Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 103 Injury

"The peak of Tiger Mountain, I'll wait for you there."

Lin Lan looked at the note and fell into deep thought. Wang Youdao at the side also noticed Lin Lan's heavy expression and hurriedly asked.

"What happened?"

"Huh? No."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he was about to leave here. At this moment, Wang Youdao asked hurriedly.

"Thank you this time, without you, I might really die.

"Ah... If you want to thank, thank that guy."

After speaking, Lin Lan disappeared in the same place, and the screen changed, Lin Lan was walking on the road on the top of Tiger Mountain.

When he got to the top of the mountain, there was nothing in front of him. Doubt appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, and he turned around.

The man was putting his hands in his pockets, leaning against the mountain, looking at himself with a smile.

Lin Lan looked serious, Taguchi asked.

"So, are you that psychopath, no, it's not so much, it's better to say, are you a human or a higher-dimensional guy, I always feel that you should be related

"Ding Dong, you are right, we are related, I met that golden man on the mountain."

"Sure enough, you are in the same group."

Lin Lan set up a posture and focused on the 580 man in front of him. The man put his hands on his hips helplessly.

"Actually, I beat you like a child, after all, we are almost a hundred years apart in terms of Cultivation Base."

"If you don't try, who will know what is the limit."

The man who heard this was stunned for a moment, and said with a gratified smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao Xiao is reasonable and willing to accept your challenge."

Lin Lan swooped in the moment Xiao Youli finished speaking, Xiao Youli sighed helplessly, turned sideways and directly poked Lin Lan's waist, and said lightly.

"You don't have any defenses, not so much that you have no defenses, it's better to say that you have too little combat experience.

Lin Lan was directly poked by this strike and flew tens of meters away, and at the same time, blood flowed from his waist.

The man teleported to the sky above Lin Lan, and kicked Lin Lan flying.

"If you can block this strike, I will consider it and teach you everything about owning it, Lei Fa!"

Xiao Youli waved his hand, and slammed it in Lin Lan's direction.

It was also at this moment that the dark clouds in the sky were dense, and the sky kept flickering and gloomy.

Lin Lan stared at the direction of Lei's (ceef), and his pupils reflected the dreaded thunder and lightning.

"Not good, this guy doesn't seem to have one?"

Xiao Youli was stunned, looking at Lin Lan who stretched out his hand in front of him, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

"Just now, did this guy catch my attack with his own right hand?"

Xiao Youli looked at Lin Lan's right hand bleeding continuously, and at the same time, Lin Lan stood still and panted heavily.

"I! I made it! I, Lin Lan, made it!"

Xiao Youli smiled, applauded and said with a smile.

"Yes, you succeeded."

Xiao Youli teleported to the side of Lin Lan who was about to faint, and gently hugged Lin Lan in front of him.

"Sure enough, the chosen one is amazing."

This is also the first time in Xiao Youli's life, other than Master Own, it is the second time that he shows a look of relief and even worship.

A week later, Lin Lan woke up from the coma, but Lin Lan still feels sore all over because of Lei Fa.

Lin Lan covered his body in pain, while Xiao Youli who was beside him was holding a hot towel, tilting his head to look at Lin Lan who woke up and asked.

"You guy woke up. I thought you were going to die for a long, long time."

"Who do you say will die for a long time!"

Lin Lan stretched out his own hand a little angrily, and clenched his fist.

"Ahaha, I'm sorry, I'm just joking."

Xiao Youli waved at Lin Lan and said, then his expression became serious, and he looked to Lin Lan who was on the side and asked.

"Would you like to go to training with me?"


"That's right, I'm a guy who specializes in thunder, and my grenade technique is shocking. All the ghosts and ghosts would give me three points when they saw me."


Lin Lan's eyes were full of disbelief, Xiao Youli also felt the distrust at this time and immediately raised his hand.

"Come on! Intermediate Leifa!"

I saw Xiao Youli was shot flying out in an instant [at the same time there was black smoke in his chest.


Xiao Youli saw that Lin Lan had actually learned his own lightning method, but it was a low-level one, but the effect was exactly the same as the strength of the low-level lightning method he used.

Looking at the malleable talent in front of him, Xiao Youli couldn't help giving a thumbs up and said.

"You are great, if that's the case, I won't show mercy."

"Of course you don't need to be merciful, I will learn what you know in the process of fighting.

"Don't talk too ridiculously, it's you in the future."

Lin Lan's eyes widened, and Xiao Youli had already appeared behind Lin Lan.

thunder flash. "


Lin Lan turned around and watched the lightning explode in front of Own's eyes.

Lin Lan was directly sent flying ten meters away by this attack, but this time Lin Lan did not pass out, but stood up.

Xiao Youli looked at Lin Lan in relief again, and at this moment, lightning flashed in Lin Lan's hand.

"What? Did this guy learn it just by watching it once?"

"Thunder flash!"

Lin Lan teleported to Xiao Youli's eyes, Lei Shan exploded at this moment, Xiao Youli was repelled a few steps.

"Very good, boy."

However, at this time, Lin Lan clenched own's palm, feeling that own's right hand seemed to be devouring his body.

"Oh? Could it be that you have very little energy? Just using a high-level and a low-level ability will cause the body to eat itself in need of nutrition?

Xiao Youli put his hand on Lin Lan's shoulder, transmitting his own energy to Lin Lan.

Finally Lin Lan got rid of the pain and looked up at Xiao Youli in front of him.

"Why do you have so much energy?"

"Hey...this is about a hundred years ago, when I was making a fuss in the underworld! Then King Yama had to give me a face!"

However, at this time, Lin Lan had already passed out, and Xiao Youli, who was beside him, kept talking about own.

At this moment, Xiao Youli found out that Lin Lan was unconscious, and was also so frightened that he ran over and hugged Lin Lan.

"Oh my god! I was so busy telling you about my past, I forgot that your body must not be able to bear my energy anymore.

This time Lin Lan was directly carried into the hospital by Xiao Youli, while Xiao Youli returned to the own wooden house and wrote the envelope.

"Brother, I have one request, I hope the master can forgive me and return all my Magical Items to me, and when I complete the mission, I am willing to suffer all the punishments.

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