Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 116 Help

Lin Lan However, at this moment, there was an explosion sound behind him, and Lin Lan opened the door. It was the guy hiding in the kitchen that had turned into liquid, which made Lin Lan feel sick.

Lin Lan kicked towards the toilet violently, and the man inside just struggled for a moment before losing his movement.

Lin Lan knows that if the family continues to stay, it will definitely affect the neighbors.

Lin Lan ran out, and behind him was a helicopter that kept following Lin Lan.

While running, Lin Lan looked back at the helicopter behind him.

"Lin Lan, please stop quickly and accept our punishment, otherwise, I will shoot.

"Who wants to listen to you!"

Lin Lan turned around and shouted loudly, the man above heard Lin Lan's words, and bit his own lips tightly.

"The deadly thing!"

Lin Lan walked forward quickly, only to see the artillery shells crashing down, Lin Lan covered his body with golden light to block the attack.

"Okay, you can retreat now, the first-order powerhouses have already rushed to the scene."

"No! Boss, we can obviously kill this guy."

"No, my daughter wants his life, so, you should be able to understand me at 24?"


The man roared loudly, and the helicopter immediately turned around and flew towards the base.

Lin Lan was lying on the ground, and Lin Wei lost feeling in his hands just now due to the shell explosion.

"Oh? Boss looks down on me too much, doesn't he? He even asked me to deal with a disabled person."

Lin Lan smiled and sat up at this moment, his hands began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oh? Could it be a healer? However, since he is a healer, he shouldn't have any attacking abilities, right?"

Seeing that Lin Lan held Ziyan in own's hand, the man chuckled, and a violent flame emanated from his body immediately.

The man gathered energy, his body exploded in an instant and flew towards Lin Lan quickly.

Lin Lan's eyes radiated golden light, capturing the man's movements, Lin Lan held Zi Yan with both hands, and swung his sword down.

The man fell to his knees on the ground with a thump, and lost all consciousness as he spat out blood.

"What? It's not easy for this guy to kill a seventh-order powerhouse so easily.

Li Xiang's father looked at everything in front of him with a smile, and couldn't help applauding.

"This time, Li Xiang really found a very suitable candidate for us, and I prepared the surgical tools, and I will immediately arrange for a strong person to go.

"Hey! Boss, are you looking too high on that kid?"

The man turned his head and looked at Own's subordinates who questioned him. A helpless smile appeared from the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to Own's neck.

The men who questioned the man knelt on the ground just for a moment, with blood dripping from his neck, and lost his own consciousness.

Lin Lan looked at the increasingly strong atmosphere around him, doubts emerged in his heart, and he kept looking around.

At this moment, a man descended from the sky, with his hands on his hips, looking at Chu Ye with a smile.

"Ten stages, Lin Lan, this time we have to run."

"Sister Ziyan, it's not that I don't run away, but that I have no way to escape."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Lan's legs were trapped in place by the strong earth element, and the strong earth element appeared on the ground in an instant.

A knife cut a big hole in Lin Lan's back, and a strong man of the power department appeared in front of Lin Lan, and punched Lin Lan on the head.

Lin Lan's teeth shattered at this moment, but the fists kept coming down, and Lin Lan kept backing away from being beaten.

"Boy, I didn't expect that I came here under your guidance."

The zombie appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes, and with one blow, the powerful man in front of him was beaten back again and again.

"Who are you?"

At this time, the face of the zombie has gradually taken on a human color, and the powerhouse in front of him noticed that green blood was flowing out of his own wound [and his eyes widened even more. .

"what did you do to me?"

"Nothing, just let you kill each other."

Lin Lan was rescued directly, and when Lin Lan woke up again, he was lying in the cave.

"you're awake?"


Lin Lan kept backing away, looking at the zombie sitting cross-legged.

"My name is Li Yao, and I became a zombie because someone once framed me and turned me into a zombie, but my brother missed me before he died, and prepared a medicine for me to turn back into a human being, which caused me to die. Restore humanity a little bit."


Lin Lan's eyes were still filled with the words "I can't believe it", Li Yao also smiled, took out a knife and cut Own's arm.

"This time the bright red blood, not the unique blood of the family."

Lin Lan asked curiously in his eyes.

"Why are you helping me?"

"My brother is guiding me, let me save you, and let you enter this cave, I hope you can see through the cheats.

Lin Lan was stunned, looking at the empty cave above, there was no such so-called cheat book at all.

Lin Lan looked at Li Yao in front of him with questioning eyes again, but Li Yao didn't speak.

"What should I do?"

"My own Insight."

Lin Lan's face was a little helpless, and he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

"Since it's Insight, as long as my heart is quiet, I can perceive energy fluctuations 993."

At this moment, Zi Yan appeared in front of Li Yao, looking at Li Yao indifferently.

"Oh? A clone of a spider monster? How could a monster like yours, which is so arrogant to the extreme, appear in a human body? And it's still in a state of possession.

"Why, is it not allowed?"

Li Yao smiled, stretched out her own hand and responded.

"How dare I participate in the thoughts of powerful monsters like you. If that's the case, you can guide me, right? You should be able to penetrate the runes in this cave, right?"

Zi Yan smiled, walked behind Lin Lan, put his hand on Lin Lan's head and said.

"Of course.

At this moment, Lin Lan seemed to see through the whole world, and his soul flew into the air.

"This feeling! Ah! It's so cool, what are Zi Yan and the person who turned into a zombie doing?"

Lin Lan walked between the two, but couldn't hear what the two were talking about until Lin Lan raised his head.

"What is this? A cheat book?"

Lin Lan looked at the words engraved on the cave, smiled, and his eyes showed blue light.

"Remember everything in front of you."

Lin Lan remembered every secret book in the cave very clearly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised at this moment. .

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