Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 100 The Missing People

"Yesterday, there was a series of disappearances in our city. Most of the missing people were men, and they were all mine workers.

"Ah! Corpses! Corpses!"

Lin Lan yelled and yelled while watching the TV, speechless appeared on his face.

"Are you doing some boring~scary show again?"

At this moment, Lin Lan was shocked to find half of the man behind the TV, and in the deepest part, there was a pair of red pupils, staring at the man.

Lin Lan realized something was wrong, and looked at the sky that was already approaching evening, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call the TV station.

"Let them leave the cave quickly! The sooner the better!"

"Ah? Why, we're looking for evidence again. Can you afford to disturb our chance of doing meritorious deeds?"

"No! Dage, let them retreat quickly!"

The other party hung up Lin Lan's phone, and Lin Lan froze in place.

"Grandma! How come some people can't understand people's language, it's so annoying!"

Lin Lan put the golden pestle around his waist, and was ready to go to the scene immediately.

At this moment, the screams from the TV made Lin Lan turn around.

At this time, the man had already been severely grabbed by the shoulders of the zombies, constantly biting the man's shoulders.

"Damn! I knew it, these bastards!"

Lin Lan pounded on the door, so he concentrated all his energy on his legs.

However, when Lin Lan arrived at the scene, all the people present had disappeared, and at the other end, everyone watching the broadcast was too scared to move by the zombies that appeared.

Lin Lan looked at the camera, held it up, and doubts appeared on his face.

"Hey, can anyone over there hear me? Respond if you can."

When the woman at the other end saw Lin Lan, she also noticed the red behind Lin Lan, and immediately shouted loudly.


Lin Lan looked at the walkie-talkie above the camera, and then put the walkie-talkie to his ear.

"What did you say?"


Lin Lan turned around, but there was nothing, it was empty.

Lin Lan turned his head suspiciously and asked.

"Let me see what's going on in the back?"

Just now, the zombies wanted to attack Lin Lan, but somehow they couldn't hurt Lin Lan, so they quickly retreated from Lin Lan's side.

"Could it be that that guy is a Taoist priest who is still alive at this time?"

"Hey! Boy, are you okay?"

Lin Lan looked aside, and the man looked at himself nervously.

"Oh? Did you come to support me?"

"Yes, let's check your body first, but what is more curious is why you were not attacked.

"Ah? Could it be that guy was behind me just now?"

The man nodded firmly. Lin Lan was so frightened that he quickly checked Own's body for any wounds. Fortunately, there was only a slight scratch on his body, and Lin Lan was also relieved.

The man told Lin Lan to leave here quickly, so as not to cause more trouble, but Lin Lan looked serious and looked at the man in front of him.

"I believe that I can bring you a corresponding effect."

"You are not a Taoist priest! How can you be useful?"

Lin Lan smiled, and took out the golden pestle from his waist, the man froze in place at this moment.

"How could you have such a powerful Magical Item.

"Ah... this, I can't explain it to you, I was also instructed by the heavens to come here to help you."

The man frowned slightly when he heard that, and finally agreed with Lin Lan to stay here.

Lin Lan felt a strong Yin Qi emerging in the distance, and the man also felt the existence of Yin Qi.

"Then, boy, please protect me until I finish casting the spell."

Lin Lan heard it, nodded firmly, and then looked around intently, looking for the existence of the breath.

However, the zombie did not appear here until the man finished casting the spell.

Lin Lan fell into deep thought, and was even more puzzled. He looked at the man beside him and asked.

"Can you still feel the breath of that zombie?"

"I can't do it anymore, and there is no smell of zombies around here, so I don't know what to do.

Lin Lan heard it, his eyes glowed with golden light, and he looked forward, but he didn't feel the breath of zombies.

"It's over, we may have been given other spells by that guy."

"What? Zombies can perform spells?"

"That's right, some zombies have their own traditional spells, and we can't crack them unless that guy dies."

Lin Lan was still a little puzzled when he heard this. The man took out his cell phone and sighed as he saw the cell phone with no signal at all.

...asking for flowers...

"Well, now we have nothing to do with support."

"Huh? No, it's fine."

Lin Lan smiled and stretched out his own hand, looking at the man in front of him.

"In short, I will protect you."

Seeing that the surrounding black air began to gradually spread, Lin Lan's hand suddenly grabbed towards the front.

"Can you see me?"

The zombie said to Lin Lan suspiciously, and Lin Lan responded with a confident smile.

"Yes! I see you! Dage! Quick! Use that spell of yours."

Doubt appeared in the man's eyes, but he still pinched in the direction of Lin Lan's hand.

The zombie was instantly shot flying, and the zombie looked at the two in front of him angrily.

"On the night of the full moon, both of you will die in my hands, I will remember your aura!"

At this moment, the Realm gradually dispersed, and Lin Lan looked at the man beside him.

"Okay, the two of us have been targeted, just wait to be caught and killed."

The man looked at Lin Lan, held Lin Lan's hand tightly and said.

"In that case, let's make a deal between the two of us. After all, I think that although you have no morals, you were able to catch him. This is even more good news for me."

"good news?"

A little doubt appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, but the man nodded firmly and explained.

"That zombie is already beyond my ability to resist. If I call my senior brother over, I think we should be able to win a big victory."

Lin Lan didn't know when he let go of the man's hand, Lin Lan walked in front and waved.

"I have no interest in collaborating."

"One hundred thousand!"

"You will be my Dage from now on!"

Lin Lan's cupped fist appeared in front of the man's eyes, and a speechless expression appeared on the man's face.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have lowered the price. This guy is actually an eye-catcher."

"This is my contact information! All in all, just call me when you need it!"

Lin Lan put the note in the man's hand, hummed a little song and left here.

The man looked at the note and stared blankly at Lin Lan leaving the place. .

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