Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 242: Fortune like a dragon

And Li Xiuqi's figure has disappeared.

Fan Xueyi quickly helped Wan Jun to support, and asked with a shocked look: "Brother Jun, do you really understand?"


Wan Jun didn't hide his friends.

Fan Xueyi looked envious, this is the intent of a sword! He has only heard of it, but he has never seen it.

Well, I saw it today, Lin Fan's sword intent.

And now his friends also have to comprehend the meaning of the sword.

Wanjun was very strong, but now it is stronger!

As for Ping Xingwen and the archer who were following, they looked dumbfounded at this time.

What the hell?

Wan Jun is about to comprehend the meaning of the sword?

Damn it!

They were still laughing in the audience just now, and now they all have the desire to die.


This is not fair!

They lost everything, their hair and eyebrows, and Wan Jun realized the meaning of the sword.


So sour!

This Nima, it's simply!

Jealousy makes me totally unrecognizable!

The two looked at each other and felt an urge to cry.

The two got into the car and sat down.

And at this moment.

A female member of the Zhongsheng Academy suddenly picked up something from the floor of the car in front of them, and asked curiously: "Ping Xingwen, Diao Honglang, why are you also shed hair on your trouser legs?"

Ping Xingwen: "???"

Diao Honglang: "???"

What is it?

The two looked up.

I saw the female team members holding a few hairs in both hands. They were not straight, but curved, twisted, and not long, but not particularly short, and very dark.

The same reaction of the two is: This Mao is very familiar, where has he seen it.

"This seems to be tricky, isn't it?" A male player said smoothly.

The air was silent.

The female team member immediately lost her hair in disgust, "Eh~ you are so disgusting!"

But the female team member did not leave, but looked towards the lower body of the two of them. Similarly, the other female team members also stood up in the car one after another and looked here.

Ping Xingwen and Diao Honglang had a bad feeling at this time.

They always feel a little cool under the crotch.

The two hurriedly lowered their heads, grabbed the trouser legs, and suddenly a bunch of hair fell out of it.

The two of them were struck by lightning and stood blankly on the spot.

Many people gathered around immediately.

"Fuck it! It's really tricky!"

"Ping Xingwen, your tricks are gone!"

"Diao Honglang, you are gone!"

"Don't talk about it, Diao Honglang, this title suits you well, Diao Mao!"


Everyone laughed.

As the center of the crowd, Ping Xingwen and Diao Honglang, their bald heads are red, shame!

If there is a seam in front of them now, they don't hesitate to go straight in.

Especially the female team member who found the hair they fell on the ground, still looked at their sensitive parts with a curious look.


This day, September 8, 298, was a very important day in Diao Honglang's life. His most famous name was born on this day.

Wan Jun and Zhuo Feiguang, the other two who were trapped by Lin Fan's sword intent at the time.

Looking at this scene, I was sweating!

Almost, they too suffered.

Fortunately, at that time, Ping Xingwen and Diao Honglang were outside, and they were caught in the middle.

This talent is really evil!

It turned out that I lost more than my hair and eyebrows.

Think about it, shudder!

Social death scene!

The execution scene!


Today's dinner was quite rich, even richer than when I came the first day.

With food that can replenish the body and heal injuries, many people have suffered serious injuries and have been greatly relieved. As long as they rest for a night, the original minor injuries will be restored tomorrow.

As for the uninjured students, they quickly recovered from eating.

Lin Fan almost quickly reached his peak again, and the star power he had consumed was completely repaid.

The little blue chicken and the golden pig had a great time eating.

This is their favorite food.

It's delicious and full of energy.

It was in Lin Fan's eyes, or in other words, everyone's eyes.


The little blue chicken burped full, and at the same time the body's breath became fierce, and then stabilized.

On the table, everyone was stunned.

"You...a pet seems...promoted???" Zhu Ba asked in a strange way.

"Well, it should be."

Lin Fan touched the little blue chicken and poked it on the big head. He was also surprised that he was promoted in this way. According to the classification of human beings, he was ranked second.

Zhu Ba asked with difficulty: "Isn't it just awakened yesterday?"

Monster Beast, it was difficult to advance at the beginning.

The most difficult thing to awaken is to change from an ordinary monster to a monster, and then it is very difficult for a monster to advance to the second rank. It all depends on the opportunity.

After all, wild beasts and low-grade beasts are not very intelligent, except for some special types, so they are more difficult to advance.

But what the **** is this pet Lin Fan?

He also asked Lin Fan yesterday, saying that he was promoted in the morning.

Is this advancing to the second rank?

So easy?

Even if Lin Fan is abnormal, even his pets are so abnormal?

He glanced at his partner Golden Pig, staring at the little blue chicken with two small eyes, with an incredible pig look on his face!

Damn it!

Lin Fan was also a little unbelievable. After thinking about it, he could only shrug his shoulders and explained: "Yes! It should be because the deputy captain fed him a lot of blood last night. I don't know too well, but he is only a second-grade. , Just like that, very weak!"

Then Lin Fan continued to add some dishes to the little blue chicken and continued to eat himself.

Pig eight: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone at this dinner table is dumbfounded!

Was he awakened yesterday?

Is it second product today?


Even if you are a monster, this increase speed is too outrageous, right?

Didn’t it mean that good monsters are slow to improve in the early stage? Much slower than humans!

Why, this little blue chicken is improving much faster than them?

They are the geniuses and evildoers of the Nine Heavens Academy, the first institution of higher learning in mankind!

Seeing that someone was looking at herself, Gui Shilan explained calmly: "Well, I did feed a dozen drops of blood last night."

When everyone heard this, they only felt that their heart was stabbed again!

Ten drops of blood! Broke through?

Someone couldn't help sighing: "I'm not as good as a monster."

Others stared at him one after another, without speaking, the meaning has been made clear: you scold again! You try to scold again?

If anyone at the dinner table has the deepest feelings, it’s a pig!

After all, he grew up with Golden Pig.

This caused Zhu Ba to be inexplicably horrified at Lin Fan's little blue chicken.


It's totally unreasonable!

Just like Lin Fan, his promotion is unreasonable.

He lowered his surprise to the bottom of his heart, but Zhu Ba still couldn't help but look at the little blue chicken. He had a big head, a small body, and only one paw. It looked cute, just like a doll. Dry rice, when a quiet dry rice chicken, it seems that the improvement just now has no effect on it.

When the golden pig made a breakthrough in the promotion, he and the golden pig were both happy! Celebrated for several days!

Now look at people, how calm!

In comparison, I just felt that I was still a child at the time, and the gap was too big.

But what is this monster beast that is a bit like a chicken?

Zhu Ba is very familiar with monsters on the earth, but he has never seen a monster like Lin Fan this little blue chicken, let alone the same, just like none.

Well, if he has seen it, he wants one too!

Jin Zhu suddenly turned his head and stared at Zhu Ba with two small eyes. It felt that someone had some bad thoughts.

Zhuba retracted his gaze and pretended to continue to dry the food!

He just think about it!

Besides, he had never seen a monster like Little Blue Chicken, and it was useless to think about it!


Maybe he found that he was feeling wrong. Jin Zhu hummed twice, then turned his head and continued to work. He didn't want to lose to Little Blue Chicken, at least he ate a lot.

Lin Fan hesitated, and said to Gui Shilan: "Ten drops of blood, I will return to you when I return to the university!"

After all, this is cheap and a bit immoral. Although it is a first-grade essence and blood, it is also 100,000 yuan.

Gui Shilan shook her head, "No, this is what I fed it, it's none of your business."

Lin Fan: "???"

What the **** is this?

He was unable to refute for a while.

This may be the rich woman! Be rich and self-willed!

"Oh." Lin Fan responded first.

After eating for a while, Lin Fan was dragged away by the next door.

Today, there are obviously more senior members of Zhongsheng Academy who are accompanying Fenghuo and Xue Qing than yesterday, and they are much more enthusiastic.

Lin Fan couldn't help but was pulled over.

Well, sitting down, Lin Fan didn't want to leave.

The food here is much better than their table, and there are more varieties.

These big guys don't speak martial arts, and even start their own small kitchens.

Lin Fan drank a few drinks with everyone. These big guys were really too enthusiastic, and they were so nice to say that they couldn’t refuse. Well, this drink is also very good, even better than the one at the reception. It’s top grade, at least it’s top grade. Top grade, good fellow, Lin Fan couldn't help but had a drink with the big guys instead.

Lin Fan is not a drunkard, nor is it that he wants to take the opportunity to drink a few more glasses, but he feels more polite like this.

No, after a round of respect, the big guys looked at Lin Fan's eyes more kindly.

Young people who understand etiquette and wine table culture are really few in this world. The key is still very low-key and polite. Many bigwigs start to wonder if their family has unmarried offspring, um, Lin Fan is only 18 years old, in fact, it is not too much to get a child bride.

It's a pity that everyone couldn't help thinking about what happened at the reception last night, so everyone was wise not to mention it. Lin Fan couldn't even look down on a woman of Yu Zhilan's level. What if he accidentally stepped on the thunder?

So I still drink at the bar, all in the wine.

For this meal tonight, everyone enjoyed it.

And Lin Fan, who had finished eating, did not go back, but went to the office of the deputy governor of Zhongsheng Academy, drinking tea happily.

To Lin Fan's surprise, it turned out to be Star Yuan Tea.

Sure enough, the strong drink good wine and good tea!

Lin Fan drank a cup of tea in one fell swoop.

A strand of star power wandered through the body, under Lin Fan's skillful control.

There were three acupuncture points on the last nodal line of Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of the Gaopin exercise last time! Lin Fan stopped!

And now the fourth acupoint needs to be opened: Bulang acupoint.

Luong acupoint: Located in the fifth intercostal space, 2 inches apart from the front midline.


Under the guidance of Lin Fan's spiritual power, in a short time, the Bulang acupoint opened directly!

Good guys!

The power of Xingyuan is still awesome!

Don't stop at all! The remaining power!


The fifth acupoint: Shenfeng acupoint.

Shenfeng point, located on the chest, when the 4th intercostal space, 2 inches apart from the anterior midline.

This time, it took a little longer, but it also opened and stabilized quickly, but the wispy star power was also consumed.

Lin Fan opened his eyes with some regret.

Sure enough, the effect became weaker!

But Yan Wei and the others looked at Lin Fan with a ghostly look, what just happened?

"Did you open the node? Two?" Xue Qing also looked incredible.


Lin Fan replied honestly, and said at the same time: "The effect seems to be weakened. I could take three of them in one sip of tea before!"

Xue Qing: "???"

Yan Kai: "???"

Bai Xingchang: "???"

Li Xiuqi: "???"

God he opened three teas in one sip!

Cough cough cough~~

That was the sound of Fenghuo being choked by the tea. He looked at Lin Fan with a face of ghost and asked, "When have you ever drunk Xingyuan tea?"

"The governor asked me to drink when I went to the secret world last time." Lin Fan explained.

There was silence in the room.

Because for a time they didn't know what to say.


Who else can it be?

Seven-Rank Xeon!

At this moment, Yan Wei, Bai Xingchang, and Li Xiuqi looked at Lin Fan's eyes differently.

Their impression of Lin Fan is really good!

But they didn't expect that the head of Jiutian Academy came into contact with Lin Fan earlier than them, and had tea together.

Therefore, Lin Fan received much attention in Jiutian Academy far beyond their imagination.

Fenghuo was very wise not to speak.

Because no one in the room knew about his relationship with Feng Quan, this involved a past event.

Even if Fenghuo is now the acting deputy governor, no one associates Fenghuo with Fengjia, so few people really know about it.

As for Xue Qing, he was also stunned.

It turns out that the governor is the most powerful! I had already taken a fancy to Lin Fan's potential, and even came into contact with it myself.

Everyone was shocked, and even forgotten that Lin Fan opened two acupuncture points with a sip of tea.

Then Lin Fan drank another cup of tea!


Lingxu cave open!

Open the Shenzang Cave!

Two more acupuncture points!

Lin Fan didn't dare to drink it after drinking this. There were only the last two acupuncture points left in his high-grade exercises.

For the time being, he can't advance to the fourth rank! Even if he wants to take the twelve serious, but this is not insurance, what if he is judged to be a fourth product?

Wouldn't it be impossible to enter Xingyuan Lake by then?

He also hoped that Xingyuan Lake could help him finish the twelve seriousness, which saved a lot of money, a lot of money.

The five people who clearly saw this scene twitched their mouths.

This Nima!

It's too easy to open nodes!

Sure enough, no wonder a freshman, just 20 days after enrolling in school, can have such a cultivation level.

People are really far worse than people!

A monster, worthy of being a monster!

Feng Huo and Xue Qing were okay. After all, they belonged to the Jiutian Academy. They all knew about Lin Fan's deeds and all kinds of perverts. When they were shocked, it was over.

But Yan Wei and the three are the senior members of the Zhongsheng Academy. Although they admit that Lin Fan is a monster-like student, it is happening in front of them now, watching Lin Fan open two nodes with one sip of tea, and open another sip of tea. After two, Lin Fan is a third-rank and eight-star, and it is still so easy to open the node, as simple as eating and sleeping, because they know how many effects the star tea has, and they also understand how difficult it is to quickly enter the fourth-rank realm to open the node. , So they are more surprised!

Why are there so many people in the levels that are stuck in the third stage limit?

Doesn't it explain the problem?

Even some enchanting students are the same! The speed at which they can open nodes to the third stage limit is almost as fast as a tortoise.

But when I got to Lin Fan, I had two sips of Star Yuan Tea!

Such a comparison is too hurtful!

Therefore, their shocked emotions could not be eased for a while.

Six-pin sound transmission channel group.

Yan Kai: "Fuck!"

Bai Xingchang: "Damn!"

Li Xiuqi: "I'm Gan!"

At the same time, the three of them sighed from the bottom of their hearts in a private group that Lin Fan couldn't hear.

Just like at that time, Feng Quan and Wu Weicai saw Lin Fan’s three acupuncture points with a sip of tea. They were in the same mood. It was too easy, and it was easy to make people a little unreal. Obviously, the two of Feng Quan had more knowledge than the five people in front of them. .

The three Yan Wei wanted to ask why Lin Fan was so awkward?

But when it comes to my lips, I don't know where to ask.

Yan Wei finally chose to change the subject and asked with interest: "Little friend Lin Fan, do you know what is the sharpest thing in the world?"

Several other people knew that Yan Wei was laying the groundwork, and Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi also looked interested.

Without thinking about it, Lin Fan said directly: "Water!"

The smiles that had just appeared on the faces of the three of them gradually disappeared.

This Nima!

Think about it!

It’s good to have a thought process!

Can we still chat happily now?

It's not that what Lin Fan said was wrong, it was precisely that Lin Fan was right, and it happened to be what they thought.

They thought that what kind of metal Lin Fan said was that normal people would think so. Who knew that Lin Fan had directly said the correct answer.

Lin Fan may also feel that the atmosphere is a bit unpleasant, and he continued: "In fact, nothing is the sharpest, but if I have to say it, I think it is water! The water drops through the stone! And the water flow rate reaches a certain level, it can Cut everything, wood, stone, steel, alloy, if it really reaches a certain level, you can even cut a planet!"

Yan Wei: "..."

Bai Xingchang: "..."

Li Xiuqi: "..."


You have even said the explanation.

Young people nowadays are really amazing, so young, so good cognition.

"Hahahahaha~~~ I can't help it anymore, seeing you collapsed." A ridicule sounded wantonly. It wasn't Xue Qing, but who else could it be?

In fact, he just couldn't help it!

Yesterday, Xue Qing and Yan Wei debated this topic, and they were defeated by Yan Wei's debate. Unexpectedly, Lin Fan would directly oppose the general today.

Seeing the smiles that emerged from the three of them, and then gradually disappeared, his tears almost came out of laughter.

Lin Fan scratched his head with a simple smile on his face.

But he can't help it!

After all, he really knows!

He may be blamed for being so good.

The three looked at each other helplessly, can they blame Lin Fan for being too smart? I really can't say it.

In the end, Li Xiuqi took out a thin rubbing copy and handed it to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked puzzled, what is this?

"Thank you Dean Li!" Lin Fan thanked him, and respectfully accepted it.

Then I took a look at a practice called "Water Skin", but it was not low-grade, medium-grade, nor high-grade. Lin Fan looked through it and realized that it turned out to be an external exercise method, which was enhanced. Defensive.

Suddenly, Lin Fan thought of today’s exchange game scene during the day. No wonder that the students from Jiutian Academy and Zhongsheng Academy were fighting against each other. Some students from Zhongsheng Academy would obviously be severely injured, but in the end they were only slightly injured. This is also true. The reason why many students from Jiutian Academy were clearly evenly matched, but lost.

Lin Fan also heard from the team members that a weapon stabbed in the past can cause huge wounds, but the front of the weapon is greatly hindered, as if the opponent has worn defensive equipment under the clothes in advance, but it is obvious that everyone is in the summer. It can be seen clearly that the opponent didn't wear any defensive vest or anything underneath, but in the end he suffered only a little skin trauma.

At this time, Lin Fan revealed his doubts!

It is estimated that those students from Zhongsheng Academy practiced this external skill.

Okay, Deputy Governor Yan just asked what is the sharpest thing, isn't it paving the way for this?

It's really.... Quite a blunt turn!

But what is this for him?

Lin Fan looked up at Dean Li suspiciously, with a trace of doubt on his face.

Li Xiuqi saw the doubts on Lin Fan’s face and proactively explained: “I heard Deputy Chief Feng said that you want to borrow the secret realm of the Academy. I guess you would choose the secret waterfall secret realm. This is the most suitable secret realm for you at the moment. As for other secret realms, they are not. Basic Secret Realms are some targeted Secret Realms that specialize in training Elemental Types or Remote Types. I can tell you something about it..."

With that said, Li Xiuqi told Lin Fan some secret realms that could be opened to Lin Fan. Don't say, after Lin Fan had listened, there was only this waterfall secret realm. Lin Fan would most likely choose, but he really didn't need other secret realms.

Li Xiuqi first predicted Lin Fan's prediction, and the prediction was accurate!

"This is the best training method for our school to forge water skin, as a thank you for your help to my disciples, but you have learned it and cannot be passed on!"

Li Xiuqi smiled kindly, and at the same time remembering something, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms, handed it over, and said, "This is a pill for protecting the internal organs. You can protect the internal organs in the secret realm. One can protect your internal organs for about 12 hours. Lin Fan only then knew that Li Xiuqi and Wan Jun had this kind of relationship, no wonder it was so generous.

Unintentionally inserting willows into shade!

I just felt that the Wanjun people were good, so I helped a little bit, but I didn't expect to get these by accident.

"Thank you Dean Li, I will definitely not spread it out!" Lin Fan quickly thanked him.

Feng Huo watched this scene, and didn’t know what to say for a while. These were originally prepared by Lin Fan. The cheat book would not be given to Lin Fan for free. Originally, he and Yan Wei would give it to the general version. , And now Li Xiuqi directly took out the best version.

Jiutian Academy does not have a natural environment like a waterfall secret environment at all, so there is no such external technique.

This kind of external exercise cannot be underestimated. Sometimes, it is this kind of inconspicuous thing that can save your life at a critical moment! Play a role in bringing back the dead!

This kid is so lucky!

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