Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 135 Red Clothes

The woman gently landed on the ground, stretched out her own hand, and smiled.

"Anyone else insists on going there?"

At this time, the woman in red noticed Lin Lan beside her, frowned slightly and said.

"In your body..."

Lin Lan's exaggerated movements made the woman feel a little doubtful, and asked with a slight frown.

"You don't want me to say yes?"

Lin Lan frantically nodded his head, and the woman smiled slightly and covered her mouth.

"It's kind of cute, human."

"Eh? Are you not human?"

Lin Lan asked, while the woman shook her head gently and said.

"I am the scabbard of the holy sword, and the protector of the holy dragon. The power I possess comes from the holy sword. So, if you really want to pass through here, you will be my enemy." Make the sword your enemy.

Lin Lan looked at the people behind him, and the cold sweat on his forehead couldn't help but fall.

"Okay, then we won't go there."

"Savvy is very high."

After speaking, the woman disappeared in place.

Lin Lan lightly threw the stones behind him towards the front, only to see the stones vanished into ashes at this moment.

Lin Lan sighed softly, and noticed the explosion in the distance again.

"This is an enchantment, we can't touch it, let alone cross it, so we can only change the battlefield."

At this time, Dragon City stopped Lin Lan and asked.

"What did that woman want to say just now, could it be that you have something to hide from us?"

"Ah, no, I just don't want my specific ability to be discovered by others."

Longcheng half believed Lin Lan's nonsense, and when he finished speaking, an explosion in the distance affected Lin Lan and others.

At this moment, Longcheng flew out with Lin Lan.

"Damn, what happened there just now?"

"It's crazy, have the atomic tanks been used?"

"Atom tank? What's that?"

Long Cheng patted the dust off his body and explained to Lin Lan.

"The energy cost of an atomic tank is hundreds of millions of dollars. The energy comes from the energy of the superhuman, so Li and his gang frantically found killers to kill the superhuman, and finally threw them into the atomic tank."

Lin Lan's eyes widened when he heard this, and he clenched his fists even more.

"Isn't this guy a complete bastard?"

And the sound of an atomic tank firing came again in the distance, and Lin Lan was completely enraged this time.

"Bastard! Why do you want to snatch other people's lives!"

Lin Lan's shout was heard by the woman and Shenglong in the distance, and doubts appeared in their eyes.

"It's the boy from just now."

"Young man? Did something happen to you just now?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the boy is the kind of guy I've seen with a wide variety of abilities, and at the same time, his energy is rounded off and equal to endless.

When the woman finished speaking, the energy beam of the atomic tank struck again, and the holy dragon opened its huge mouth, devouring the rune and appearing.

"God no."

Lin Lan appeared in front of Shenglong at this moment, and the energy was transferred to another space in an instant.

"What? Why do humans stand by our side."

Lin Lan fell to the ground, straightened up and replied.

"This time, I want to stand in a pair with you."

The eyes of Shenglong and the woman who heard this were filled with doubt and shock at the same time.

"Why are you?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense, I just want to teach a lesson to those guys who are randomly destroying lives.

After speaking, Lin Lan instantly lay on top of the atomic tank.

"Lin Lan! Are you crazy!"

Li Xiang's father yelled at Lin Lan, only to see Lin Lan's hands were constantly exerting force, and his eyes were shining with brown light.

"The unique ability of the power practitioner is strengthened. Why can this guy use it? Could it be that this guy is a power practitioner?"

Li Xiang's father said inwardly, seeing that half of Tank's body had been thrown over.

"Boss! Don't be afraid!"

A man took Li Xiang's father away and stared at Lin Lan with a frown.

"You stand in a pair with the monsters, don't you have any shame in your heart? As a human being."

"That's right, human beings harm human beings, so you won't feel guilty like this?"

Chu Ye's words made several people silent. At the same time, the golden color of Chu Ye's right hand began to become cloudy, and Lin Lan's eyes radiated blackness.


The man frowned and looked at Lin Lan in front of him. At this moment, the man knelt on the ground and his head disappeared.

"The murderous aura exuded by this guy is no less than when we lost consciousness.

"No, this guy is just extremely angry, and the energy he possesses completely exploded at this moment."

Lin Lan raised the wreckage of the tank with one hand and threw it at Li Xiang's father in an instant.

"Water waves."

The man appeared in front of Lin Lan, holding a fan at the same time, looking at Lin Lan with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for a short time, but my strength has become so strong."

The man spat blood at this moment, and looked forward in shock.


The man was sent flying hundreds of meters away by the powerful red energy, and the man covered his wound and lay on the ground.

And deep in Lin Lan's heart, Lin Lan is being bound by red chains.

Above the chain was flames, Lin Lan's body was burned, and his hands and wrists were already disfigured.

I saw the red 997 standing in front of me, crouched down and said with a smile.

"If you don't want to defeat me, you will die because of it.

"Who are you?"

"Who am I? Hmm... Holy Sword sensed your anger, and fabricated me, just to see, can the so-called human beings really be able to fight for others?"

The woman and Shenglong frowned slightly when they saw that Chu Ye's eyes still lost their own consciousness.

"Are we going to help this guy?"

"I think, since he will go berserk, it shows that he really feels complete anger for those powerless people.

Lin Lan walked in front of Li Xiang's father step by step, looking at Ji Li's father with a smile.

"Crueling other people's lives at will is simply a bad person, ah, no, it's not so much a bad person, it's better to say that you are a bastard who persecutes other people's lives for the sake of own happiness

With Lin Lan's palm down, Li Xiang's father completely lost his movement, while dozens of tenth-rank powerhouses standing behind him all looked at Lin Lan in front of him in fear.

"This guy... is really kind of scary, isn't he?"


I saw that everyone was on the balance, Lin Lan was standing at the forefront, and the only person who saw the clue shouted loudly.

"This is Illusion Art! Everyone hurry up and find a way to wake yourself up!"


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