Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 14 You Are Still Young

"Sir, have you seen it?" the young man asked curiously, his eyes full of expectation.

The old man was silent, took out a cigarette and took two puffs, sighed, "That thing is invisible to ordinary people!"

"Can ordinary people see it?"

The old man didn't say a word, it was a default.

"Are there really unusual people? So, is there really a special operations group in our system?"

The old man raised his eyelids, with a speechless expression, "Read too many novels? Why did the higher-ups give me your out-of-stock?"

"Aren't we the special operations team? Have you ever seen a daddy with supernatural powers? If it was true, my mother would have been the top leader a long time ago."

The beautiful girl who stood tall and pretty at the side burst out laughing.

The young man smiled awkwardly, and secretly glanced at the pretty girls in the same group. This is the only delicate flower in the whole group...Jiaohua means a flower with high appearance.

Just at the age of youth and youth, when hormones are at their peak, how can you bear the fragrance stimulation of this delicate flower? Which teenager doesn't have Huaichun? Many young guys in the group have coveted her for a long time.

"What do you mean, sir?"

The old man sighed, "Rookie, there are some things in this world that cannot be explained by science. We ordinary people are powerless in the face of those unexplainable things. You have to understand this!"

"Old man, I have been dealing with these things for some years. I have eaten more salt than you have walked! Listen to me, do more and ask less!"

"Our group, just do things, don't worry about the rest!"

Both the young man and the pretty girl trembled, and felt the voice-over in the old man's words. This sentence has already revealed the answer they want to know!

At the end, the old man added some real cases like warnings, "You know there are some big cases? For example, the case of the disappearance of the murderer, and the case of bus failure...etc., many perfect cases where the murderer cannot be found and no reasonable explanation can be given. crime case."

The young man nodded.

"There is no real perfect crime in this world. As long as it is a human being, he will be imperfect. If there really is a perfect crime, then..."

The old man looked in the direction of Luo's backyard and remained silent.

The two people on the side were terrified and chilled all over.

"These cases will be handed over to our team to carry out...destruction through scientific methods! Externally, we will use the media to cover up the truth and turn it into a statement acceptable to the public!"

"Do you understand?" The old man said with gloomy eyes, "Be careful, Daddy doesn't want to collect your corpses!"


The two of them didn't speak, they were surprisingly cold.

Seeing this, the old man suddenly burst out laughing, "You two guys are too timid, aren't you?"

"Don't worry, these special events don't necessarily happen once a year. We are usually idle. If there were so many explosions, the world would have been messed up."

"Besides, the technology weapons in our group are not vegetarians, little guys, believe in the power of technology! This energy field reactor is a proof!"

After laughing, the old man returned to his indecent look, "Okay, let's get down to business!"

"This operation is very abnormal, completely different from the cases I have taken over before!"

"There are many differences. I won't talk about Xiaozhima. What makes me feel the strangest and the biggest difference is..."

The old man's eyes suddenly darkened, "No one died!"

The two shuddered and remembered what the old man had just said.

The old man went on to say, "Can you kill that thing in one ritual? I haven't fainted to that point yet, old man."

"I remember you said on the way that the detected energy field response was originally excessive and has been strengthened, but it suddenly weakened significantly on the way?"

The pretty girl replied, "Yes, I'm sure!"

The old man instantly turned into a detective, "Suddenly weakened greatly, there is only one possibility. That thing was wiped out!"

"But there are no signs of burning or explosion at the scene! This is the most puzzling point for me."

The girl said, "Could it really be that some kind of Taoism, the ritual has worked?"

The old man said disdainfully, "At the beginning, the people above tried various Taoist solutions, but none of them worked. Those are ancient superstitions, don't think about it."

The girl said again, "Then... how do you explain that so-called real person? They won't cooperate to deceive the police, right? What good is there in lying to us?"

"A real person..."

The old man took a deep puff of his cigarette, "Yeah, the weirdest thing is this real person! Now, he is the only clue and breakthrough! Perhaps, we can get some surprises from him."

"The steward said he was looking for someone at random, can you find him?"

The old man smiled confidently, "Even if you look for it casually, there will be a bond. If there is a connection, then you can find it! Don't forget, the official is the largest intelligence agency!"

"In this country's borders, as long as we have the heart to search, there is nothing we can't find! As long as the other party is a person, we can find it!"

However... the real person the old man was looking for... In a sense, he really wasn't alone!

Don't say you can't find it...even if you find it...hehe.

"Okay, let someone come and sort out the information here."

"Um...then what are we doing now?" the young man asked.



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