Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 168 Eat Melon

Lin Lan was on the roof of the city in the middle of the night, watching everything below quietly, and walked behind with a cold snort.

Lin Lan looked at the train ticket that Longcheng had booked for him, but fell into deep thought.

"A master at the super holy spirit level? But Dragon City let me go there to let me practice or something."

Lin Lan fell into deep thought, but at this moment, a voice came from behind, and Lin Lan suddenly turned around.

"Let's go, I'm walking with you, my name is Ji Ang."

There are obvious scars on Li Ang's face, and his muscles are tense while wearing a leather jacket-leather jacket.

"Huh? Does it look like a mess?"

In the end, the two got on the train together, and they were close together. Lin Lan took out the bread from the backpack.

Li Ang thought that he wouldn't be hungry if he didn't eat at night, but he couldn't help swallowing his saliva seeing Lin Lan eating bread so delicious.

"Huh? Are you hungry?"

Lin Lan suddenly looked at Li Ang, and Li Ang was also taken aback, but the Tsundere in his bones made Li Ang turn his head directly.

"Don't eat."

Lin Lan laughed and stuffed the bread into Li Ang's arms, and Li Ang was completely stunned at this moment.

"Did I say that?"

Li Ang looked at the pure meat sausage in Lin Lan's hand and was completely stunned. Finally, he hugged Lin Lan's bread and meat sausage tightly and ate it bit by bit.

Lin Lan looked at the trajectory of the train and asked in deep thought.

"Did you ever build a train as a kid?"


"Ah, all right.

"What, did you do it when you were a kid?"

Lin Lan patted Own's chest with a smile and said when he heard Li Ang's questioning.

"I! I was the one who stayed in the carriage before. I slept in the bamboo building everywhere. I ended up somewhere. I was taken back by the policeman Uncle."

"Police Uncle?"

There was a little doubt on Li Ang's face, and Lin Lan was stunned for a moment, before he remembered that there were no policemen here, and they were replaced by people with supernatural powers, that's all there were people with supernatural powers who patrolled.

Lin Lan stroked his chin and lowered his head. At this time, Li Ang asked Lin Lan.

"Are we about the same level?"

Seeing Lin Lan ignoring him, Li Ang lowered his head in doubt, but found Lin Lan who was already asleep.

"Damn, this guy fell asleep in just a few seconds, hahaha."

On the second day, Li Ang walked out with a tired body, while Lin Lan was full of energy.

Li Ang, who has been sleeping in an extremely good environment since he was a child, because he slept sitting up this time, this time he suffered from complete insomnia.

After a while, the two came to a bamboo hut, where an old man was sitting in a gazebo.

"Are you here?"

The old man opened his own eyes, and the movement of waving the fan in his hand has not stopped, he stood up slowly and said to Lin Lan.

"Are you the recently famous Lin Lan? Sure enough, the energy emitted in the body is not something that ordinary people can resist."

The old man's words made Li Ang stunned for a moment, and he suddenly looked at Lin Lan beside him, and the old man also looked at Li Ang in front of him and nodded.

"Sure enough, with the combination of being born in a fighting family and adding magic power, it is not unexpected to be close to the super holy spirit."

"What... do you know me?"

"Of course I do, after all, your grandfather was my friend, and our relationship is not bad.

After finishing speaking, everything around fell into darkness, Lin Lan stretched out his own hand and smiled.

"Damn! There are times when you can't see your fingers."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he scratched his own head, and saw several monsters with red light appearing around him, and the monsters were staring at Lin Lan in front of them, and behind Lin Lan was Li Ang

The two stuck together, Lin Lan took out the dagger and threw it into Li Ang's hand.

"Because I saw your weapon being thrown out, I will lend you my weapon."

"Then you use it?"

Seeing the holy sword in Lin Lan's hand, Li Ang was completely stunned, and said with a slightly disdainful sigh.

"Okay, you actually have this kind of thing."

The monster they were facing attacked Lin Lan frantically. The two swung their swords at the same time, and the monster disappeared in an instant.

Lin Lan held the holy sword, and the blade of the holy sword glowed red at this moment.


In an instant, everything in front of him was covered by white light, and Lin Lan rushed out of it.

The monster's body was cut in half, and the dagger in Li Ang's hand exuded a purple shadow at this time.

...asking for flowers...

Li Ang kept slashing forward, Lin Lan fell from the sky, and a sword pierced the body of the monster in front of Li Ang.

"Is this guy really just approaching and not really super-spiritual?"

At this time, the old man applauded Lin Lan appreciatively, and said.

"As expected, you are really so powerful, if that's the case, let my old man meet you.

Lin Lan heard that he retracted the sword, and Li Ang was already holding the long sword and Fu rushed forward without hesitation.

The old man just smiled slightly, and suddenly stretched out his own hand, resisting this attack.

And at this moment, Lin Lan appeared in front of the old man. The old man was already on guard against him, stretched out his own hand lightly, and explained to Lin Lan with a smile.


"My shield is indestructible?"

The old man watched with surprise in his eyes the moment Lin Lan's fist touched the shield, a crack appeared on the shield.

Lin Lan retreated sharply, while Li Ang jumped up, arrived at the position where Lin Lan was just now, and then stabbed forward fiercely.

The shield shattered at this moment, and Lin Lan appeared beside the old man, and the old man was directly thrown out.

Lin Lan landed on the ground, staring at the old man in front, and the hidden man also looked at Lin Lan with admiration.

"As an ally, I admire you very much, but I hope you will not show mercy to those guys in a real battle.

When Lin Lan heard it, there was only a little helplessness on his face, and then Lin Lan was directly blown away by the old man's ability.

Lin Lan kept rolling on the ground, and Li Ang was pressed on the ground at this moment.

Lin Lan stood up, looked at the old man behind him and smiled.

"I also want to understand, in fact, you are just a monster designed by the old man, no wonder.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and finally a vision completely occurred in his body, and he looked at Lin Lan in front of him with a big smile and said.

"Yes! I am a monster, I was imprisoned by that old guy! I will kill you!"

Lin Lan smiled helplessly, only to see the holy sword in Lin Lan's hand slashed out at this moment.

In an instant, cracks appeared in everything in front of him, Chu Ye said lightly.

"Open with.".

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