Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 108 Breakthrough Limit

Seeing that the monster was no longer chasing him, Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief, and covered his body.

Lin Lan looked at the place where the running water kept ticking in front of him, so he walked forward suspiciously.

I don't know what it was, but Lin Lan was so scared that he kept backing away.

A giant python fell from above and kept crawling towards Lin Lan.

Lin Lan clenched his teeth. Without the help of God's Hand, he couldn't believe that he could defeat something that was nearly twenty times different in size.

Just when Lin Lan was about to run away, a voice came from behind, a group of little spiders were attracted.

Lin Lan heard something behind the python again.

Inside was the female team member who had been missing for a long time in the survey team. Lin Lan was stunned, but he had only two choices.

If you leave by yourself, the lives of the female team members will be lost, and the second is to try to leave with the female team members by yourself, either to die or to live.

Lin Lan was just about to choose the former and was about to leave here, but the female player behind said weakly.

"help me..."

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment, then turned around suddenly, looked at the female team member 297, and Lin Lan directly threw the rope upwards.

When Lin Lan was about to hug the female player, she was shocked to find that the female player's body had been wrapped in spider silk.

Since Lin Lan had no way to leave in mid-air, the giant python and spider began to rush over quickly.

"Your uncle!"

Lin Lan couldn't help complaining loudly, and began to exert force with both hands, but there was no way to break free.

"Is daddy going to die here like this? Lin Lan! Use your brain to think about it!"

At this time, the golden man who helped Lin Lan wanted to help, but at this moment, Lin Lan's hands broke free.

Lin Lan's hands kept bleeding, Lin Lan took off his shoes and fell to the ground.

Lin Lan took out the bow behind him and stepped on the body of the giant python.

Lin Lan jumped into the air, and then aimed at the spider on the ground and pulled his bow sharply.

The ground exploded in an instant, and Lin Lan took out the gunpowder and slammed it on the ground.

The giant python didn't dare to approach, Lin Lan looked at everything in front of him indifferently, but at this moment, a red light appeared in the giant python's eyes.

Doubt appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, and the giant python rushed forward, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed Lin Lan directly.

The python was just about to enjoy the food, but was shocked to find that he couldn't shut up at all.

"I've already peeled off a layer of skin on my own hands, if I fall down here, how can I look like it!"

At this moment, a dim golden light appeared on Hua Zhengjun's right hand, and the golden man in Lin Lan's body was even more shocked.

"Has this guy been recognized by the monsters in the valley?"

The giant python just spit out Lin Lan, looked at Lin Lan proudly, a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Mortal, take this away."

The giant python put a ring in front of Lin Lan's eyes, and Lin Lan held the key tightly, feeling doubts in his heart.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's not interesting, I just think that you are interesting, and I like it a little bit.

Lin Lan put the key in his hand, and a strange energy emerged from Lin Lan's body.

"Before I lost my ability, I was an ice-type basilisk. This also proves that you can control the natural element ice."

"But why did you give it to me instead of keeping it for yourself."

"Why? Because I have lost my own human form, I can't practice, you know?"

Lin Lan looked at Own's hand, fell into deep thought, and finally raised Own's head with a smile and replied.

"I see, then, goodbye."

Lin Lan turned around and left here, Lin Lan walked forward step by step.

Lin Lan looked back again, looked at the giant python in front of him, and asked with doubts in his heart.


"(cedj) If you ink any more, those guys will die.

Lin Lan heard it, tightly clenched his fist, and then left here.

Lin Lan ran forward quickly, possessing the power of the ice element, but Lin Lan inexplicably felt that the restlessness that had always existed in his heart gradually began to recover.

Finally, Lin Lan came to the deepest part of the cave, and the people in front of him were already wrapped in spider webs.

Lin Lan stood where he was, looking at everything in front of him, and a golden light appeared on his right hand.

"Has it recovered now?"

Lin Lan raised his own hand, and the shadow gradually wrapped under the spider web.

"In that case, cut it all off."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, everyone fell to the ground. Lin Lan also heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"The living and the dead should all be inside, but the problem is that there are so many, how should I get there?"

Lin Lan fell into doubt in his heart, and then ran forward quickly.

Lin Lan kept flying forward with the black shadow package, and finally came to the ground.

Just when Lin Lan was about to leave, everyone rushed here to support.

Seeing that Lin Lan sent everyone up there, a look of shock appeared on his face.

Lin Lan smiled, scratched his head and said.


Lin Lan turned his head sharply, and the spider silk was blocked in mid-air by Lin Lan using the ice wall.

At this time, the monster behind him appeared again, but the monster smashed the ice wall with just one blow.

The monster looked at Lin Lan in front of him with a smile, and stretched out its claws again.

At this time, the magic swordsman blocked Lin Lan's eyes, and made Lin Lan, who was exhausted, leave here quickly.

"No, you can't beat it."

Seeing that the magic sword shattered in an instant, Lin Lan threw the magic swordsman aside, then gritted his teeth and said.

"Are you okay, take these things and leave quickly! I'll cut off the queen for you."

"This will definitely not work!"

"I said yes, and I did."

Lin Lan turned around, looking at the people behind him with seriousness in his eyes.

Everyone had no choice but to leave, after all, they all saw the terrifying power of the monster.

"Why don't you retreat."

"If I retreat, how will they go."

The monster couldn't help sneering, seeing that the people had almost completely disappeared, turned into a human form, and appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes.

"You are really cute, kid."


Lin Lan couldn't help stepping back slightly, and the monster turned into a woman, walking towards Lin Lan step by step.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, because I'm a monster.


"That's right, you can't hurt me without professional Magical Items, so, I can be your opponent to help you improve your own Realm."

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