mirror?

So strong?

Then this is... too talented!

Lin Fan passed the sound and sealed the fire: "Brother Huo, that fairy is the dean? She seems to be a fifth-rank, she's not in the realm of a sixth-rank grandmaster."

"Huh? You sensed it all?"

Feng Huo explained: "Naturally, Master Su is the only sixth-rank master of the Healing Department of human beings, so our Nine Heavens Academy is unique! Other universities, the University of the Awakened, and the fifth-rank Healing Department are already incredible, it's just a treasure. Let her be the dean, that's normal! Not to mention the University of the Awakened, it is an academy, and some of the strongest in the treatment department are still the fourth grade!"

Speaking of this, Fenghuo's tone will inevitably be a little proud. Nine Heavens Academy has the only Healing Grade Six Grandmaster in human beings.

Although the Department of Therapy is the weakest department in Jiutian Academy, this is the strongest compared to other universities, and there is no doubt about it.

"so it is."

Lin Fan realized that, too, this kind of senior nurse is too rare on the battlefield and very precious, especially when facing higher-level battles.

It turns out that the teacher is so precious!

The cocktail party this evening ended in a strange atmosphere.

Many people came to contact Lin Fan later, but Lin Fan only responded politely, asking for contact information, and directly threw the words to Feng Huo.

At the end of the reception, Lin Fan went back to sleep. He was so tired that he hadn't slept for a few hours during the day, so he almost fell asleep on the bed.

This night!

Lin Fan had a night's dream! The protagonist of the dream was one at first, and that fairy became two for some reason. Su Dai also came, and Su Dai and Yu Zhilan seemed to be fighting.

There are traces of spring dreams!


September 8, 298, nine o'clock in the morning.

The first round of the University Exchange Competition was officially launched.

In the large gymnasium outside of Zhongsheng Academy, there were at least seven to eighty thousand seats, full of spectators, and even many people were sitting on temporarily increased seats.

The gymnasium is naturally a modern building. Some buildings cannot be constructed from ancient buildings. Naturally, they are still constructed with modern buildings.

Not only the audience, but also a lot of TV reporters around the ring.

The College Exchange Tournament is one of the few Awakened Tournaments that can be spread publicly.

And it's a peak battle below Rank 4! Moreover, these enchanting students of the Fourth University Mansion are even stronger than some ordinary Fourth Ranks.

For ordinary people in society or those ordinary awakened who have entered society, this is already a great awakened battle.

After all, some small city lords are just 4th grade!

Above the ring.

The host said loudly: "Next, let us invite our Zhongsheng Academy Exchange Team to play!"

In an instant, the audience thundered, shouts, and whistles, which filled the whole scene and spread far and wide.

As soon as the Zhongsheng Academy Exchange Team came out, the cheers were even louder. This is their home court, and everyone naturally supports their own academic team.

The members of the Zhongsheng Academy Exchange Team are also very proud, with bright and proud smiling faces on their young faces, and such cheers make them walk lightly.

It is the first time for everyone to participate in this kind of exchange competition, so it is also the first time to hear so many people support and cheer for themselves. The kind of happiness that comes from the bottom of my heart is indescribable, very cool, and very proud.

"Next, please come today, our opponent, the Jiutian Academy Exchange Team!"

Lin Fan led the team out.


There was sparse applause from the audience, and the loudest sound was not shouts, but boos.

Some members of the Jiutian Academy Exchange Team were dumbfounded, with unhappy and angry expressions on their faces, staring around, and all this was shown to the audience through the high-altitude large screen, and the more so, the louder the boo, and even There is a sound of abuse.

Lin Fan smiled more brilliantly, and said at the same time: "Everyone is not allowed to scold others. The more angry you are, the happier they will be. This will affect your fighting mentality. If your mentality is not good, you will not perform well, and then you will be a failure. By!

Not irritable, not impetuous, not irritable! You must always keep this in mind. You now represent Jiutian Academy, not yourself. Have you seen the reporter? Keep your best image and smile at me if you can. "

Lin Fan’s voice spread through the ears of all the members, which also made the originally angry team members calmer. Their eyes flashed, and they quickly recovered their clarity. Instead of anger, some people showed strong smiles and made them and Lin Anyone who smiles brilliantly like that is really impossible.

And there are still people who can’t calm down!

There is no way, after all, this kind of scene is too annoying!

The boos from the audience are in your ears, you have to listen if you don't listen, it is easy to affect the mentality, emotionally unstable people, even if you understand the truth, it is easy to be affected.

After all, this is not the home of Jiutian Academy, but the home of Zhongsheng Academy.

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he didn't say anything. If he calmed down, he would naturally calm down. In fact, he was a little annoyed to listen.

Feng Huo and Xue Qing followed the team without saying a word, and handed everything to Lin Fan.

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the two looked at each other, revealing a hint of satisfaction.

They recognized what Lin Fan said!

At this time, he stabilized his companion's mentality and considered the image of Jiutian Academy. This team leader was well appointed and very competent.

Yan Wei appeared on the stage. As the deputy governor, he had no choice but to speak on behalf of Zhongsheng Academy. After all, this is the home court of Zhongsheng Academy. He said some scenes and stepped down directly.

"Two captains, please come to the stage!" The host hurriedly stepped onto the stage, watching the two college team members take their place, and said immediately.

A tall and strong man walked out of the Zhongsheng Academy team, at least two meters three, one head taller than Lengwu, and he was as strong as a cow, his muscles were high, and he stepped on his feet, but he looked as strong as light. It was so stubborn that everyone could see a sense of lightness and elegance, falling on the ring.

This scene stunned everyone in Lin Fan, and this sense of violation caused a very strong conflict.

Show off skills!

And it's really dazzling!




There was a deafening shout from the auditorium, resounding through the entire circular stadium, causing a loud echo, which could not be calm for a long time.

Wan Jun looked down at Lin Fan from the ring, his eyes revealed a strong sense of war and provocation.

Gui Shilan whispered beside Lin Fan: "Wan Jun, 21 years old, melee enchantress, good at fast attack, weapon: war sword, first place in Zhongsheng Academy!"


Lin Fan responded. As the former head of the news agency, Gui Shilan was very good at intelligence. She immediately told the basic information about the Wanjun, and then slowly stepped onto the ring, without any dazzling skills. It's just ordinary, it couldn't be more normal.

Suddenly, upon seeing this scene, the audience immediately appeared loud boos, as well as ridicules one after another.

Many of the team members of Jiutian Academy looked unsightly. They thought that Lin Fan would give the other side a slap in the face.

But Lin Fan seemed to be completely unaffected, but the smile on his face became even brighter.

Wan Jun did not despise Lin Fan, but proactively stretched out his hand, "Hello! Smiling Death God Lin Fan, I have heard about it!"

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched, this name was broken, he stretched out his hand and shook it lightly, and it was divided with one touch, "Hello, Wanjun, Zhongsheng Academy ranks first. I have long been known for Senior Wanjun Heard!"

I've heard a fart!

Just heard about it.

The two voices spread throughout the audience.

The host immediately said: "You two have something to say to the other exchange team, please say it as much as you like."

Originally, Wan Jun quietly raised his right fist and shouted directly at the audience: "Victory will belong to our Zhongsheng Academy!"


In an instant, the enthusiasm of the audience was suddenly ignited, and the name of Wanjun sounded again, louder than before, breaking through the sky.

In this torrent of voices, on the opponent's home court, you will easily be affected by the opponent's emotions, causing a hint of fear, because this is the roar of seven or eighty thousand people.

In fact, among these seventy-eight thousand people, there are also people from Jiutian Academy, who came here specifically, but too few.

The cheering of the will of nearly 100,000 people really makes people feel pressured!

And Wan Jun looked at Lin Fan after roaring, with a smile on his face, as if he was watching a play.

And many people have already started laughing and boosing.

In fact, no matter what Lin Fan said, everything is doomed, because Lin Fan is not welcome here, only boos.

As the saying goes The clay figurines still have three points of fire!

Not to mention Lin Fan!

Lin Fan was upset long ago, and it was even more upset at this time.

Since it's unhappy!

Be arrogant!

It can also make the players happy, otherwise they would be too aggrieved.

Therefore, Lin Fan hadn’t spoken yet. The gesture was already erected. A gesture common to all mankind was erected so directly. With a bright smile on Lin Fan’s face, he said softly: "Come on. Shi hurriedly did not bring a gift, this gesture is for you! A small gift is no respect!"

With that said, he just raised his **** and made a circle, which meant it was given to everyone.

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