Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 171 Leave Behind

A week later, Li Ang and Lin Lan stood in front of the Realm that was about to be opened, and Li Ang kept stroking Own's chest to relieve the pressure in his heart.

Lin Lan has a bit of determination on his face, and he is a little puzzled by the way this guy relieves stress.

After a while, the purple crack suddenly opened, and at the same time, the breath from the crack pushed the two of them back again and again.

Lin Lan blocked his hands in front of him, while Li Ang kept rolling on the ground because he lost his balance.

Lin Lan realized that the timing was just right, and rushed forward.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Li Ang asked loudly, Lin Lan smiled a little, then turned his head and said.

"I want to go alone. After all, if you go to that place, you will definitely encounter danger."

"What kind of hero are you? Do you think I will admire you in my heart? No! In my eyes, you are just a bastard who looks down on your teammates!

"Whatever you say."

After speaking, Lin Lan entered the Void Realm, and the purple light shrouded Lin Lan's body.

Lin Lan sensed the abnormal fluctuations of energy around here and could hear the sound of claws constantly grabbing the wall.

Lin Lan looked up, but couldn't see anything. Lin Lan could only use the stones he had prepared before, and slowly walked forward one by one.

Not long after, the purple energy in front of his eyes began to disperse, and Lin Lan watched the giant bugs looking at him excitedly.

"Madan! Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan turned around, only to find that he had already been surrounded, and several bugs still had stones thrown by Lin Lan on their bodies.

"Ah...they are all here, hehe.

Lin Lan smiled and patted his head, but saw the void monsters attacking Lin Lan quickly like crazy.

Lin Lan leaped into the air and looked towards the safe place in the deepest part of the cave in the distance.

Lin Lan covered his body with lightning and exploded in the air. The powerful propulsion pushed Chu Ye towards the safe zone.

After the energy disappeared, Lin Lan fell to the ground in an instant, rolling continuously on the ground.

Lin Lan stood up, only to find that the monster in front of him seemed to be deliberately avoiding where Lin Lan was.

Only then did Lin Lan turn around and look carefully at where he was.

"What is this, slime`〃?"

Lin Lan squatted down, and touched the purple viscous liquid on the ground with his hand. Lin Lan smelled it, and the pungent smell made Meng Ye's brain tingle.

Suddenly, Lin Lan sensed the trembling of the ground, Lin Lan suddenly raised his head, a monster with four eyes, eight arms, and four legs was holding the body of a void creature, looking at Lin Lan in front of him with an evil smile .

Lin Lan's eyes widened. The monster's four arms attacked Lin Lan without hesitation, while the left arm lifted the lifeless void creature high and threw it at Lin Lan without hesitation. go.

Lin Lan dodged this attack with a burst of powerful energy, but the void creature's body suddenly bounced and slammed towards Lin Lan, and Lin Lan was slammed down by the body.

The monster immediately swayed from side to side, as excited as a child playing with a toy.

Only then did Lin Lan realize that the body of the void creature in front of him had no head, only the body remained. Looking carefully at the mouth of the monster in front of him, he was chewing on the stump of the void creature.

"No, you have to get out of here."

Lin Lan turned around, grabbed the ground tightly with both hands, and wanted to leave here.

However, the weight of the body far exceeded Lin Lan's imagination, and own body could no longer move.

Lin Lan began to exert strength with his hands, but he still couldn't leave this place.

At this time, the sound of thumping footsteps made Lin Lan shudder, Lin Lan turned his head suddenly, and a giant hand of the monster was slowly coming towards him, Lin Lan felt intense fear at this moment.

Suddenly, Lin Lan's expression changed instantly, becoming extremely calm and calm, holding the holy sword and slashing forward.

Lin Lan cut off the body in front of him with a sword, and directly distanced himself from the monster in front of him with a somersault.

The instinctive reaction released by Lin Lan when he was trying to survive shocked the monster.

The monster changed its face in seconds, purple lines began to appear on its face, and terrifying spikes had grown out of its eight arms.

The monster attacked Lin Lan quickly and fiercely, and Lin Lan blocked the attack with the holy shield in his hand.

The monster suddenly let out a baby-like cry. Lin Lan thought there was nothing wrong, but knowing that the cracks in the holy shield began to gradually spread, Lin Lan widened his eyes, and saw the shattering of the holy shield, and Lin Lan's arm exploded. got blood.

Lin Lan kept backing away, and finally covered his left hand, with a little despair in his eyes at this moment.

"Why are the monsters here so difficult? If this Realm is distorted, I don't think anyone will survive."

Seeing the blood dripping from Lin Lan's hand onto the ground, the monster became extremely excited.

The monster opened its own mouth, trying to eat Lin Lan into its own hair.

Lin Lan stretched out his left hand again, and the originally solid holy shield turned into an extremely tiny barrier, blocking the monster.

Seeing that Lin Lan was so stubborn, the monster raised his head and cried loudly.

This cry directly made Lin Lan kneel on the ground, almost losing his own consciousness.

Lin Lan gasped heavily, and the monster completely lost the patience to play with Chu Ye at this moment.

The monster pinched Chu Ye's weak body, and his arms began to exert strength, even the veins on his arms were already bursting.

However, Lin Lan suddenly had a smile on his face, and the monster was also taken aback.

In an instant, the monster's arm was cut off directly, and Chu Ye fell to the ground, patting the dust off (Zhao's Zhao) body.

~Aha, originally I tried my best not to get angry, but unfortunately, you want to put me to death.

Lin Lan's smile was distorted, and the monster's smile was also distorted like Lin Lan's, and it quickly threw the library at Lin Lan.

The destructive power emitted by the eight hands hitting the ground cannot be underestimated, but at this moment, the golden light of the monster's hands is slightly emitting.

"Drawing things out of thin air, a holy shield in disguise."

I saw Lin Lan's hand slamming hard, and the monster's arm was directly pierced until the eighth arm was tightly grasped.

The monster kept backing away, trying to take off this painful thing.

The monster's eight arms kept squeezing each other, and finally all the fingers broke off the ground.

The pupils of the monster kept trembling, kneeling on the ground and crying loudly.

Lin Lan covered his own ears [the spirit was greatly oppressed. .

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