Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 376: Kill! The plan is on!

According to the reputation of Baicaoyuan, many people recognize Baicaoyuan, but the price of Liechundan will be lowered, but the competition of Liechunwen Dan is very rare, and other stores cannot provide stable Liechunwendan at all. So this does not hinder the continuous flow of Baicao Garden, and even makes Baicao Garden more famous.

In the same way, this has also greatly driven the sales of other medicinal herbs or commodities in Baicao Garden, which has greatly increased.

These days, the smile on Pang Hou's face has not diminished, even if other shops imitate him, he is not at all panic.

Because that day, Pang Hou immediately went to visit Lin Fan.

He still clearly remembers Lin Fan talking eloquently, "With the prosperity of Baicao Garden, it is inevitable that the same products will appear in the market to compete, but this is not a bad thing, but a good thing."

At that time, Pang Hou was shocked. To be honest, when Lie Chundan appeared in other stores, he panicked!

The uniqueness of Baicao Garden is gone, isn't it?

In Lin Fan's mouth, this turned out to be a good thing.

Then Lin Fan's remarks completely shocked Pang Hou. He also knew that this was not only a bad thing, but a good thing.

And just as Lin Fan expected, the reputation of Baicao Garden has not only been suppressed, but its reputation has grown far and wide. Not only has the number of daily customers not decreased, but they are still increasing, and there is an endless stream.

The original client didn't go to any other home, and still looked for Baicao Garden.

Shocking, awesome!

After such an incident, Pang Hou admired Lin Fan more and more. That kind of vision and perspective is completely beyond what ordinary people can perceive. It is the essence of doing business.

What Lin Fan said is also very simple, maintain customers, let customers experience a good shopping experience, and let the other party have a sense of belonging, and the membership system is launched.

Sure enough, once it was launched, it was immediately praised by customers, with points for purchases, large purchases, and small discounts, which won unanimous praise from customers.

Turn over your hands to make clouds, and cover your hands to make rain!

Pang Hou had this feeling that any difficulty, in front of Lin Fan, seemed like a very simple matter.

Moreover, the amount of Lie Chundan given by Lin Fan is very large, the alchemist behind it is too powerful, and the proportion of the number of alchemy is quite terrifying, which makes Pang Hou more and more sure that the alchemist behind Lin Fan is definitely not an ordinary primary alchemy. Master, even a mid-grade alchemist.

Similarly, with the constant alchemy, Lin Fan's wealth increased dramatically.

At the same time, Yuan Xin awakened the scorching sun sword intent, Luo Feng awakened the Shenfeng sword intent, Shi Zimo awakened the rock sword intent, and naturally Lin Fan opened a small stove for the three of them, after all, the three of them were the first batch of students with Tong You .

In the same way, Lin Fan also discovered that if he awakened a certain kind of intention, and if it was denied to him, the same type of intention would not increase his spiritual power.

Just like Tong You's Tianshan Sword Intent and Shi Zimo's Rock Sword Intent, they are both earth attributes and only increase once. Of course, Lin Fan naturally also mastered the Rock Sword Intent, which is still somewhat beneficial to him.

Therefore, Lin Fan once again selected two highly talented students from other academies. One named Shang Mingxuan practiced the Wave Folding Saber Technique, and the other named Yan Cang practiced the Cangsong Saber Technique.

The two of them also awakened the folded wave saber intent and the green pine saber intent under Lin Fan's small stove one after another.

And Lin Fan successively collected five types of sword meanings, Shenfeng sword means gold, Cangsong sword means wood, stacking wave sword means water, scorching sun sword means fire, Tianshan sword means earth, gold, wood, water and fire earth.

It was also fed back to Lin Fan, and Lin Fan also awakened five different types of sword intent.

Lin Fan originally thought that he could easily form a cycle of the five attributes by gathering the five attributes of Saber Intent.


It turned out that he thought too much.

This is a very difficult subject, and he needs to overcome it slowly. Compared with the fusion of sword intent and sword intent that he conquered at that time, it is not difficult to say that, at least it is comparable.

Lin Fan even wanted to add Wind and Thunder Saber Intent, if the seven attributes of Saber Intent could be merged, it would definitely explode unimaginable formidable power, and could even kill the strongest in the supernatural power realm.

Facts have proved that this integration has a long way to go!

Of course, if it doesn't merge, it doesn't mean that the sword intent is not strong, it is much stronger than before.

At the same time, Lin Fan's mental power directly exceeded the 20,000 mark because of his denial.

The denial of the four attributes, Saber Intent, directly increased Lin Fan's spiritual power by 4400, making Lin Fan's original 17795 spiritual power instantly reach 22195.

But after breaking through 20,000 mental power, Lin Fan felt different. He could hear the voice of the weak very clearly. Most importantly, Lin Fan used his mental power to perceive the world was completely different. It was completely two different feelings.

There may have been a sense of ambiguity before, but now it is very clear.

The breakthrough of spiritual power made Lin Fan's strength soar again.

And Lin Fan gathered the five attributes of sword intent, and at the same time asked five people to train a rune formation. The rune formation composed of sword means, rune formations can not only be used to describe, but some rune formations can be combined by cultivators. On the battlefield, the Fu array is the most basic team match, and its power is beyond imagination.

The five different types of sword intent of the five students naturally couldn't fuse, and Lin Fan couldn't fuse them, but it wasn't that they couldn't cooperate.

Originally, this formation was a five-element formation, and it was through the cooperation of the five types of swordsmanship, the power was greatly increased!

And Lin Fan let the five people cooperate with the five attributes of the sword, and the power instantly increased tenfold, but the five people couldn't cooperate well, so they needed to constantly temper their cooperation.

At the same time, Tong You also occasionally cooperated with them, but Tong You's Daoyi was much stronger than them, and was often used as an opponent.

When the five of them are almost working together, it's just a preliminary cooperation.

The real running-in naturally depends on actual combat, and only through actual combat will the sword intent become stronger and easier to break through.

This is also the initial beginning of Lin Fan's plan!

The application for going out for actual combat is naturally approved.

However, what Lin Fan was a little puzzled about was that Qinghong Academy would send a strong person to follow and protect it in this kind of actual combat training. Now that the six students have awakened to the suspicion, at least one strong person from the Indestructible Realm will be sent to guard it.

But this time, they didn't.

Lin Fan asked specifically, and the academy explained that the academy would secretly send a strong person to protect it.

Only then did Lin Fan feel relieved. After all, Qinghong Academy's wool can be plucked as much as it can. This kind of free protection doesn't need to be in vain.

After all, if they provoke the powerhouses of the Immortal Realm, Qinghong Academy is their umbrella.


On this day, under the envious eyes of Lin Fan's other students, Lin Fan and the other six of them left Qinghong Academy.

Now he has more than 20,000 mental powers, and the scanning range is very wide, but even so, he didn't scan a trace of breath, which shows that the other party is hiding very well.

Tong You and the other six were also very excited. They also knew that this was for actual combat. After comprehending the meaning of the sword, they rarely fought in actual combat.

In their hearts, they were still looking forward to the battle.

Following Lin Fan's figure, he walked fast, no one spoke, but everyone's eyes were filled with excitement and excitement, and there was a feeling of impatient waiting.

Lin Fan smiled. He had this feeling before.

What Lin Fan didn't know was that in the sky behind them, there was a figure standing behind them with their hands behind their backs. The person protecting Lin Fan and the students was not in the Immortal Realm, but an Immortal Realm powerhouse, and it wasn't anyone else. It was An Xin, the dean of Qinghong Academy.

That's right, this time, the person who protected Lin Fan and the others was An Xin himself.

An Xin was also curious about what Lin Fan had done, but fortunately, he went on it himself.

For Lin Fan, he has a very strong impression of him. Since the last time he listened to Lin Fan's class, this instructor has completely branded him, and is his person.

This time, when he took the students out for actual combat, he naturally wanted to follow along.

However, he was also taken aback by Lin Fan's mental power scan. This mental power is very high. Although he doesn't know how high it can be, it is definitely not possessed by an ordinary nine-door realm powerhouse. He even feels the supernatural power realm. There is no such huge spiritual power.

This little guy once again gave him a surprise, how did such a terrifying spiritual power improve?

Sensing Lin Fan's strength, he dared to guarantee that Lin Fan never reached the supernatural power state, but this spiritual power was real.

Could it be that you have sealed your strength?

It's really possible!

Lin Fan's vitality is very strong, and this is not like the powerful vitality possessed by the Nine Gates cultivator.

Is it necessary?

No one pays attention to Lin Fan, so why do you need to seal his strength?

What is the purpose of this kid entering Qinghong Academy?

An Xin couldn't help muttering in his heart. He couldn't figure it out either. After all, he couldn't hear Lin Fan's inner voice. This kid was quite cautious.

galloping all the way.

Lin Fan only said one sentence: "Look carefully along the way, take a good look, and don't do anything."

Along the way, Tong You seemed to have expected it, but Yuan Xin and the others looked very strange. In fact, they had seen some things before. The strong oppressed the weak, and the weak oppressed the weaker, as if oppression was like this. the theme of the world.

Ordinary people are confused and indifferent, and there is no hope in those eyes.

They once saw that their family, even their fathers, conveyed a concept to them: the weak are so sad, and only when they become strong can they control their own destiny.

In this concept, they are not asked to help the weak, but to seriously become the sadness of the weak, not to become the weak.

Even in their circles, there are people who oppress the weak, because everyone feels that this is normal. Even if they have compassion, they are not very likely to stop them.

In this world, the weak should bear all this, as long as you don't become such a weak person.

But this time, when I saw it again, for some reason I always felt uncomfortable, and there was an unprovoked anger in my heart.

Lin Fan just watched from the side, just silently, forbid them to do anything, and led them away quickly, but he could clearly see the expressions of several people from the beginning of the Qinghong Academy to the unstoppable excitement. Now his face is ugly, and his heart is full of anger, as if there is a depression that cannot be vented.

Lin Fan nodded inwardly. At the very least, these people were changing. They were agreeing with, or in other words, accepting Lin Fan's philosophy. They were thinking seriously.

In fact, the principle of this kind of thinking is very simple. It is to look at the problem from a different angle. In the past, they always put themselves on the opposite side of the weak, or from the side of the strong, but now they choose to stand in the weak. Looking at the problem from an angle, the problem you see is completely different.

Lie Ri Town, where Lin Fan chose to go this time, was not far from Qinghong Academy, only about a thousand miles away. Of course, this was not too far away for cultivators.

As for the information, it was naturally the task he had given to Wu Weicai, to investigate on the spot, which forces were making a fortune, and Lin Fan started planning from that time.

Lie Sun Town.

A team came this day, a team of seven young people, each with extraordinary temperament, which was incompatible with the temperament of this small town.

And these seven people went straight to Lieyang Fort, the largest local force.

Lin Fan took out a document, threw it to Tong You, and said, "All of you have a look."

Tong You began to look at the documents with some doubts, but soon his eyes were red, and the other five were still a little puzzled, but when they all read the documents, they were almost no different from Tong You.

"Beast!" Tong You's eyes were full of anger, and he cursed angrily.

"Beasts are not as good!" The little girl Yuan Xin clenched her fists tightly, trembling all over her body.

This document records what Lie Sun Castle did in the dark. It’s not a matter of being a force. They are not only that, they sell people and force the good to be prostitutes. The ordinary people here are like animals that were kept in captivity by them. Secretly doing some unknown experiments, the disciples under the sect are almost all evil, and if they resist a little, they will kill the whole family and torture people for fun. Many specific things are recorded on it, and the local officials are their people.

Wu Weicai was hunted down for inquiring about this town.

This is just a small force.

"They are all people who deserve to be killed and deserve what they deserve, so you don't need to be soft-hearted, understand?" Lin Fan said in a deep voice.

"I will never be soft-hearted!" Yuan Xin said fiercely. This girl, who was usually quiet and somewhat introverted, was gnashing her teeth at this time. The things recorded in that document made her feel that her worldview was upended.

How can there be such a bad person in this world?

Yuan Xin is a little unbelievable, can that be done by humans?

In fact, they were more or less instilled by their families with some common sense, and they also knew some shameful things. In this world, there are strong people and weak people, and there will be bullying.

But when they really saw this kind of **** information, they still couldn't accept it. It was too **** and too incredible. As a similar kind, they could actually do this kind of thing to a similar kind.

What's more, they had just accepted Lin Fan's thought, and they couldn't express their inner anger for this situation. UU reading

The six took out their knives and looked at Lin Fan earnestly, waiting for Lin Fan's order.

An Xin in the sky also naturally knew the content of the information, and his face became a little ugly. It is really not far from Qinghong Academy, and the place that can be reached almost in the blink of an eye can be said to be the radiation of Qinghong Academy. Scope.

But he didn't expect that such a small force would do such a crazy thing at such a close distance.

An Xin's thinking in the past: the strong, you can bully the weak, because you are strong!

But when he saw the information, An Xin only had two words in his mind: Kill it!

"According to the training time, Tong You assisted, and the other five cooperated." Lin Fan only said one sentence.

"is teacher!"

The six of them immediately flew in the direction of Lieyang Castle and crossed the big river in front of them.

Of the six people, Tong You is the strongest, in the Open Pulse Realm, and in the Fourth Heaven of Heavenly Mountain Sword Intent! The other five are in the Aperture Realm, and the Sword Intent is the first layer of heaven!

A big mountain with a castle at the foot of the mountain, like a small sect, with beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with a river as a boundary in front and a mountain as a stronghold in the back.

"Who? This is the private territory of Lie Sun Castle, please visit..." After all, the six of them did not hide their bodies, nor did they hide their breath. Two figures immediately appeared and shouted at Tong You and the six.

However, what greeted them was a series of sword intents, as well as a pair of firm eyes that contained killing intent. Before the words were finished, the five attributes of the sword intent fell directly on them, and they were directly split into several halves. There was a look of horror and disbelief, and a hint of doubt.

The question is why these people waved their knives at them without saying a word.

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