Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 121 Surrounded

After Lin Lan handed Xia Yuxi over to the man for protection, he came to the lair just now.

"It is true that a mutation has occurred, but why the mutation occurred is unknown."

Lin Lan didn't wrinkle tightly, but he didn't pay attention to the roaring sound behind him. Lin Lan turned his head suddenly. At this moment, the three wolves flew onto Lin Lan's body, biting Lin Lan's arm.

"What's the matter? Haven't I noticed?"

The mouths of the three wolves kept pushing hard, Lin Lan accumulated strength with his right hand, and punched the heads of the three wolves until they disappeared.

Lin Lan stood up at this moment, and looked at his left hand, which was protected by the golden light, and was not hurt in any way.

Lin Lan found that there was something like venom on own's clothes, and Lin Lan raised his hands suspiciously.

"What? In my impression, the three wolves don't know how to inject venom. Could it be that the monster has mutated, and its genes and habits have also been correspondingly changed?"

Lin Lan heard the howling of wolves in the distance, and there were even quite a few of them, Lin Lan frowned slightly.

"I must hurry there. If I don't rush there, if the people there can't protect Own, the consequences will be unpredictable."

Lin Lan used the shadowless step to quickly rush towards the place where the sound 24 was emitted.

When Lin Lan arrived, countless people's pupils were filled with horror and they knelt on the ground, watching the companions who had been injected with venom and became unconscious, and the three wolves approaching step by step.

"The fire started."

Lin Lan used the flame ability, but the three wolves didn't seem to be afraid of the flame, but became more excited, absorbing the flame ability exuded by Lin Lan.

At this time, the body of the three wolves in the lead erupted with powerful flames, and walked forward step by step.

Lin Lan flew in mid-air, his eyes filled with shock, the three wolves also noticed Lin Lan's position, and howled immediately.

Doubt appeared in Lin Lan's eyes, and in an instant, an eagle's claws pressed Lin Lan's shoulder.

"What? Why is power crushing me?"

Lin Lan was pressed on the ground at this moment, and the ground was smashed out of a deep hole. When Lin Lan was about to land, he spread the golden light all over his back and neck to minimize the damage he suffered.

Lin Lan exuded powerful energy from his hands, directly killing the eagle.

Lin Lan stood up. At this time, the leader of the three wolves came step by step, but looked at Chu Ye with a smile on his face.

"Hello, strong man, are you curious, as a mid-level monster, can I speak human words?"

"Absolutely insane... how could this happen."

Stepping back from there, the three wolves approached step by step, explaining to Lin Lan.

"We suddenly sensed the changes in the world and accepted the blessings of the world. We gained powerful abilities, and we all became advanced monsters. At the same time, we also grew our brains, and we can also think."

Lin Lan heard it, but kept backing away, while the three wolves rushed towards Chu Ye.

"You will be assimilated by us and become our friend! No! You are a puppet!"

Lin Lan retreated instantly, dodging the attack, Lin Lan turned around suddenly, and kicked the three wolves flying away.

"Since flame attacks are useless, we can only try so-called physical attacks."

Lin Lan took out a short knife and pierced the neck of the three-headed wolf leader, but the three-headed wolf leader just narrowed his eyes slightly, and Lin Lan was knocked out by the seventh-level powerhouse beside him

Lin Lan kept rolling, looking ahead in shock.

"Strongly? How did this guy get involved in this fight?"

Lin Lan's eyes were full of disbelief, and the state of Dali's eyes also made Lin Lan understand that this guy was hopeless.

Lin Lan looked at the triumphant three-headed wolf and gritted his teeth.

"You bastards, you really can't do anything about personnel!"

Lin Lan roared angrily, but the three wolves asked back.

"If you don't invade Realm, if you don't covet our equipment, I don't think we will resist you. Our life is here, and you interfere with our normal life."

When Lin Lan heard it, he couldn't refute it for a while, but at this moment, the force rushed again.

Lin Lan gathered all his abilities in his right hand, and blocked the strong force in front of own.

"Dali, good night, Divine Skill: Annihilation."

Seeing that Dali's body gradually dissipated, Chu Ye's resisting right hand lost its resistance, and finally knelt on the ground.

"I... I actually killed such a cute guy. If you didn't enter the Realm in the first place, you shouldn't have died like this."

The three wolves wrapped Lin Lan, and the leader walked up to Lin Lan again and questioned him.

"Join us, or be eaten by us?"

"What if you give me two choices and I don't want to choose?"

The leader of the three wolves smiled slightly, and saw it howl, and all the infected people wrapped around it.

Lin Lan looked at them, almost all of them were guys who had just become supernatural beings and ordinary people.

Lin Lan looked at the three wolves again, and the leader of the three wolves said.

"As long as you are willing, you only need to follow us, and you will be able to live and enjoy the glory and wealth."

Lin Lan smiled, raised his own hands and said very flatly.

"What if I don't?"


The three wolves widened 993's own eyes at this moment, and saw the golden light envelop countless people before being taken away by Lin Lan.

"You think I'm considering working with you? Are you too naive? Monsters just have no brains! Hahaha!"

Lin Lan's laughter spread throughout the canyon, and finally everyone was taken away by Lin Lan before the eyes of the fire dancer.

The fire dancer looked at Lin Lan who had rescued so many people in shock and asked.

"Are you investigating a supernatural being?"

"I've demonstrated the ability to own, haven't I?"

Lin Lan looked at the fire dancer in front of him with a smile, and the fire dancer just gritted his own teeth and kept backing away.

"I suspect you were assimilated by that guy."

Lin Lan heard it, sighed softly, shook his head helplessly and said.

"If I had been assimilated, I think I should have launched an attack on you long ago, instead of teleporting these guys to your eyes."

Hearing what Lin Lan said, Fire Dancer also felt that it made sense, but still couldn't believe Lin Lan's words.

"In that case, please leave us, I can protect them very well."

"Hey, well, well, I have nothing to explain to you, since you have said so, I just leave."

Lin Lan disappeared in place in an instant, while the fire dancer gasped heavily. .

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