Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 174: First Battle

Yinxue was tightly grabbed by Lin Yao's hair, and Yinxue's eyes were already bleeding.

"Let go."

Lin Lan suddenly slashed at Lin Yao with a sword, but Lin Yao waved his hand lightly, interrupting the light and shadow sword.

Lin Lan's own eyes widened, his pupils trembling non-stop.

"It's a bit outrageously strong."

In an instant, Lin Lan was kicked and flew out. Lin Lan kept gliding on the ground, spitting out blood from his mouth.

Lin Yao looked at Lin Lan, let out a disdainful smile, and asked Lin Lan.

"Don't tell me you only have this level? If it's just like this, please die, don't be called a genius."

Lin Yao turned the energy into a sword and pierced Lin Lan's chest.

Lin Lan's body turned into a puddle of black water, Lin Yao frowned slightly, not understanding why Lin Lan turned into black water. "740" Lin Yao suddenly found that Yinxue who was beside him had disappeared at this moment, Lin Yao looked into the distance.

"Sure enough, this guy's ability is really different.

Lin Lan releases healing energy with both hands, and Yinxue's body is being healed.

"Just waiting for you."

Li Qing's sudden appearance made Lin Lan a little dazed, and a powerful fist sent Lin Lan flying hundreds of meters away.

Lin Lan couldn't stop until he hit the big tree behind him.

Lin Lan stood up with great difficulty, and the smell of blood filled Lin Lan's mouth.

Just when Li Qing was about to kill him, Lin Yao directly kicked him away.

"Lin Lan, should we make a relative deal?"


Lin Lan clutched his own body and stood up with difficulty.

"If you can hurt me, I will escort you out of here safely. If you can't hurt me, I will kill you two."

Lin Lan stood up, staring at the front with indifferent eyes, Lin Yao was slightly puzzled, and looked at Lin Lan.

"What are you doing?"

Black lightning flashed in front of Lin Yao's eyes, Lin Yao froze for a moment, his body was scratched with several wounds.

"If our lives are being traded as a commodity, I'd rather not make a trade. w

Suddenly, a force of void pierced Lin Yao's chest, and Lin Lan backed away while clutching his bleeding chest.

However, Lin Lan was not prepared to let it go at all, and still walked forward step by step.

Lin Yao saw the power of the void for the first time, and at the same time he could clearly feel that Own's body was gradually being hollowed out.

Lin Lan raised his left fist high and dropped it violently.

Lin Yao's nasal bone was directly crooked, and Lin Lan's right leg radiated golden light, and he kicked it flying.

Lin Yao stuck the talisman on his body, overdrawing his own life.

"Sure enough, the divine power talisman seems to be being absorbed little by little, and there is something wrong with this guy.

Lin Yao found that Lin Lan's body had the same protective golden light as his own, but Lin Lan didn't notice it.

Lin Yao began to infer Lin Lan's body in his heart.

"This guy is very likely to have the ability to absorb, it is unconscious, and now he has discovered that he has my ability, so I can only kill this guy now."

Lin Yao opened his own legs and exploded with all the remaining energy in his body.

The surrounding mountains and forests were reduced to ashes, and he kept saying in his heart.

"The people here must never know that I am a false god!"

Lin Yao attacked Lin Lan swiftly, but Lin Lan turned slightly to his side and whispered.

"Okay, clear.

Lin Yao was stunned, watching Own's divine power dissipate little by little, his pupils trembling non-stop.

In the end, Lin Yao knelt down in front of Lin Lan, his eyes had lost the vitality they once had.

Lin Lan excreted the divine power that did not belong to his body, looked at Lin Yao in front of him and said calmly.

"If you always use power that does not belong to you, when you can no longer receive its blessings, you will become an eternal loser. Of course, I am not qualified to say such things to others."

Lin Lan picked up Yinxue and left here step by step.

Yinxue suddenly woke up, looking at Lin Lan in front of her in a blur.


"It's okay, it will be back soon."

Lin Lan's gentle tone filled Yinxue's eyes with tears, and she hugged Lin Lan tightly.

"Thank you for coming to save me."

"No, only I can save you, I figured it out, you need me, and I need you."

"you need me?"

When Yinxue heard this, her pupils kept trembling, and she was still thinking about what Lin Lan said just now...

Lin Lan smiled slightly, the red pupils exuded were extraordinarily beautiful, making Yinxue linger.

In the end, Yinxue was sent to the mansion that belonged to her own. Lin Lan gently put her on the bed and turned to leave.

"Can we see you again tomorrow?"

"I think, yes.

Lin Lan turned around and smiled, Yinxue also smiled slightly, watching Lin Lan leave here, Yinxue sighed softly.

By the pool in the middle of the night, a little girl's singing came from it. Lin Lan walked over step by step and sat by the pool.

"You came?"

The little girl looked at Lin Lan with a smile, and Lin Lan stretched out his own hand and said.

"Give me the bell."

The little girl smiled, put the bell into Lin Lan's hand and said with a smile.

"So, we fought side by side, didn't we?"


Lin Lan stood up and walked forward. The little girl stood up and asked Lin Lan who was at the side.

"I still have five years to live, if possible, can you take me to Xuefeng Mountain once?"

"Xuefeng Mountain, of course, I will take you there after I have almost cleaned up the Void Realm."

"Thank you Brother Lin Lan."

The little girl hugged Lin Lan tightly, Lin Lan also smiled slightly, and gently patted the little girl's head.

Lin Lan looked at the tall tower on the side, and then walked in.

"Cultivation Tower, I haven't been here for a long time." 3.6 Lin Lan came to the highest point of the tower, where a fierce tiger was lying on the ground and sound asleep.

Lin Lan walked in, and the sound of footsteps made the tiger open his own eyes.

The tiger rushed over, but kept rubbing against Lin Lan's head. Lin Lan smiled and patted the tiger's head, then stood up.

Lin Lan picked up the rusty ax in front of him and smiled slightly, then left here.

Lin Lan came to the front of the Void Realm again, and Lin Lan could also clearly notice that there were still people around observing here.

Lin Lan ignored it, but stretched out his own hand, and finally entered the Realm.

This time, the woman and Jin Peng stood at the door and watched Lin Lan without speaking.

"Hi there."

Lin Lan held an ax and rushed forward quickly. .

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