Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 378: An understatement of slashing supernatural powers! anger!

"You are the one behind the scenes? Who the **** are you?" The other party's mental power scanned the void, but he didn't find anyone else. He put his eyes on Lin Fan and shouted sharply.

Those nine-door cultivators also stood behind him, full of murderous aura!

"Gou Yongyuan, the lord of Lie Sun Castle, although he is a supernatural powerhouse, he can do all kinds of evil, and his crimes are extremely heinous. He even instructs the cultivators in the fort to do wrong, harm one side, bully the weak, and he should be punished!" Gou Yongyuan's guilt is pronounced.


Gou Yongyuan was quite disdainful of what Lin Fan said. He just spit out two words, but he didn't get close. He looked around with vigilance. He was a little unsure about the young man in front of him. He was too calm.

"Don't look, there is no one else, just me!" Lin Fan said calmly, looking at the other party's expression.

Gou Yongyuan's expression was even more vigilant, and he said, "Do you think I will believe it?"

Sometimes people don't believe it when they tell the truth!

Lin Fan shrugged. He didn't tell any lies. In fact, he didn't know whether Qinghong Academy sent a strong person to follow. He should have sent one, but he couldn't sense it.

"It's fine if you don't believe me, then I'll take the initiative to come."

A sword appeared in Lin Fan's hand, a sword in his left hand, and a sword in his right hand. The field within twenty meters spread out, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

"Nine Gates!"

Gou Yongyuan wanted to step back, but he realized that Lin Fan's realm, although the realm was larger, was definitely not a cultivator of supernatural powers. Nine-door cultivator, how dare you be so arrogant, and dare to take the initiative to take action against me, it is really courting death, today I will let you see the power of the supernatural power!"

He did not sense the existence of other people, and the other party took the initiative to attack, but it was only a nine-door cultivator.


Even if he hides someone secretly, he still has to behead him. The gap between the Divine Ability Realm and the Nine Gate Realm is huge. The big deal is that he captures him alive and takes him as a hostage.

The long sword in his hand instantly turned into a dazzling sun.

Sun Sword Technique!

Gou Yongyuan wants to hit the opponent with a sword.

An Xin, who was secretly preparing to take action, was ready to rescue him at any time, but he still couldn't understand where Lin Fan's confidence came from? Did you know he was going to make a move?

Put your life in the hands of others?

Lin Fan doesn't look like such a stupid person!

He didn't understand Lin Fan's operation either. The gap between the Nine Gates realm and the Divine Ability realm was huge, but it wasn't something that could be easily crossed. Only a true Tianjiao cultivator could cross the beheading.

But it is only the weak in the supernatural power realm. Gou Yongyuan is not a weak supernatural power realm. If it is carefully divided, it is probably around the fifth layer of the supernatural power realm.

But the next moment!

An Xin's figure froze suddenly, his eyes widened.

Gou Yongyuan did not escape, which was completely within Lin Fan's expectations. After all, the strength that Lin Fan showed was the breath of a cultivator of the Nine Gates, and it was definitely not a supernatural power.

Divine Ability Realm will never flee just because an opponent is Nine Gate Realm, unless there is a stronger person around.

Nine-door-level cultivators fight supernatural power-level cultivators, just like giving food.

The next second!

Gou Yongyuan raised his head in confusion. He found that his perspective had changed. He was a bit shorter than Lin Fan. The most important thing was that he found himself kneeling in front of Lin Fan, with his hands clasped between Lin Fan's sword.

He just felt a force pulling him, but he didn't expect that he would appear in front of Lin Fan in such a posture. The most important thing was that he didn't react.

A terrifying sword intent had already passed through his neck!

Gou Yongyuan only found that his perspective became very strange, and then, with another knife, his head was directly split in half, and the tide-like darkness came directly.


Gou Yongyuan's spiritual body emerged directly, with an incredible roar, and his direct mental power directly impacted Lin Fan. The high-level mental power would have an impact on the weak, but Lin Fan did not have any stagnant behavior at all, and seemed to be completely unaffected. Yong Yuan turned around and wanted to run away, but he had a skill but couldn't use it at all, and the feeling of suffocation made him explode.

Of course, more is unbelievable!

But what greets him is another knife!

The sword intent volleyed into the sky, sharp and domineering, directly swept and tore apart his spiritual body, like a red-hot knife cutting into a block of butter, so smooth that it could not be stopped at all.


Gou Yongyuan finally had time to let out such a roar, and his mental body collapsed directly.

A scorching red world phantom appeared in the sky, and the entire sky was mapped red, and one of the stone gates to the sky appeared, and Gou Yongyuan's figure appeared on it, roaring frantically, with strong unwillingness.

He didn't even have time to react!

It all happened so fast!

One sword and three swords!

The key is that sword!

He lost control of his body, knelt in front of him in that posture, and was greeted by a series of suffocating terror blows.

One slash to the neck, one slash to the head, one slash to destroy the spiritual body!

But he is a supernatural powerhouse!

The other party is obviously just a nine-door cultivator!

Not appropriate!

There should have been no pressure for him to kill the opponent, inflict heavy damage on the opponent, then capture the opponent alive, torture the opponent, and get the desired information from the opponent.

But the reality is, he didn't even attack.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ If you succeed, you will be beheaded!

He doesn't agree!

He is not reconciled!


The stone gate shattered, and the burning red flame world collapsed directly this year, and the flames shot into the sky, stretching for dozens of miles, as beautiful as the fire burning clouds at dusk.


In the sky of the scorching sun town, dark clouds suddenly appeared, and the blood rain seemed to fall from the sky in an instant.

Dark clouds rolled, thunder and lightning horizontally and horizontally, and a large amount of power of stars and masterless descended from the sky.

Divine Ability Exterminate!

Phenomenal sound!

The numb eyes of the residents of the entire Liing Sun Town looked up at this vision. Many people had a hint of fear on their faces, and some even fell to their knees.

But for some residents, their numb eyes suddenly widened, and a trace of vitality slowly appeared. In shock, they revealed that they couldn't believe it. Looking at the direction of the vision, they suddenly burst into tears, fell to their knees, and shouted loudly. : "The sky has eyes! The sky has eyes!!"

And more and more people knelt on the ground, weeping bitterly.

But at this time, Lieyang Fort was on the scene.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them, or to be more precise, the figure standing in the void ahead.

That's a cultivator of the Divine Ability Realm!

Was it so easy to get slaughtered?

Whether it is the cultivators of Lie Sun Castle or Tong You, the former forgot to escape and the latter forgot to cultivate. At this time, the power of the stars in the air was rich, and there was also a strong spiritual power, but they also Completely forgot.

In fact, although they are cultivating, they have been secretly watching.

They know that Teacher Lin Fan is a junior tutor, so Teacher Lin has no supernatural powers.

What they originally thought was that the academy should send a strong man to follow, but what they never expected was that the strong man of the academy did not appear, but their teacher Lin personally killed a supernatural power realm strong man, and like that random.

With the strength of the Nine Gates Realm, he killed the opponent against the sky!

And it was so easy, so casual, just like killing a wild cat and a wild dog on the side of the road.

Lin Fan's unparalleled sword intent still remains in their minds, which can cut everything!

So strong!

Even if they are separated by a few hundred meters, they should feel the power of the sword intent and the terrifying sword intent!

That's called knife intent!

Whether it was Yuan Xin or even Tong You, there was a huge gap between the Heavenly Mountain Saber Intent and Lin Fan's Saber Intent, like a star and Haoyue.

They seemed to have forgotten that their sword intent was taught by Lin Fan.

They seem to have ignored Lin Fan's own talent and strength!

So they saw a scene that collapsed their world view!

Nine Gates Realm Slashing Divine Transcendence Realm!

Gu's immediate impact is too great!

Make six people stupid!

This also caused the six of them to look at Lin Fan's figure. In their shock, there was a scorching heat that had never been seen before.

This is the sword intent!

This is the real sword intent!

So strong!

too strong!

Nine-door realm slashing supernatural power realm, and it's that simple!


The arrogance of the great powers of the Wei Kingdom is only like this, or even far worse, because they feel that the supernatural power realm cultivator of Lie Sun Fort is definitely not an ordinary supernatural power realm cultivator.

But the opponent had no ability to resist, and he was killed so easily. To put it mildly, Lin Fan's mentor was not injured at all. After all, the opponent didn't even have the ability to resist.


I don't know who shouted, those cultivators of Lieyang Fort immediately wanted to escape.

"Go, these are yours, kill them!" Lin Fan said lightly.

"Yes, teacher!" Tong You and the six immediately stood up and replied loudly.

At this time, the six of them had fully recovered, and they had made a lot of breakthroughs, especially the five of them, Yuan Xin, who were already cultivators of the Open Pulse Realm.

Five people formed an array and chased after them quickly, and Tong You's speed was even faster.

And Lin Fan's figure disappeared into the sky, leaving many afterimages in the sky, and in front of the nine-door cultivators who escaped, there was a sword of Xingyuan sword that was shattering the sky and cut it directly. On the ground, the power of this star has been condensed to a very terrifying level, and it can kill them with one knife.

"Either they die, or you die immediately!" At the same time, Lin Fan's indifferent voice resounded in their ears.

A look of despair appeared on the faces of the nine-door cultivators.

Can't escape!

They didn't dare to resist Lin Fan at all, even their Fort Lord supernatural powerhouse was so easily beheaded, not to mention that they were only ordinary Ninemen Realm.

The wise man, gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed at the six children, and shouted at the same time: "Fight!"

They knew that Lin Fan used them to sharpen the knives of Tong You and the other six. They knew this fact, but so what?

They can't resist, they can only accept their fate obediently!

From Lin Fan beheading their castle lord, they knew that life and death were unpredictable this time.

These people are definitely not ordinary people!

There's a lot of power behind it!

And it's not even an ordinary power!

Because only the existence of that kind of great power can have a character like Lin Fan, the legendary Tianjiao, the Nine Gate Realm Slashing Divine Ability Realm, the most important thing is that their castle master is not an ordinary Divine Ability Realm!

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Even if there is a chance of life, they don't want to let it go.



They also know that they are sinful and have done a lot of bad things, and the other party will not let them go, so they can only fight.

With the growth of strength, Yuan Xin and five people who are still under pressure to directly fight against the Nine Gates are now completely able to compete.

Not a cultivator of the Nine Gates Realm, let alone their first-hand enemy!

At this time, An Xin scratched his head. He was also a little shocked, but he immediately returned to his high-pitched and indifferent expression, but he couldn't calm down for a long time.


He didn't expect that Lin Fan had really killed a cultivator of the supernatural power realm, not a cultivator of supernatural power realm who had just broken through, but the existence of the fifth layer of supernatural power realm.

This is outrageous!

Quite outrageous!

He originally thought that Lin Fan was hiding his strength, but Lin Fan's exposed breath and strength were clearly a cultivator of the Nine Sects.

Although Lin Fan's mental power was higher, his domain was larger, and his sword intent was stronger, this was not the reason he could kill the cultivator of the supernatural power.

As an immortal cultivator, he can see much more than others on the scene.

Lin Fan was always calm. The entire process of his swinging sword seemed to have been rehearsed countless times, beheading the head with one knife, destroying the head with one knife, and tearing the opponent's spiritual power with one knife.

Then he saw Lin Fan skillfully extract the inextinguishable power from the opponent's body, shatter the opponent's inner space, and put things away skillfully.

This set of procedures is too skilled!

An Xin had a toothache. He had a guess that this might not be the first time Lin Fan killed the supernatural power, otherwise he would never be so calm, and the process was set, completely unhurried.

Sure enough, he felt right, this kid is definitely not simple.

What happened to this kid?

Which strength can cultivate such a monster?

That terrifying sword intent, the realm was absolutely terrifying, and even the realm had expanded so much, what concerned him most was Lin Fan's ability to make that supernatural cultivator kneel in front of him.

That ability is absolutely extraordinary!

Lin Fan's series of operations were all based on that ability.

The other party didn't seem to expect that he would appear in front of Lin Fan and kneel in front of Lin Fan.

What kind of ability is that?

It can make a cultivator of the supernatural powers kneel in front of a cultivator of the nine gates!

Talent skills?

Awakening skill?

And this weird awakening technique?

Lin Fan used a sword, obviously using a sword, but using a sword, wouldn't it still be a sword move?

An Xin has actually wanted to understand a lot, but it just feels incredible, what kind of talent skills can bridge such a big gap, allowing the strong to be slaughtered by the weak.

It's an incredible feeling!

"Maybe the rules are involved..." An Xin pondered for a while, then muttered.

The look in Lin Fan's eyes revealed a trace of concern.

The more he got to know Lin Fan, the more An Xin looked at this young man, and it seemed that the other party would always bring him constant surprises.



The more An Xin looked at Lin Fan, the more pleasing to the eye, not only because of the opponent's strong talent, but also because of his appetite. The opponent's attitude towards the enemy was very compelling and had the potential to become a strong man.


This is a good seedling!

Maybe he can inherit his mantle.

For many years, he has never had such an impulse, but he has to admit that he is indeed moved now.

"Well, let's investigate again." An Xin thought so.

There are not many nine gates in Lieyang Castle, and the cultivators who appeared after UU reading were quickly killed.

And Tong You six people immediately put into practice, but a Divine Ability Realm died, and there are several Nine Realm Realms, there are many benefits, each one's strength is very breakthrough, crazy opening acupoints.

too fast!

It is much faster than their usual practice!

But this is not the end, they still need to clean the Sun Fort.

And when everyone saw the prisons built under Lie Sun Fort, Tong You and the others had seen the cruelty and beasts of Li Sun Fort from the information given by Lin Fan, but Li Sun Fort was still studying the bloodline problem, using ordinary people to study it, and even put it into practice. The blood of the monsters was poured into these people, and there were even half-human and half-beasts, not that kind of transformation, but forced splicing.

Everyone saw a **** dog, crawling in the corner. At first, everyone really thought it was a **** dog, but when they saw the **** dog raised its eyes, everyone's head seemed to be struck by lightning, it was not a dog. eyes, which are a pair of human eyes.

As soon as the mental force scans, everyone's eyes turn red in an instant!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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