Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 153 Waiting For A Thousand Years

Lin Lan was pressed tightly on the ground by Yinxue, and Yinxue stared at Lin Lan in front of her with tears in her eyes.

"I used to be so pitiful, now you are the same as me before, but you once helped me, this time, I want to be like you back then, let me satisfy you."

At this moment, Lin Lan said with a little helplessness on his face.

"I'm not pitiful, I'm rich, I just feel that if I live in a big villa alone, it would be a bit too shameful."

At this time, Yinxue was already close to Lin Lan, and gently raised her own hair and asked.

"I have become so beautiful, but why are you still unmoved by me?"

"Because we only met once and once when you Blacken became the cohesion queen, so, I guess our relationship is not enough to be moved by it.

When Yinxue heard this, she stood up from Lin Lan in disappointment, patted her own hand lightly and said.

"According to the past, everyone will be attracted by my beauty."

Lin Lan who heard these words also-smiled and said.

"Even if you look so beautiful, to me, this is not necessarily what attracts me.

Yinxue smiled, and put her hands around Lin Lan's neck quietly. At this moment, frost condensed around her.

In an instant, Lin Lan was teleported to Yinxue's villa, Lin Lan looked at everything like a palace and said.

"Is this your mansion?"


Yinxue asked with a smile, believing in her heart that Chu Ye felt happy for her.

Lin Lan looked at Yinxue, and then sat on the sofa behind him.

Yinxue also sat beside Lin Lan, and gradually approached Lin Lan cautiously.

Seeing that Lin Lan didn't resist, Yinxue buried her body in Lin Lan's arms, and said with a slightly trembling voice.

"Do you know? I have been waiting for you for a thousand years. Although I am very curious, why did I appear in reality as a person in the Realm incident, and the reality has also been rewritten, and the same is true for those who should have died. lived until now."

When Lin Lan heard this, he was a little puzzled, and he fell into deep thought and asked.

"What's the meaning?"

"Because the time of the Realm incident is set at 50 years, and because of my disappearance, they have all survived until now, and their strength is extremely powerful. They are still going on with the matter of distorting Realm.

Lin Lan froze in place when he heard that, took out his phone, and looked at the message from Longcheng.

Yinxue hugged Lin Lan tightly, and Lin Lan said with a smile.

"I can regard you as my own Little Sister, but I won't have any affection for you.

Yinxue was stunned for a moment when she heard this, with a little disappointment in her eyes, and Lin Lan stood up at this moment and said.

"Let's exchange communication methods. I hope that we can join hands in the future."

Yinxue gave Lin Lan the contact information, and Lin Lan walked out of the villa.

Yinxue stared at Lin Lan's back, then at her treasured coat, turned and walked forward with a little disappointment.

The light around Yinxue gradually dimmed, and the blue and white coat on Yinxue's body was gradually wrapped in black. Yinxue stretched out her slender hand, and raised it to face the lamp above.

"I have been waiting for you for thousands of years, but what I got in return was not the feeling I wanted, or rather, all of this is my wishful thinking."

There were tears in Yinxue's eyes, because she kept questioning herself.

However, Lin Lan never left, but turned his body into a shadow, staring at Yinxue in front of him.

Yinxue kept singing in her empty mansion.

Lin Lan watched with tenderness in his eyes, and felt Yinxue's incomparable pity.

"Good night, I always thought that we were just passers-by. I never thought that you would miss someone like me who only met once. I can't understand your feelings, and you can't understand mine. What I can do , only looking at you in the dark." 1

After speaking, Lin Lan radiated black light and disappeared in place.

Lin Lan walked under the dim light, but he didn't notice that someone was following him behind him.

Lin Lan walked into the community, but found that he couldn't see the road ahead of own.

Lin Lan took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the front, [Lin Lan couldn't even see the ground.

Lin Lan bent slightly and touched the ground lightly, but own eyes could not see through the ground.

"You actually made Miss Yinxue cry! You bastard!"

When Lin Lan heard this, he turned his head questioningly. A man was tearing his eyes and looking at Lin Lan viciously.

……ask for flowers……

"Who are you?"

"I am going to kill you!"

"Oh, yes, Yinxue is a big star, what kind of dog should your guy be called, I forgot.

After finishing speaking, the man exploded with all his supernatural powers, Lin Lan just patted it down with a little helplessness.

The man lost consciousness instantly at this moment, and everything in the darkness disappeared.

Lin Lan clapped Own's hands, turned around and walked into Own community.

On the other side, four old men were standing and sitting together, looking at each other seriously and talking.

"If distorting Realm can change reality, how about we let the demon god descend!"

Evil smiles suddenly appeared in the eyes of several people, and one of the bloated men stood up.


"Then let the will-o'-the-wisps come out first! I remember that guy was the demon god who almost destroyed the whole world!"

But the other bald man waved his hand and said.

"It doesn't feel as good as the Growth Demon God, who can explode the world little by little."

At this time, the old man with long white hair stood up and said with his arms folded.

"Devils and other things will have to wait until later, what we have to do is to test and distort the stability and success rate of Realm.

At this moment, the fourth person stood up and said.

"There's a kid named Lin Lan, I'm going to try it out."

"Oh? Li Qing, has your magic power recovered yet?"

"Aha, have you forgotten, I am not a person who needs magic power."

After finishing speaking, Li Qing disappeared, and the sun gradually appeared in the sky at this time.

Lin Lan also woke up, still possessing the fragrance of Yinxue on her body.

Lin Lan put on her own clothes, which still had fragrance on them, and Lin Lan smelled them lightly.

"This guy's perfume seems to have magic power."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, screams came from outside, and at the same time, magic power erupted outside.

Lin Lan saw an old man attacking the street non-stop, Lin Lan rushed out.

"Is this guy a monster or something?"

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he appeared in front of the old man. The old man smiled slightly, stretched out his own hand and said.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?",

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