Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 165: Ice Lake

The man looked at the little golden man, and at this moment he tightly grasped the little golden man and asked in a questioning tone.

"Obviously all the benefits are pointing to him, why and why! You have to choose me."

The little golden man's smile from the beginning became invisible at this moment, staring at the man in front of him and asking back.

"Do you know why I chose you?"

The man's eyes widened, reflected in the shadow on the wall, the man's head had disappeared, and he was kneeling in front of the little golden man, the little golden man gently put his hand on the gap and said with a smile

"I need a genius who is absolutely obedient, otherwise, not only will your strength not improve, but the speed of improvement will not be as fast as I thought."

Lin Lan walked out of the community, and there was already a heavy snowfall outside. Lin Lan was shocked that the weather should be autumn now, and it should be raining instead of snowing.

Shock appeared in Lin Lan's eyes again at this moment, and he found that the surrounding buildings were gradually changing.

Lin Lan kept watching back and forth, only to see that he was finally standing on the water.

Lin Lan sensed the energy fluctuations around him, but what shocked Lin Lan was that there was no energy fluctuation at this time.

In this way, Lin Lan walked aimlessly forward in the ice space.

At this time, Lin Lan stopped, and Lin Lan was shocked to find that he had returned to the position just now.

Lin Lan fell into deep thought, clenched his fists tightly, and slammed towards the ice.

I saw that the moment the fist collided with the ice surface, the ice surface did not show any signs of cracking.

Lin Lan straightened up and asked.

"Is there any purpose for you to summon me here?"

A woman's voice sounded softly, speaking to Lin Lan.

"Hello, isn't it impossible for you to perceive me?"

"It's true that I can't perceive you, but I feel that I will definitely get a response if I say so."

The woman's figure gradually appeared, but Lin Lan couldn't see the woman's face. Lin Lan also stared at the front with a little helplessness on her face, and asked again.

"Then why did you call me here?"

"Don't you hear my voice familiar?"

Hearing this, the golden light on Lin Lan's right hand also appeared at this moment, and Lin Lan was startled suddenly.

"Are you okay now in that guy's body?"

Chu Ye asked with a smile, but the woman said to Lin Lan helplessly.

"What about me? The energy in my body has been completely drained. All my energy has been transformed into many skills. That guy was completely transformed by the little golden man. The little golden man is going to kill you completely."

Lin Lan didn't panic at all when he heard it, but fell into deep thought with his hands on his hips.

"So can I beat those two guys now?"

"Absolutely not, now that they are close to the god level, you'd better not even show up recently.

"God level? Could it be?"

"That's right, they will become the fourth god in this world, but gods are not the most powerful, because this world is gradually awakening, and whether this world will finally come to an end depends entirely on your good fortune."

When Lin Lan heard it, he shook his hand and said with a helpless smile on his face.

"I'm just an ordinary person from beginning to end, how can I save the whole world?"

"Can't you?"

Lin Lan was taken aback by the woman's tone and what she said.

"If you don't believe in own, what about your future and the future of the important people in your heart?"

Lin Lan just turned around, looked at the snow-white sky and explained to the woman.

"I'm not a careless person. My previous mentions made me feel extremely ashamed, but now I am different. This time, I want to do what I want to do, instead of being restricted by people, like a machine .”

At this time, the woman realized that what she said was wrong, and said sorry words to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan put his hands on the woman's shoulders and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to live a wonderful life that belongs to own."

At this moment, the ice surface completely shattered, and Lin Lan sank into the bottom of the lake.

The woman's figure gradually became transparent, and the woman hugged Lin Lan's head with both hands.

This time, Lin Lan clearly saw the woman's appearance.

The golden eyes looked extremely beautiful, Lin Lan stared at the woman's face, there was no growth in his heart but a slight smile.

"You are really beautiful."

"Sure enough, my choice was correct, but we may not be able to meet again, and I am not sure how long you will have the hand of God. I can only feel that it is gradually becoming stronger, and it may be a long time. "

The woman's figure gradually dissipated, and finally turned into a part of the water in the lake.

Lin Lan woke up in reality at this moment, lying on the ground already drenched.

Lin Lan looked around at the people who looked at own with suspicious eyes, Lin Lan didn't speak, just stood up.

Lin Lan disappeared in the same place in an instant, and came to the Shadow Mountain.

Lin Lan walked into the interior, everyone looked at Lin Lan in shock, Lin Lan found the dark flower.

An Hua stared at Lin Lan, and Lin Lan stretched out his own hand.

"Can you help me maintain the balance of energy in my body?"

Anhua smiled slightly, pressed her face to Lin Lan's and asked with a smile.

"So, what's the benefit?"

"Of course there is no 030. After all, I just want to ask for help. If you have any special feelings for me, I can only leave.

When Anhua heard this, she just pouted helplessly and asked Lin Lan.

"Is this how you treat your former savior?"

Lin Lan looked at his hand, and felt that he was ashamed of Anhua and didn't want Anhua to have any special feelings for him, but hoped that Anhua could live for him

At this moment, the man rushed in hurriedly, panting heavily and looked at Lin Lan in front of him.

"What does my family say?"

"Your parents want you to be happy in this moment of life, and the other two elders don't have any special needs.

Hearing this, the man lowered his head and clenched his fist tightly.

"I'm really an unfilial son, completely unable to do things for my own parents."

"But you are alive now, and you have fully satisfied the old man's wish."

Lin Lan's words made the man's eyes widen and he raised his head in confusion and asked.

"Why I live is their wish."

"Because they know that you are still alive and have a new family, so they don't have to miss you anymore. However, they hope that you can visit them before they pass away."

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