Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 162 Plan

Uncle Li kicked Lin Lan away, and Lin Lan sensed everything around him at this moment.

"Fifty soldiers plus ten supernatural beings, no, there are also reformers. If I can fight against them and use the engraved skills to learn everything about them, it should be regarded as an improvement in my strength."

I saw Uncle Li flying over like a cannonball, Lin Lan blocked this attack with both hands, but the energy emitted by this attack was completely absorbed by Lin Lan, and Lin Lan exploded this energy, abruptly Boom close to the ground.

"It's really strange. Obviously I didn't use all my strength, but this guy smashed into the ground. What does it mean?"

However, Lin Lan who fell into the ground had already closed his eyes, and Uncle Li also walked to the vicinity of the pothole, staring at Lin Lan in front of him.

"I fainted, it's okay, I just brought it back.

Seeing the helicopter buzzing in mid-air, Uncle Li threw Lin Lan into the plane and left in a hurry.

Lin Lan was sent into Uncle Li's base, and put into a space where supernatural abilities were completely excluded.

However, what makes Lin Lan other than own ability can be used freely in this closed 877 space.

Lin Lan gently placed his hand on the glass, and cracks appeared in the glass immediately.

"Mr. Lin Lan, I am very sorry for own's rudeness."

Lin Lan stared at Uncle Li in front of him, and sat on the ground with a smile.

"So why on earth do you want me?"

"There are not many geniuses, but there are very few geniuses like you, and everyone knows your performance recently, so, I need you, do things for me.

"What if I say no?"

With a slightly helpless face, Uncle Li pressed the button and said. ,

"Only I have the antidote to this poisonous gas, so. 1"


At this moment, the glass shattered completely, and the poisonous gas spewed out. Lin Lan's hand directly grabbed Uncle Li's neck in front of him.

"Fire carving."

The man on the side formed a pattern on the ground at this moment, and the creatures in the pattern danced towards Lin Lan as if they had life.

"Aha! Painting, I can do it too."

Lin Lan stretched out his own hand, and when Lin Lan was able to paint with air as the medium, the (cedb) man froze in place and questioned loudly.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you use our secret technique Fire Carving."

However, the monsters painted by Lin Lan are even more powerful, directly devouring the man's flames. At the same time, Lin Lan inadvertently absorbs the man's energy, and the man kneels powerlessly on the ground

Lin Lan kicked it flying, and Uncle Li also let go of own's hand suddenly, and was shocked to find that own's body was already weak, and at the same time, own's hands were shaking constantly.

Lin Lan felt something was wrong, noticed the strangeness in his body, and immediately let out a smile.

"It turns out that this ability is used automatically, no wonder, I said why I can't use it no matter what.

Uncle Li kept backing away, staring at Own's subordinates who hurried over to help.

I saw the Holy Spirit-level magician suddenly appear beside Lin Lan, and directly used the binding magic.

Lin Lan just waved his hand lightly, and the magic disappeared, Lin Lan immediately said with a wicked smile.

"Then let's make a fuss."

In an instant, Lin Lan walked past Uncle Li and quickly ran towards the outside of the base.

At this moment, alarms started to sound around, and a man appeared in front of Lin Lan.

"Sure enough, you are very strong."

Lin Lan stared at the man in front of him, only to see a slight smile on the man's face, he applauded lightly and said to Lin Lan.

"Finally found someone as strong as me."

The man smiled slightly, and appeared in front of Lin Lan in an instant. Lin Lan retreated sharply, dodging the attack.

The man's face was slightly helpless, and in an instant, flames bloomed in the air, and Lin Lan directly dodged the attack.

Dodge in a blind way?"

The man looked forward in shock, watching the flames gradually spreading towards him, and the flames exploded in this moment.

The man's body directly smashed the door behind him, Lin Lan just looked at the man in front of him helplessly.

"I'm sorry, I used a little too much force."

After speaking, Lin Lan quickly left here.

At this moment, the reformed man appeared in front of Lin Lan emitting smoke from his body, and Lin Lan also found that the energy absorption had stopped at this moment, Lin Lan looked at own's right hand "can be incomparably plump.

Lin Lan smiled slightly, and the reformer had already killed himself, Lin Lan sighed softly, and kicked him flying.

The reformed person's body was crushed directly at this moment, but the body did not lose its kinetic energy but stood up slowly.


The reformed person's body radiated light, and he flew towards Chu's direction.

Chu Ye blocked the attack with both hands.

"Is this guy a robot? No, the fact that his body is still bleeding proves that this guy is human."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, the energy exploded at this moment, and then the man kept rolling on the ground.

The reformer stood up with difficulty, clapped his own hands, and in an instant, powerful energy zones erupted around him.

Lin Lan was also directly blasted out at this moment, rolling on the ground non-stop.

Dust was everywhere, but the reformer was shocked to find that there was no sign of life in the smoke.

"Sorry, I just want to see how powerful the reformer is, sorry."

After finishing speaking, the reformed person's body was torn apart at this moment, and Lin Lan's hands were dripping with blood.

Lin Lan turned and left, opened the gate of the base, and there were countless cannonballs outside. At this moment, they shot directly in Lin Lan's direction. Lin Lan stretched out his own hand, and a giant shield appeared.

"The acquisition of ability here is not as perfect as I expected, but it can be regarded as acquisition."

The rebounding energy directly blasted all the tanks into powder, but almost all of them were remotely operated by others.

"Lin Lan, sure enough, "You didn't make me lose my so-called hope."

Lin Lan turned around, and Uncle Li became extremely young, staring at Lin Lan in front of him.

"It's not good, why did this guy stand up suddenly, obviously the energy has been drained."

Lin Lan also realized at this moment that Uncle Li in front of him seemed to have injected himself with the potion of evolution before he passed out.

Lin Lan clenched his own fist and said secretly.

"Isn't it a bit too disgusting to transform the body?"

Uncle Li rushed forward and grabbed Lin Lan's neck with an absolutely crushing attitude.

The golden light kept falling on Lin Lan's right hand, soaking into the ground the moment it touched the ground. .

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